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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Just wondering how ESPN can rank Rothlisberger ahead of JP? Granted none of them want to say that the crown they gave him was for nothing or based off of one season with Bettis. But come on, the guy has thrown ZERO TD's and 7 interceptions. He should be way, way, way towards the bottom. Second thought... Bills 21 Lions 10 New England 13 Bills 17 4-3 going into the bye-week. That would be great!!!
  2. Better yet, you shold have asked the follow up question... "how many of them thought Tom Brady would be the superstar that he is now?". I bet, being talking heads, they would have they saw the light with tom. However, they all probably felt the same as they do with JP.
  3. Ok, first off this "stone cold trooth" with trooth being misspelled is dumb. Secondly, you keep saying McGahee isn't championship RB and does not compare to the big boys... yet, he is so far ahead of all but two? Make sense? Didn't think so. Now on to your look and feel of championship team. I don't believe that anyone here has stated that this team IS a championship team. Just that they are much improved and ahead of the game when it comes to rebuilding. Thinking, expecting or even talking about anything more than that is foolish. With that being said, I do believe that they will beat the Lions and then the Pats at home... making them 4-3 going into the bye-week. Not bad for a young rebuilding team.
  4. No excuses for McGahee... you to go by facts. Well then, who cares who his in company with? He is listed now as the number three RB in the LEAGUE. Give him some credit. Name a RB or rather NFL player who doesn't do some smack talking? Your troooth is weak.
  5. As usual a typical "fan" going after productive players on the team. I'll give you the O-line and d-lines need to improve. However, I guess Willis (going in the last game) being number one overall in the NFL isn't good enough. Evans like another poster has stated has been flirting with over 100 yards pretty much every week. JP has shown improvement from last year. What do you expect? Him not to tak any set backs? He should have been played this much lat year... he wasn't, so he (unfortunately) is still in the learning phase. So let's keep the stone cold TRUTH.
  6. They suck, they are horrible,.... yikes. Clements should have been gone before seaso start and IS not worth top 5 money. Giving a WR 10 yards of cushion on a 3rd and 7???? They suck. Not taking anything away from the Bears because they are clearly outplaying the Bills... but what happened to parity in the league? has anyone seen their schedule? Crazy easy.
  7. It's the first time since what 1985 they have something to cheer about.
  8. Grossman's longest was what? 49 yards? You really think the Bears will have no problem with Buffalo. That's comical. Remember Reuben "turnstile" Brown.
  9. I love key words. In regards to the Seattle game. Key words - 'Decent' and 'pathetic'. Everyone knows that ANY team once forced to be one dimensional via injury or opposing team, they are done and geared up for a loss. And we all know that the Seahawk lost a fair amount via FA from their o-line. Of course they are weaker. So the Bears took advantage of a one-dimensional team with a weak o-line. Good teams are supposed to do that, however, that doesn't scream (to me) "unbelieveable team". Rose colored glass would also see that the Bills also beat themselves in the Pats game and the Jets game with turnovers. As experience comes, they get better like any other team. This is not the team we have seen for the past few years. They better as a unit, they are coached better, they are starting to showcase their talents. In regards to JP. 90+ QB rating. 101 last game. Not as many turnovers as before. He hit eight different players last week.... ala Tom Brady. Spreading out the ball. That in itself keeps Defenses on their toes. And of course they are playing Ball Control... what team doesn't? Name a team outside of Indy that wants to be on the short end of the time of possesion stick? That keeps the ball out of Grossmans hands. Now, talking about Grossman... I'm not buying the hype yet. Again, going from almost being bench for griese to the savior in four weeks. To me, that almost screams bad opposing teams pass rush. And you know as well as anyone else, if a D stacks the line consistently to attack the run, the O will go for the pass. tic for tac.
  10. Why they will win.... Bears beat the Packers / Youngest team in the NFL with an aging Favre Bears beat the Lions / Well, the Lions really beat themselves (3 fumbles) Bears baring beat the Vikings / Bills soundly beat the Vikings (best team the bears played) Bears beat seattle when they were one dimensional, no SA.
  11. Ahh, you so have completely bought into the hype as well. Let's see Grossman, going from fans wanting Griese to MVP in about ohhh 4 games. Fact is that the Bears D has been playing great, matching fact is that have only dominated teams that had major issues when they met, then there was the Vikings who they barely beat. Seems to me, they are good... but the best. An easy win for the Bears.... no? Could the Bills beat them by double digits? Sure. Could the Bears stomp them... well, sure. I'm just not buying into their hype after their early schedule.
  12. This week the Bills will prove that the Bears have only played and beat teams that all have one thing in common. They all had some sort of problem. With the exception of the Vikings game, the one the Bears barely won. Bills - 17 Bears - 7
  13. I just don;t see the seattle game or really any of their games as THAT impressive. Granted they are 4-0 but they haven't played a solid team yet.
  14. I have said all along that I am not buying into the Bears yet. With that being said, every "expert" is. IF the Bills can squeak out a win, two things will happen... they will get one extra line on ESPN. And second, they will say the Bears had a down day. Both of which I would happy with. I like the Bills playing with a chip on their shoulder, I like them being overlooked by the lot.
  15. Plus, JP having a 90+ QB rating. And getting better. Have some faith people.
  16. I also do not see nor buy into the Bears hype. Packers Lions Vikes One dimensional seahawks?
  17. Heh? doesn't thrive under pressure? JP was under pressure all last week. And gifts? How about the Bills just outplayed the Vikes. 'nuff said.
  18. Ok. Nice and all. However, Brett Favre we ALL know isn't what he used to be. Also the Packers are a very young team. I believe the youngest in the NFL. The Lions game the Lions fumbled three times and gave up all three. "Let's be honest," Kitna said. "The Bears' defense is a good defense, but, that being said, I thought it was a lot more of us than it was them. ... We caused ourselves problems." Vikings, let's face they barely beat the Vikings. The Bills should have let Vikings get that close. Seahawks - great team. One dimensional in that game with no Alexander. Shaun may not have made up a 31 point differential... however, the Bears would not have been on the field that long either since they would have been running him. tic for tac. The one thing you mentioned that stands out is that Grossman has not been pressured. That has to happen on Sunday.
  19. I think the Bills can stay with them and beat them. Chicago has wins against: Packers - Yippee Lions - Equally Yippee Vikings - who we beat Seahawks - Good win for them. Now 4-0 is nice. But who they have played, to me, doesn't show complete dominance or that they will be a dynasty or anything. Still early and I think the young Bills can compete.
  20. Who cares about Favre, or past players? And really QBs like Favre, Young, etc. come along every now and then. And really to bring up Jim Kelly... saying he won his first 11 games. Again, who cares? He didn't win a super bowl right? No matter, Losman is improving each and every week. If it wasn't for dumass turnovers last week we would have won that game. And really Losman put them in great shape (minus the playcalling after the onside kick) for a comeback. So if we are to talk and pay attention to facts, then let's look again at Losman's improvement. Facts don't lie right?
  21. Not every play... but once and while would be nice... especially from Nate's side of the field.
  22. I guess I am getting tired of blaming everything on a puss rush. After all there is such a thing called coverage sack. Let's face it, QB's do not fear Nate anymore and he's not worth the money.
  23. It will be a three way. Fish will lose. Especially with reports saying that the Texans are going to stress the running game. Eats up that clock.
  24. Think about it. It's the Dallas Cowboys... if he truly did the attempt. They will get him the help and try to suppress it, make it go away. T.O. getting a fine or whatever would just add more to the story.
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