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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. Agree completely. I think they get so intertwined with their own thoughts and predictions that they forget what the reality of the situation is.
  2. Just trying to do my part, you know? I thought it was a nice offer.
  3. I'll take one for the team and sleep with his wife when he comes out of the closet.
  4. I thought the same thing. Have you heard him speak? I think he's in the closet, just doesn't know it yet.
  5. Ahh, but your Ph.D. obviously didn't teach you how to monitor or understand sarcasm. I have seen the preview, and please do not wave your Ph.D. in front of ones face like it is some kind of entitlement. Get the sarcasm? GOOD!
  6. Good to see that college did wonders for your spelling. "Sparttaugh"?
  7. Wow, that is pretty much me. Mood: Sofisticat Fun: Thriller Habits: High Time Roller Love: Nice N Cheesy That's interesting because a lot of times when people are given words to describe themselves, they select the descriptions and attributes that society says they should have, and not the truth.
  8. You want to know what is really sad though? Their vote counts as much as yours. Have a nice day.
  9. I heard that he was heading to Tampa to run behind Mike Williams.
  10. Rumor has it, he manned up with MS-13, and stayed alive that way.
  11. Three Words: Back Loaded Contract
  12. Could you or someone please explain what the Bills mean by Cash to Cap? Because i don't think any of you know what you are talking about or even what cash to cap means.
  13. What is this infatuation with Antonio Pittman, the guy is a mediocre back on a team that had a good college qb and passing game. He's not going to translate.
  14. Best Bills Player: Sammy Morris, Antoine Winfield, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, and a couple more that aren't coming to mind. Best NFL Player not on Bills: Ron Dayne. There is a story here. The Giants hold training camp in Albany where I live very close to. I went there when Ron Dayne was a rookie to get autographs. There was an !@#$ rent a cop who was not letting anybody near the players as they came out of the locker room. Ron Dayne came out and I walked down the barrier a little bit to get away from the rent a cop. The rent a cop followed me down the barrier and told me to get back to the autograph zone. Ron Dayne was walking into the parking lot and saw me having trouble with the cop and signaled to me to head down further. I headed down further, five minutes later he came out in his new Mercedes Benz, pulled over on the access road and asked me what I wanted signed. The cop started coming over and he told me to get in his car with him. I got a card a helmet and a football signed without issue. When he handed my Sharpie marker back, we both realized that it had exploded in his car all over his upholstry in his car. I got scared and he just looked down at me and was said "I wouldn't worry about it little man". He shook my hand and I got out, he pulled away but before leaving started talking yelling at the rent a cop about how i was just a kid. Great Guy.
  15. This man love is far too graphic for me. Enter a warning in the title stating that there is sexually explicit material in this thread.
  16. Because Willis McGahee had more success running on third and short.
  17. Just thinking about the four first day picks makes me horny.
  18. I have been extremely good since free agency started. I have good Karma saved up.
  19. I thought Edwards showed promise as a young back, but i have to admit, i felt relieved when he got hurt. Almost as relieved as if Laurence Maroney were to get hurt.
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