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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. The more I read and think about it, it's crazy that the defense admitted that he was present for the crime. To believe that he was there, but didn't participate in any way defies common sense. AH was the star athlete with millions of dollars. Everything I've seen indicates that he was the leader among his group of friends, the "alpha dog" or whatever you want to call it. He gave the instructions, paid for everything, and directed where they went and when. For him to claim that he was just an innocent bystander (who subsequently took everyone back to his house and then smashed his own security tapes and cell phone) is just plan crazy.
  2. The one thing that has me doubting this is the fact that it's not done. Unless Chip is asking for a first or second, the Browns would never let him hang up the phone before agreeing to a deal that would not only get them the QB they want, but also jettison a player they are desperate to move on from. Seriously, if this trade happens, champagne will be flowing at Browns HQ.
  3. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Chip Kelly is just Steve Spurrier with a stronger work ethic. Living in the DC area, people just assume that Spurrier failed because he was lazy, spent too much time on the golf course, etc. In reality, though, it was all about proving that his "system" worked. Spurrier never referred to players by name -- only by position. To him, players were all interchangeable, with the most important thing being their understanding of (and willingness to abide by) what Spurrier wanted to do. Danny Wuerffel is the perfect example of this. I see Kelly in exactly the same way. He's obviously had more success than Spurrier, but I ultimately chalk that up to Kelly (a) having a better team from Day One and (b) being willing to put in the time to succeed. At the end of the day, however, you need really good players to succeed and I assume that Chip Kelly will have to learn that the hard way. All that being said, Shady really should just move on.
  4. Crabtree's not worth even discussing. He wants to be paid like a #1 receiver.
  5. Definitely agree. I'm not sure I "believe in EJ" yet, but I really WANT to. Seems like a really good kid who totally gets it.
  6. I'm not happy with the jean shorts Whaley was wearing during his interview on NFL Network that aired last night. Anyone else catch it? That said, love everything that he said.
  7. Anyone else have a problem with this whole "victim" thing he's got going, essentially accusing the Vikings of betraying him for not being more supportive? Seriously, there's absolutely no recognition on his part that he may actually have done something wrong.
  8. People have been writing columns for the last ten or so offseasons declaring that "Team X" is best positioned to knock off the Pats, and every single one of them has been wrong. At some point, it will happen -- and I very much think that what the Bills have been doing this year gives them as good a chance as anyone -- but generally have a hard time putting much weight in these lame opinion pieces (LaCanfora is particularly bad).
  9. I'm not so sure Clay wouldn't have comparable numbers if he had Peyton Manning throwing him the ball for the past three years.
  10. Or one about how long the Dolphins will take to announce a decision. To me, it's a lock that they make the Bills wait every second possible before announcing a decision. In fact, and assuming they don't match, do they even have to do anything? I realize that it would probably be good form to put out a statement announcing they don't intend to match (and thanking Clay for his time in Miami), but is that technically required?
  11. Wait, what? You're telling me that the 18 year search for a QB (absent a few false glimmers of hope over the years) was for nothing, and all they had to do was to clear out some cap room and "want" to acquire a decent QB????
  12. I think you're technically right, but he phrased the tweet in such absolute and clumsy terms that he still looks foolish. "NFLs transaction wire for Tuesday is out. No Bills transactions listed, which means no Clay offer sheet or Harvin signing."
  13. Someone who knows more should chime in, but I'm guessing that Miami is going to make everyone wait until the very last minute (if not the second) to match/not match.
  14. So Mike Rodak's ONE contribution to the Clay story these past few days (scanning the transaction wire and declaring that he won't be signed today) was 100% wrong.
  15. I think you're being a bit unfair to Goodell. How can you expect him to deal with CTE when there are so many potential uniform violations and excessive end zone celebrations to police? I mean, once he starts to spend time dealing with a potential epidemic, the next thing you know players are going to start running rampant with non-Nike or (gasp!) unlicensed apparel.
  16. I think most people can manage to separate multiple angles of the same story, but I completely agree with your overall point. When I first saw the headline, I thought that he was already having complications from previous head injuries. For him to be a healthy guy (with a ton of promise) who is just looking out for himself in the long term is indeed stunning.
  17. Not sure I've ever seen one team have as bad of an offseason as the one the Niners are having this year.
  18. In addition to not acknowledging that it's about more than 2015, he also doesn't acknowledge that the Bills (I think) have more players under contract for 2015 and fewer spots to fill, or the fact that the Dolphins have pretty much exhausted their additional cap-saving moves (whereas the Bills still have a few to play if they need them). I know that he's more of a rabble-rouser than a pure beat reporter, but he really seems to have an axe to grind with the Bills and is gradually crossing the line into total "bitter fanboy" mode.
  19. So glad you posted that about the "Greater Than" sign. That made me pause too, but I dismissed it as I assumed I just wasn't down with the latest Twitter lingo.
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