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Is Marv Awake?

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Everything posted by Is Marv Awake?

  1. Was Marv the GM of those teams? If you want to bring back Polian? Then I'm all for it. A 80+ year old rookie GM is not the way to build a team. Again I ask. What are Marv's qualifications? Does anyone have one?
  2. I would be happy with just ONE move that made this team better.
  3. I am sure they all would rather have the Rings.
  4. Ah. The even older " the old blah blah blah arguement" post. Prevents you from coming up with anything interesting to say.
  5. Do you have any "facts" that relate to why Marv was qualified and hired as GM? I am going to guess you will have to make those up to. Face it Pro-Marv guys. You have nothing to bring to the party other then jokes.
  6. What was the records of those teams the previous season. Winning teams can stay pat. 5-11 teams need changes. A 5-11 team goes nowhere by signing the third stringers of other teams.
  7. Right. Because my opinion doesn't match yours I must not be a fan You must be Republican. I don't have a coaching back ground. But I'll tell you what I do have. I have as much NFL GM experience as Marv does. From what I see. The only thing Marv has that I don't which got Marv the job was Ralph's phone number. Come on Pro-Marv guys. Bring it on baby. Instead of attacking the posts and the posters. Bring the reasons why Marv should be GM. I have yet to see one other then Ralph's friendship. You know why? There are none. If I'm a fan how can I question what the Bills are doing? Because I am a fan. I Care. I care enough to point out the flaws in this team. When a completly unqualified man is given control of the team. Your damn right I'm going to raise some hell. It was time for this franchise to go forward. You can't go forward when your looking behind to your past. Let the past go.
  8. You can add another '0'. As in '0' difference makers signed during free agency. Couple that with signing a losing coach instead of Mike Sherman? I wish Marv would step down. Really! Give me a reason, besides being Ralph's buddy, why Marv was signed as GM. What are his qualifications? If you want to go by coaching record? Why not sign Don Shula as GM? He has more wins and SB Rings? Come on. Give me some reasons besides this sentimental BS.
  9. Only one that gets the job done. It's what separates the "Greats" from everyone else. It's why five of the six listed will always be part of the greatest coaches of all time discussion. Levy doesn't make the grade.
  10. What is Marv lacking that the others have? Rings. Not just one ring. Multiple rings. Without one Marv doesn't even quailify for the discussion.
  11. Who are the quality players? Have they been announced? I have yet to see one player signed that can be considered better then the player they are replacing. It would be great if a miracle happened and Marv drafted seven rookies who can start. But that just doesn't happen. I think some of you old timers are just punch drunk. The Bills were not an underachieving 5-11. They deserved that record. That record reflects the talent on the team. Bringing in third stringers doesn't help change that.
  12. Denver has two picks (22nd + 29th). The Bills should be on the phone and see if they are willing to trade up (target Mangold + McNeil). If not? Then traget upward and make a strong play for Mario Williams. If they can do so without giving up next years #1 which sure to be another top 10 pick.
  13. You got it right G. From the day the CBA was signed till today the other teams in the division have gotten better. They have brought talent in and have gotten them signed. The Bills have yet to address one need. One Need. A 5-11 team that was lucky to get most of the 5 wins has huge holes it neeeds to fill and the Bills have not addressed one. They are out there signing other teams third stringers. This team needs players who can start. When you are 11-5 you can take chancers and tweak your depth. Depth means nothing if you don't have starters.
  14. Is doesn't matter who the QB is when you don't have and offensive line. Unless Marv wakes up and finds some actual STARTERS for the O-line it won't matter if you had JP or Joe Montana back there. Right now the Bills don't have one bonifide NFL starting offensive lineman on the roster. Teams are going to stack 8 men in the box to stop the run and JP or who ever is going to spend time running for their lives. It appears the speed of free agency was too much for Marv. While quality linemen were being signed by other teams Marv was sleeping at the wheel. All that is left now are the dregs and the Bills will be hard pressed to find five guys to start on the line.
  15. He played 11 games with 16 tackles ? Wow what a pickup this guy would be. It's so sad how you guys are so willing to hang onto anything no matter how insignificant it is. Here is a novel idea. Lets go after a player who may actualy help the Bills. The Jets seem willing to part with John Abraham? Why not make a play? All this garbage picking the Bills are doing is nuts.
  16. Isn't inkman's avatar of a U of Miami player also?
  17. I for one really don't care about Marv's coaching record. It was 10 years ago and means nothing to the 2006 Buffalo Bills. What I am concerned about is that the Bills didn't even look for a real GM. It was Marv all the way. Looking over all the pro-Levy and anti-Levy posts I have yet to see anyone come up with any of Marv's qualifications as a GM. The question is simple. What qualifies Marv to be the Bills GM other then being Ralph's buddy? Let me save you some time and post some of your responses. "You hate old people" "Marv's the greatest coach in Bills History" "You don't know what your talking about, what makes you a football god" "If you don't like Marv then you don't love the Bills". If any one can come up with a actual response to why Marv shoudl be the GM I would be willing to listen.
  18. You are right. Marv is here and we are not. Why? Because he's Ralphs friend. Not any football related reason. Good thing Ralph's hairdresser didn;t have his ear. As far TD? You just showed you have no idea what your talking about. Tom D came to the Bills in a time where they were 20 million over the cap, the two best players were UFA's and they had two crap QB's making over 10 million. But I guess you forgot all that. What else did he do? He turned Peerless Price (who played himself out of the NFL) who was an UFA into a first round pick which they used for Willis. Sighed Spikes, Adams and Mallory. All of which made Bills fans wet themselves. Brought in Bledsoe when they had nothing at QB at the time. Drafted Evans, McGee and Schobel (46 sacks in 80 games). I suggest many of you spend sometme and look over the history.
  19. I assume your talking about the CFL connection? Marv was always an administrator. Not a pro talent guy. Hiring "football guys" not "football players" was Marv's strength. He'll even admit to not being much of a coach. He has always prided himself on putting the coaches in place so he didn't have to coach. But we are talking a different animal here. GM is not a head coach. He is now, because of his friendship with Ralph no other reason, GM of a 5-11 team. He has released a lot of players and has yet to bring in one player that could have started last year for the Bills. You can't have depth unless you have starters. On the lines for the Bills they have only one.
  20. The topic isn't "head coach". It's GM. When Marv had his success he had Big Bill Polian feeding him a roster of Hall Of Famers. Marv had never been in a NFL position to acquire talent. If you want to reach back to retrieve the glory days then go get Bill Polian. Do that then you got something. Bringing in Marv is just an appeasement to the Bills fans who tend to hang on to the past and concentrate on things that don't matter (like how a coach talks or where a QB lives) then reality.
  21. I hear what you're saying. But you or I could just "make moves". Which seems to be what Levy is doing. I havn't seen Levy sign a player yet that could start for last years 5-11 team. How does this make the team better? If this is the Bills Free Agency plan? I am afraid to see what the Draft Day plan is.
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