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Is Marv Awake?

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Everything posted by Is Marv Awake?

  1. Moulds doesn't want to be here. Get use to it. It's going to be a common theme with the vertern palyers on this team. Moulds want to have a chance to win. I have no doubt he plans to take less money and go to a team like the Pats or Eagles. And don't count the Dolphins out. Chambers and Moulds would give the Fins the best wide out corp in the NFL.
  2. From all the previous 'pollyanna' posts your post is the most interesting. Lets break it down. Tripplett? Didn't he get benched? He's half the size and half the player Adams is. Adams was space eater. He took up blockers. Tripplett is an undersized pass rushing wanna be. Royal? 18 catches 131 yards. And that's when he's healthy. Wells? Started only nine games for a team that could only average 3.2 yards a carry? Don't any of you look this stuff up? The miracle I want is for the owner of this team not to hire his friends and hire qualified employees. This team needs three new starters on the defensive line and need to release evey offensive lineman on the roster. This team wasn't close. They are not better then the 5-11 record they had. They were probably worse. Adding other teams garbage isn't going to make this team better.
  3. Free Agency was his chance. And apparently he can't get up from his mid-afternoon nap to participate. Maybe after 'Matlock' is over.
  4. Does it upset you that not everyone loves Marv Levy? While other teams around the Bills are getting better the Bills are doing nothing. The Pats and Dolphins are leaving the Bills in the dust. Even the Jets are at least doing something. The Bills have released a bunch of players but have yet to bring in ONE that is better then what left. The proof is out there. But I guess it's easier to live with blinders on.
  5. Holding on to 10 years ago is the mistake Ralph made in bringing Marv back. Why don't you look this up? What was the date of the Cardinals last playoff game and what was the date of the Bills last? You might be surprised. Is Marv in the 'Hall' as a GM or a coach? Jim Kelly is in the Hall. Make him GM. He has as much expierence at it as Marv has and would probably do a better job.
  6. Spikes takes a good look around him and decides he needs to get out of town like he did in Cincy?
  7. I think it has to do with the fact the Bills are signing players nobody cares about.
  8. Maybe you should look in the mirror before taking shots at the Cardinals. Compare the two teams recent history. At least the Cardinals signed a player, James, that has talent. Not a bunch of scubs that couldn't start for their old teams.
  9. What Marv does (or dosen't) do as a GM should count towards his legacy. The early signs are that Marv is way over head in this. He has yet to sign one player that makes this team better then they were last season. Then again, if you were a Free Agent why would you come pay for the Levy led Bills? The only players signed are those just happy to have a job. This team was said to have Cap room. Then the Cap was increased. It appears that Marv is either unwilling (more likely unable) to do anything with it. The saddest thing? Is that in a year and half or two years when Levy gets fired or forced to step down? We will then have a 93 year old clueless owner out there trying to hire another GM. I hope Golisano plans on buying the Bills. Looking at what he has done with the Sabres? I think he can save this once proud franchise and save it from this downward spiral.
  10. My aunt Edna is still warm. Maybe Marv should sign her. This is just amother move to show what a joke Levy is as a GM. 2-14 here we come.
  11. You forgot one very important move. Go out and get an actual NFL GM.
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