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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Now that you have come out on the subject I feel much more confident in McCargo. Thanks Jar Jar.
  2. Go Memphis. Ok, to be honest, I don't really care.
  3. Screw that, he should take Teddy (the prez not the bear).
  4. I would do her in a her in a heartbeat. Seems she has talent, tats and !@#$s for a living. At least she is honest.
  5. No doubt, you gotta wonder if the lion is saying, "Look B word, get me outta here or tomorrow..."
  6. VP for whore? With the US budget to actually keep the money? I can get behind her err that.
  7. Hell, in a stand up fight the USCG could take out the Iranian Navy barring their subs (and could probably take them too). The problem with the scenario is the asymmetrical nature of the combat. All it takes is one speed boat and one supertanker. Of course, I would imagine there would be international repercussions for Iran if they did this. With their backs against the wall though...
  8. So essentially we can discount anyone who is in politics if you follow that line of thinking. Never seen a more degenerate lot when taken as a whole. See, we do agree on a lot of issues.
  9. Open it with an image program (Paint for instance) and then click on File (top left) and select Save As. A new pop up screen will appear. At the bottom of that screen is a drop down text box labeled "Save As Type". Select a new type (JPEG probably, I cant remember) and save it.
  10. Oh a change in names didn't seem to help anyway.
  11. Seems SDS had some computer problems. I wouldn't expect the pinned threads back for a bit and I am guessing they may have lost a years worth of stuff. Perhaps it will come back, perhaps not.
  12. I agree to a certain point. I think the film should have been shown to a select crowd. Say those in educational, security, mental illness and related fields. Those who might have a professional interest in preventing such a crime. I dont agree with those who say everyone should be armed, because I dont think a bunch of amatuers with handguns should be shooting the place up to protect themselves. I hope you arent implying that a bunch of amatuer psychologists (bolded section above) who might themselves be the bullies, will be on the lookout for these deranged individuals. I assume I am misreading that bit as I have always had the utmost respect for you as a poster. While you yourself might have had a reason to try to understand that sick pathetic mans viewpoint I doubt that the majority of the viewers wanted to or even needed to. I further assume you have a genuine interest in individuals like this and want to ensure nothing like this ever happens again. The further grief as small as it might be that was brought to the families of the victims by this abhorrent money grubbing tactic rubs me raw though. The media stepped over the line this time and they know it. This was proved by the fact they yanked it quickly, while of course in the Columbine stuff they waited a year at least. Question is...will they have yanked it quickly enough before it influenced another psycho? My take and no assault on you intended Kelly.
  13. Are you a martial artist? Or do you live in a very quiet neighborhood? I ask out of simple curiousity.
  14. Hmm I have never seen Cold Pizza but that rings true. Stoned people will find anything fascinating.
  15. The people who do these sort of things are lonely and needy. They crave attention and power. For whatever reason, they feel helpless to change their own lives, much less effect society which they all seem to crave. They have had a poor home life/chemical imbalance/picked on/blah blah blah. It's always someone elses fault and they are determined to prove it. I actually pointed this out after Columbine to a few friends of mine and they said I was being ridiculous. The media are catering to our own inner demons. It's akin to the people who feel the need to rubberneck at the site of a car crash. At the same time the media is catering to these poor, deluded sick men. If GTA, violent action films, and gun rights must accept some culpability for the actions of these madmen then so must the media which gives them their immortality and allows them to spread their message. In fact I would say the lion's share of the blame should fall on them. If they were completely ignored it's unlikely they would be so relatively common nowadays. Thats my take anyway.
  16. Bolded emphasis only-That is so untrue. The USPS works wonders for the cost. So there.
  17. One of the better arguments I have heard. The average person is, well somewhat incompetent, and the idea of a totally armed society scares the crap out of me. I dont trust some people to be able to use email. At the same time I don't believe the government should have the right to take away gun rights from people. When the Courts say that the police have no obligation to defend you then you should at the very least be able to defend yourself. Now mind you I am a big advocate for the martial arts but they dont do squat against a 9 mm at a 10 foot range.
  18. That made me bust out laughing. Of course I have had like 6 beers so take it for what it is worth.
  19. If only we ALL could chill then maybe this would work out. History argues against it though as mankind rarely seems to get along.
  20. Bolded for wtf? Oh and I was really just curious as to the stats as at one point I was halfway decent at them and hate when they are misused.
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