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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. the NFC playoff teams this year are the weakest bunch i have ever seen.
  2. when Taylor blows his knee up in week 2 next year or gets a hamstring injury and is out for 6-8 weeks or a high ankle sprain that reoccurs over the year for 2 week at a time, then its not so good a deal. Sad thing about Taylor is that he is known for his often-injuredness more than his great talent. He obviously is not durable and that is the first thing you need a franchise RB to be. Not a good deal imo.
  3. Houston over Buffalo: Why? Because the Run and Shoot is unstoppable in Rich Stadium in January, and if Jerry Glanville is known for one thing, its tactical prowess in the playoffs. Buffalo starts some backup QB and is dead in the water. Houston 35 Bills 3.
  4. there is no way ellison can play MLB. he is way too small and not physical enough. he is a pursuit, speed LB and good for that but not MLB. we need a physical large presence who still has enough burst to cover.
  5. I totally understand the whole Brees in NO argument and any other year he would have won (and yes, i understand the definition of MVP)..... But how can you not vote for LT? seriously?
  6. What part of "expected" to retire means "done deal"?
  7. I would think that if any coach has instant cred in the NFL coaches/GM circle in terms of QB opinion it would be Charlie Weis. Between Quinn and Brady, its hard to argue with that kind of success in terms of QB development.
  8. I think this is a likely scenario, considering Marv is at the helm. This also gives us the luxury of extending Willis if something changes next season. we won't then have committed to a 1st or 2nd round RB too early...
  9. Fletcher- You just can't invest beaucoup dollars in a 32 year old player, no matter how good he still is, because he's always going to hit the wall at some point, and sooner than later. If the price is right, and the deal is not too long and is cap friendly, then I would love to see him back, but not to break the bank. That's just sound strategy and realism imo. Duke Preston- Why would you cut a player who has at least performed serviceably as a starter when he could provide experienced depth? Just because he's not a top-notch starting guard does not mean he isn't valuable to the team. Kevin Everett- As someone said, it doesn't hurt us to bring him back to camp. He's easily expandable before next season if something else pans out. He was supposed to be a pass catching TE out of the U, though. Another camp won't hurt things. Ryan Denney- Ah, I see, you were referring to Kelsay. He is likely gone, as I like him but would not pay him the dollars he's going to command in this watered down/inflated FA salary cap era. Hargrove seems capable of taking Kelsay's spot and teaming with Denney. I would not be adverse to another body here that can rush the passer, but that is perhaps a luxury.... But we do need a little more consistent pass rush.... Tim Anderson- Absolutely no one will disagree with this. Andre Davis- Another "WTF"? He was awesome on ST. We'll see how crowded the WR depth gets after this draft and free agency. He could be a casualty only because of roster spots, but I would not want to get rid of him. George Wilson- Who cares?
  10. Yes, I would not be upset about this pick at all if Fletcher is gone like it looks like
  11. idiocy is at an all-time high, much like mike tyson and miss americas
  12. Thank God for the Internet, the last bastion of true, balls-to-the-wall, throwing sh** in the fan blissful ignorance....
  13. Look at it this way: this team was in the playoff hunt at the end of the season. Would you have rather sacrificed even a little possibility of being in the hunt to play all of our rookies just because we want to see them play? (Note that he did get action in the Jets game due to injury). you don't just play "rookies" when you are trying to win ballgames if they do not give you the best shot to win them (yes, we did play a lot of rookies this year and were still in the hunt, but that was out of necessity not luxury). We were 2-5 and could have easily bailed out completely on the season but we didn't and the team is all the better for it (I'm not saying that playing youboty would have been 'bailing' out on the season, but obviously the coaches thought that the depth ahead of him were more ready to play at the moment) This coupled with all the other off-the-field things mentioned above gives a pretty reasonable and honest picture. The jury is not out yet on Youboty because his case hasn't even gone to trial yet....
  14. I'd take any of the players listed in the poll except Cato June.
  15. Can't you see ol' Greggo staring at himself in the mirror at night practicing his "edge" face and making himself run laps around the house if he doesn't scrunch it just right?
  16. Yes, but I would have no problem with building a team around Stephen Jackson. The guy is money.
  17. LOL, you're kidding me right? Out of all the plays to be upset about, how could you pick these two?
  18. Funny how "troll" these days is the equivalent of "is entertaining with an absurd sense of humor and is obviously not serious so why do people get so sensitive about it?"....
  19. I'm talking about the media machine's opinion of Vick which is usually a job somewhere between hand and blow. They jerk Vick off on a regular basis no matter how inconsistent and subpar his play is in a way that really is astounding, thus "most overrated player ever" imo. Obviously, this is hyperbole in the sense that there is no way to quantify "most" but I think you get my point in that he seems like the "most overrated player" to my eyes, as I am using the term "overrated" in terms of the media's esteem vs. his actual performance as I see it. But thank you for your slightly condescending post
  20. or Doug Flutie Hard to tell him not to try to "make a big play" with his feet, although Flutie seems to have been by all accounts properly schooled in the basic fundamentals of pocket passing as well as being swift and jittery of foot. But then again, Flutie was never a "pocket passer" so go figure. Personally, I find it hard to believe that the Falcons have not been trying for years to "school" Vick in the fundamentals of being a QB. He is either so set in his ways or just doesn't want to absorb it or is too arrogant to really listen and probably all three. yes, you can make legitimate argument about the supporting cast, quality of coaching, and the incongruity of the WCO with Vick, but still... Of course, Vick made his name by running around everywhere at VT. I'm sure they told him to take off at every turn. What college coach gives a crap about turning a Vick into a "pocket passer" when he can singlehandedly kick everyone's a*s with his legs?
  21. I got one word for Marino: ISOTONER
  22. WAH WAH WAH! Cry like a little girl! What, is the internet to rough and tumble for you Princess Brite?
  23. When will people realize that Vick is just not a good QB and is the most overrated player ever to play the position? It's not that hard to see. The man is a superior athlete but a s*it QB. Simple.
  24. Dick Juaron knows what's up. Thank God we have a real coach finally. There is something to be said for the "calm and steadying hand" at the general position..... One that obviously is the boss but gives his coordinators enough free reign to be creative and make their impact felt. Bravo!
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