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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I took the Bills and gave the points...the Buffalo Bills are coming for your soul.
  2. Everyone has to take away the downfield stuff against Allen the best they can, there's a lot of room for the back to operate underneath in the passing game but Singletary is too slow to really exploit it and they don't seem comfortable with Cook yet. McCaffrey would thrive with all that space to work with.
  3. Bears should have mixed in a running play there somewhere, they had time.
  4. I think a day 2 pick is the range that may work for both teams. Whether the Bills want to keep him or not will be effected by his health, his performance, how it all works out. Let's keep in mind most of us don't know much about how the salary actually works on a practical level. Last year Beane said don't expect much in free agency, everybody parroted "Don't expect much! They have no cap room!" We only appeared to have no cap room but we just moved money around and made it work. Whether or not they want to move money around and make it work for McCaffrey will depend on how it plays out post-trade. Losing a day 2 pick is not going to make or break this franchise. They've used 2nd round picks on Cody Ford and Zay Jones and AJ Epenesa and it didn't stop them from building the best roster in the NFL. I understand trading a draft pick is frightening for you but it will be okay, I promise.
  5. They can cut McCaffrey for free after the season if it's really that serious.
  6. I don't know, just wanted to see what your response would be.
  7. Quinn and Tompsett on Cover1 both said he hasn't looked good this year.
  8. Raiders needed to go for it on 4th and 1 or 2 rather kicking that first field goal. It was worth it to go up 21-0.
  9. Yeah Brandt also did not pick up on it but I think that's what Josh meant, that's why he laughed as he said it.
  10. They may want to figure out a way to keep Singletary. He doesn't really have much value to them being on an expiring contract, he does have value to us to rotate in and as injury insurance.
  11. Man I wish I's was going back out this week, the energy was electric and I have adrenaline thinking about it. They do this thing at the end of the national anthem as the singer says "and the home, of the..." the stadium roars "CHIEFS!" I got such a kick out of that, I looked at the redshirts around me and said Okay KC! and we had a laugh. I did the tomahawk chop along with them, that ***** is great, co-opting that energy for our boys of course like Renegade in Pittsburgh. The banging of the drum before the game is really cool too, they bring out a "legend" to do it. Think noise, intensity, vibrating energy. All game. All game because they do not quit. Reid and Mahomes have conditioned those people to expect comebacks. They can be down multiple scores with 6-7 minutes left and they're still BANG into it, as the Brits say. I love that! And not just on third down. This is part of what our Bills are up against. No matter what, they expect to win. They don't go all sad and gloomy. Some other fanbases might learn a thing or two I might say!
  12. KC fans were awesome when I went there. Coming up to me in bars to welcome me, tell me about places to go, tell me how great Josh is and how they're worried about the game and we're so good. They're nice people who love their football. It's a perfect place to see a football game. Don't let Twitter throw you off.
  13. Punting is this thing some teams do when they don't think they can get a first down, they kick the ball down the field.
  14. Moss needs to go to some other team and not be a third round pick, go in with no expectations and be the underdog again and find his confidence. He's so desperate to make plays that when he got in the open field it just made him antsy. He's pressing. Needs a change of scenery.
  15. This is the kind of game a guy like Von Miller came to Buffalo to play in. The whole football world was blown away by the playoff game last year. I would not be surprised if Von took more snaps in this game than in others. Chiefs week is here.
  16. No use fighting someone who is against the Buffalo Bills getting better.
  17. Actually if you re-read the OP you'll find there is no judgment in it anywhere. Just asking questions, and a few posts later, getting a good answer.
  18. What a hap pening it would be if the trade were to go down.
  19. Made zero difference. I've calculated that Edmunds' WAR is 0.00. Impressively complicated formula you wouldn't understand.
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