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Everything posted by UnionAMG

  1. This will be the 4th year in a row that we play the Pats after their bye week. I think Belichek having a full 2 weeks to game plan against us is a big reason for our poor record against them the last 4 years. I don't really think there is some grand conspiracy or anything like that. But it is a little ridiculous that this keeps happening. The odds of that happening in a completely random situation are (2/16)^4 = 1/4096 = .02 %. Come on NFL schedule makers... thanks for the MNF game, but mix up the Pats post bye week opponent for once. http://www.nfl.com/teams/schedule/NE
  2. Its just the first 20 seconds or so of the stream is a STAR advertisement I think. I just waited for that to end and I'm getting WGR now. Try this one if your link still isnt working http://www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/mobil...;city=&sr=Y
  3. Me too... I don't really know how to feel. I don't hate it, but I dont like it... I guess only time will tell
  4. Damn... you beat me to it by 3 min... sorry for the repost in "Tom Brade = W. McGahee"
  5. Tom needs to stop being so irresponsible... all these illegitimate children clearly show he is a poor character guy. If the Pats were smart they would trade him before he brings down the rest of the team http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr...gnant_by_brady/
  6. For those in the Buffalo area that aren't going to the game and are desperate to watch the game... you might be able to watch it online... check out this website. http://streamednfl.blogspot.com/ I haven't tried it out, but it's worth a shot.
  7. Haha... always a hilarious argument when someone is getting put in their place. "Yeah, well, uhhh... I make more money then you do!!!" That's like saying "gimme my ball I'm going home." First off you have no idea how much anybody makes on this board. Secondly, money does not exclude someone from being a loser. I can think of a ton of people who are rich as hell and are losers. Not saying you were wrong in your original points, but don't bring that stupid argument up on an internet message board. Almost as bad as, "well if you weren't behind your computer I'd kick your a$$ right now!"
  8. http://www.buffalobills.com/JumboTronMoments.jsp Here's a video of some pretty cool moments to vote on
  9. From BuffaloBills.com... In 2007, the Bills will install a new Mitsubishi high definition LED video display measuring 33.5 feet by 82.8 feet. This installation will be only the second true high definition display in the NFL, largely as a result of the integral HD Processor used to produce the necessary lines of resolution (1080), to accurately depict an HD image. The current JumboTron was installed in 1994 and this week Bills fans will be able to vote on their top JumboTron moment.
  10. wow... i was at the game so i didn't really see this play... was it really a good hit, or is this just a little exagerration bc its our QB on zack thomas? Anybody have a video of this? Please put it on youtube!!!
  11. Sorry... checked the first page and didn't see anything about it... sorry for the repeat post.
  12. A funny video of an outtake from a television show... he really freaks out the guy sitting next to him! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1731005
  13. The only thing I miss about the NFL Network was having NFL Network On Demand. Every week they would have 10 minute recaps of each game. They would have highlights (and a lot of them, not just the scoring plays but showing key 3rd down plays and everything) and the audio would be one of the teams radio broadcasters. Being a season ticket holder, it was great to get home from a game and then catch up on what actually happened again. ESPN and those highlight shows just don't give 1% of the attention to detail as those On Demand Recaps did!
  14. Thanks for posting that article. I had the pleasure of tailgating with Ron last year at the Bills game in New England. Thinking back at how many Bills fans have had their lips on that bowling ball made me a little worried, but he actually swabbed it with rubbing alcohol after each shot. Partying with Pinto Ron, whether at the Ralph or at a road game, is something that every Bills fan should experience!
  15. That sucks... I woke up excited to watch it today. Any ideas when it will be on again?
  16. Haha... I was mad when I found out Rivers was going on too. I don't know if they generally cancel eachother out or maybe it goes to whoever gives the better interview (hopefully that's it bc Rome seemed to like JPL's interview). Who knows... Karma's an unpredictable thing! (KARMA)
  17. There's good karma and bad karma... when someone goes on the show and gives an interview they have good karma and, more times than not, they play really well the next game. Bad karma is what you described. Let's just hope Losman doesn't have to cancel for some reason!
  18. JUNGLE KARMA BABY!!! There is nothing more powerful than Jungle Karma! JP going on the Jungle tomorrow is great news "RUN MCCAULEYYYYYY!!! THEY'RE INSIDE THE PERIMETER!!!!"
  19. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's illegal in the NFL. I seem to remember when the subject of Bush pushing Leinart came up last year, that I heard on one of those shows on ESPN (PTI or Around the Horn) say in college it is a penalty but in the NFL it's allowed.
  20. I know what tar and feathering is... I just didn't get the point of the thread. I figured with Tar and Feathering making a post about going to JPL house that people were calling for the qb to be tarred and feathered, but what I didn't get is the significance of the ten JDG names. Maybe its an inside joke with a couple posters on here, i was just saying it was lost on me
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