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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. Brady probably saw the way that the cowboys from Brokeback Mountain had to live their lives and decided that he couldn't do that to Tedy Bruschi.
  2. Great environment for anything in my opinion. I often stop in and give Dan the bartender a hard time about the Yankees or Giants. Been going there for almost 15 years now. My mom is great friends with the Carney's themselves and they love me to death. Great place.
  3. It doesn't. I would say that the liberal answer to that question would be that by raising taxes you get the lower classes involved with the economy instead of letting funding trickle from top to bottom. What they don't realize is that the only kind of funding that they can get to a lot of lower class people is through transfer in kind programs which in no way spark any kind of lower class involvment in the economy. So what is the answer? If the government gives flat out cash to poverty stricken people, chances are they are not going to do the proper things with it, but if they do nothing but give them transfer in kind funding, they cannot get actively involved in the economy. Bottom Line: Raising taxes to "help the economy" is a thing that had its day in the sun long ago. Yes government jobs are important as to keep the private sector in line, but for the most part when a politician says raise taxes to "help the economy", it is a calling to all people of lower classes to get out to the voting booth because they will get them more money. Plain and simple.
  4. The Devil Wears Partriot Gear - by Bob Kraft My Wife and Me - Nick Harper My Source Within - SOPRANO Cheating isn't right - Frank Wycheck, edited by Kevin Dyson Our Buddy, Tom - SportsCenter Crew
  5. I'm sorry, I did not see this posted since I was away for a short while, and it trickled onto the second page. My apologies for beinging it back. Your response is rather laughable and shows you ignorance for history. By saying that some tiny percent of Muslims are in fact suicide bombers is in fact correct, but no one is able to predict how much that percentage would increase if Iran was invaded. There is a strong movement of nationalism in Iran as of right now, everyone is feeling good about their push for nuclear capabilities, and any disruption could trigger something extremely catastrophic. The people of the Middle East do in fact remind me a lot of the Vietnamese in some ways. I say this because many of them seem like simple people with certain aspects in life that they follow very strictly. But just like Vietnam, as soon as an outsider enters their borders, they will do anything to get them out. There weren't that many suicide bombers in Iraq before the war broke out, and now there is an increased number of people willing to kill themselves in the name of Allah. What do you attribute this increase in numbers to? Al Qaeda? Well if you are going to go with that, as i have a feeing you will, i feel that it is my obligation in this debate to point out that people are more suceptable to follow extremists when in a time of desperation and feel as though they are under threat. I am almost sure that you could expect the same to occur in Iran if someone were to invade and interfere with this extremely high time of nationalism that they are currently going through.
  6. My guess is that the first free agent that the Bills will sign, will more than likely be someone that no one has ever heard of before. In unison we will all exhibit our disgust with the pick up in a particular thread, ask why we haven't signed anybody with a big name, and then after about 30 minutes we will calm down and get our hopes up and give ourselves false hope that the individual was a great pick up. By seasons end, we will be calling for his release and cutting Marv slack, because he will have had a great draft because he will draft rookies that come in and make an impact. Just how i'm calling it.
  7. You listen to him Cadet, he is our lord and savior. He would know, after all he would have created aliens as well.
  8. So basically you are saying that we need a player that the Bills have not had in probably ten years?
  9. Was there any implication that i was saying dump him? I didn't think so, that is for another thread. I was just disagreeing with TBD's idea because it is a trend that i have fallen into in the past week or so.
  10. I know Jerome Bettis, and Willis McGahee is no Jerome Bettis.
  11. People like this need to be taken into a back yard, preferably near a shed, and beaten unmercifly with a blunt object that won't kill them, but still administers much pain.
  12. No more of a perfect set up and brainwashing that occurs with any other organized group, right?
  13. Let's focus on what is in bold first. I think it is a rather large factor since many look at his age in terms of, "man we could draft him, he's only nineteen, so he has to get better as he gets older. His body probably isn't done maturing and just imagine the force we would have in the middle at that point". Lot's of people are talking about drafting him with a first round pick because he would be a good "project" at the age of nineteen. Let me tell you, if you were to be drafting a 21 year old or a 23 year old with your first round pick so that he could be a "project", that would be a major issue. The only reason this kid has been brought up so much in after season, pre-draft talk, is because of his age. "A nineteen year old, I can't believe it". We have all heard it. So who is to say that that is not the only reason he is the center of any discussion.
  14. He is still a liberal, and he wants to see a liberal in office. It really helps to get someone in office when they have something to fight for. What that means is that all though Mr. Gore may not be running for "POTUS" (A term which should never be used again) but he will still do and say anything to get a liberal into office over a conservative.
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