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Everything posted by UnionAMG

  1. THANK YOU... I probably should have been able to piece that together, but i just couldn't see the Charisma + Poise = CHROISE
  2. I did a search on the TSW for posts containing CHROISE... and it appears that the earliest posts on record are after the Crash of 2008, and that the original threads containing the meaning have been lost forever. Personally, I don't know what you guys are talking about, so I'd like to know what it actually means. BUT I also think it is important for us to get it back on the record as an official term. Otherwise how will our ancestors know the true meaning of the term. They will be forced to look at pictures of Gibran Hamdan and interpret them like the cave drawings of prehistoric times. THIS PHRASE NEEDS TO LIVE ON FOR MY KIDS, AND THEIR KIDS, TO ENJOY!
  3. that sh-- gave me chills... I just hope he has some skills to go with his great attitude and leadership potential!
  4. Very nice atmosphere there... out in the country. Definitely feels like an escape from the pressures of everyday life in those foothills. It's a fun, hilly course if I remember correctly.
  5. Played Diamondhawk this past weekend and was really unimpressed. They bill it as a premium course, but it certainly didn't feel to me that I was playing at one. Weekends are $60 to ride (before noon) and I didn't think I got my money's worth. Maybe the course needs a few more years to grow into the image its trying to present. They are trying to grow some long fescue in areas, so that will give it a little nicer look. But I'd much rather play The Links at Ivy Ridge (Akron) or Arrowhead (Clarence Center) for that price.
  6. I couldn't agree more... these headlines are all so punishing!!!
  7. The night the Bills win the Superbowl... the skyway is coming down. It's gonna be an all-out riot the likes of which no one has ever seen. I'll bring my sledgehammer, let's take that eyesore down!
  8. I think that is the most likely scenario. Putting both McKelvin and McGee back there prevents teams from kicking away from McGee. I hated it last year when a team would kick a blooper to the 20 and A-Train (or whoever) had to field the ball. Having the all Irish KR unit would give us two weapons back there.
  9. I liked when quitting time came and they were all excited for Jalepeno Poppers... other than that there was only a few mildly funny parts in this one
  10. So true... I've heard this theory brought up by a number of my past basketball coaches. If you think about the makeup of your typical Power Forward in the NBA, that's the perfect body type for an NFL Tight End. 6'-7", 225-250 lbs, but still quick and agile. The reason there are so few really good NFL TE's is because they grow up playing basketball and they are more valuable (with less toll on their body) in that game than in football.
  11. Mine is Crown as well Can't tell you why Crown has become so big lately... but I know that once I started drinking it more, it quickly grew on me. Started with Crown Manhattans and now I just drink Crown on the rocks.
  12. I do have a hard time getting upset at players (and in this discussion agents) when the talk of holdouts comes up... the organizations have the right to cut a guy at any time and not pay the rest of his salary. Unfortunately this is a part of the game today and its just something we have to deal with. So I can't hate on Rosenhaus for just playing the game (and playing it well) when the teams would surely play their hand when necessary.
  13. That's a lot of singers... if they could all harmonize, it would sound great! 50k take the high part, 50k take the low part.
  14. That was the first thing I did during the first commercial break of South Park last night... googled "what what in the butt"... that video is hilarious! I thought last night's SP episode was much better than the last few. I'M NOT YOUR FRIEND, GUY! I'M NOT YOUR GUY, BUDDY!! I'M NOT YOUR BUDDY, FRIEND!!!
  15. This did happen in San Diego... and a bar that Junior Seau hangs out at. I'd say $8 for a beer is about right.
  16. THAT IS AWESOME!!! I only wish that it was me that saw him and was quick enough to think of it
  17. Don't know that I could ever vote for somebody that I've seen hanging out at Slick Willie's Sports Bar in Tonawanda... not to mention voting for someone that I've heard from numerous sources likes the nose candy. But then again, this wouldn't be the first politician with a shady side!
  18. Damn... apparently I'm killing everybody's mojo today. I was just trying to save Nucci from freaking out like I did. I'm done trying to save the world, from now on I'll just watch the Lemmings jump off the cliff one by one.
  19. The Stroud Tampering thread was not real! Read the actual thread and you'll see it was a joke.
  20. I'm sorry... I was just very frustrated. In the first 5 minutes on the board I saw a post about JP being traded for some OLineman that I never heard of and one about the Bills losing draft picks for tampering with Stroud. I'm not a morning person, so I got a little heated and didn't want to see 50 new threads today with "breaking news" that I had to investigate to see if it was true or not. I've gotten my morning coffee and have settled down now!
  21. At least this one was well written and appeared to be an actual article. I had to go to the Peter King article and read it to make sure that there was no mention of the Bills/Stroud. Ya got me!
  22. Can we all just acknowledge that today is April Fools and its funny to write a fake thread about something going on with the Bills. GOOD ONE! That will save everybody a lot of effort reading/responding/researching threads to see if they are real or not. Otherwise, it will just be pointless to be perusing these boards today. If its just me that is being a Debbie Downer, I'm sorry, but I'm already annoyed by this.
  23. The problem is they have to have some sort of waiting line to make the viewing experience tolerable for those connected. I'm pretty sure if it was anybody who wanted to connect got in, then the server loads would completely wreak havoc on the streaming video. Cut them some slack, afterall they are giving it to you for free on the internet, something ESPN, MLB Season Pass, etc. refuse to do. I watched most of the games last year on CBS.com while I was at work and it was great. Even if I had to wait in line, it usually didn't take forever. It's much better than the alternative... refreshing ESPN.com scores every 30 seconds!
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