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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I'm just curious about it because Tampa didn't receive to much in return for the trade.
  2. All players according to what was said on Mike and Mike this morning will be available for the G-Tech game in two weeks. That's very sad. Florida Int or who ever they are did the right thing and went far, far beyond what Miami did.
  3. And yes, in age of Satellite TVs, NFL Sunday Ticket, ESPN... we have no idea what other RBs are doing.
  4. I guess I am getting tired of hearing how we as BILLS FANS should marvel and be in aw over some other teams and their players. If you want to do that... go ahead do that. Just don't write about it. Oh yeah, by the way McGahee is number 5 overall for NFL RBs. Maroney 25.
  5. O-line is a major problem as well as playcalling on 3rd downs. Why when it is 3rd and 8, do they call a screen pass that is only 6 yards out?
  6. sounds like some shifting on the line going on.... either that or they are just bringing in another body to rotate in and out.
  7. You have got to be kidding me ... clements a game changer? Maybe for the opposing team... letting them get points and momentum.
  8. Let's hope that they can/will still trade Nate to Tampa for MacFarland. PLEASE GOD!!
  9. Are you kidding me... evaluate Marv after 6 weeks? Gimme a break.
  10. Hopefully we won't run him out of town... not yet at least. Give him protection and see what he can do. One thing I wish I would see from JP though is that QB fire. With that I mean, other QBs if getting blasted during a game will get in their lines face and tell them to flat out get their sh-- together. Best one is Plummer... I have seen so many films on him just bashing a lineman during a game, letting them know they are not getting it done.
  11. I agree... it's sad to complain about the officials. However they missed a TON of holds during the game and the hold in the end zone, would have been a safety. Whitners pick... don't get me started. Plain as day in HD.
  12. In regards to JP. Some people complain about the dumb mistakes, trying to force the ball etc... however, I'm not to sure any other QB in the league would be better when given about a second to get rid of the ball. The boy is getting shell shocked. He need a o-line!!! The worst thing is that the fans have been saying o-line, o-line, o-line for years... instead they have gone everywhere BUT there. O-LINE!!! REPEAT AFTER ME... HELL NO, WE CAN'T THROW, HELL NO, WE CAN'T THROW.
  13. He plays off his receivers by about 12 yards every snap... which of course allows them to do a short 8 yard pass, burn Clements and pick up 20. He just flat out sucks and is NOT worth the money he is getting. A trade like this would be a steal for the bills.
  14. Any truth to the rumor that Clements being shipped to Tampa Bay for Booger MacFarland? Please, can we get rid of this guy!!!
  15. No way will that happen. Mainly because then who are the Raiders stuck with at WR? Porter. And they already have a riff with him as well.
  16. I agree when I hear the talk of "easy teams"... every team is dangerous and a win is a win. And we need two before the Bye week.
  17. It's (hopefully) simple. Bills beat the Lions, then beat the Patsies at home. At the bye: New England 4-2 Buffalo 4-3 Jets 3-4 (Jets lose to Miami and then beat the Lions) Miami 2-5 (Miami beats the Jets and then loses to the Packers) Best thing is that we will have two weeks to get healthy and prepare for the Packers, could be 5-3 going into the Indy game. Which will be a scary one. I would love and am expecting to see that record.
  18. Wow, I guess someone can't see past last week and a couple of games with growing pains... can't give him any credit.
  19. I have to disagree with that statement as well. Give me a break... let's see broken leg, then the flip-flopping from mularkey and now this year he is showing true signs of promise.
  20. No the Bills have to practice NOT doing gimmick plays on third or fourth down.
  21. At this point... JP over Ben R. Not career wise, but this point, this year.
  22. Build a team around... hmmm? Not to sure yet on JP. I believe a lot of last year messed his head up and that the coaching staff has been doing a wonderful job clearing the Mularkey out of it. With that being said, all of the above minus Rothlisberger. He is proving right now that last year was more his play mixed with a lot of Jerome Bettis.
  23. Ok, how many times do I have say it... the rankings list was based off of this season. Geesh Read People Read!!
  24. Not buying it since this was based on THIS season, not everyone's careers. This season. So if that truly is the case, then shouldn't JP be ahead of Rothlisbeger?
  25. Negative (not kidding) on both accounts.
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