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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. I think some people are missing the point. No one is saying bring him back expecting him to be the premier reciver on this football team. But I think personally that Eric Moulds could fill the void in the red zone that most of you have bitched about in the previous months. He is a six foot plus reciever, with great hands and he has the ability to still run short possession routes. Yes he should experience some shame before coming back to the team. Mularkey obviously did a number on him, but lets not forget Mularkey ain't the Sheriff in town anymore. We have a new regime. It might be worth our while to look into it.
  2. I disagree. I think we draft Lynch because Marv loves to get guys from places that he used to coach. Marshwn Lynch is from Cal, Marv used to coach at Cal. Case Closed.
  3. No i do agree with you. He shouldn't be let on the team just because he says i want to come back. If they were to let him back on the team, they should make it clear that they are not taking sh-- from him and he has to make right with JP Losman, as well as the city of Buffalo. My Term Paper = The items my dog left outside this morning.
  4. Okay, i tried pulling something out of my ass but i just can't do it. I've been up all night writing a term paper. You win.
  5. I really thought the one announcer was going to jump out of the booth and blow Crosby right at center ice before the face off.
  6. But often times doesn't know his position as to where he should be on the field.
  7. I think he had HAVE a qb last year, or an offensive line, or a running game.
  8. I can already tell you will contribute a lot of intellect to this board.
  9. I understand the leadership thing you are talking about, in fact i was saying the exact same thing last night to a buddy of mine. But i think if Losman is cool with it, they should let it ride. He would be a decent pick up and that is one less thing we would have to worry about in the draft.
  10. Moulds stated after one of the games that he thought his achilles was going to rupture, but Tyke Tolbert told him to stop being a kitty and get back out on the field. That is not how you treat a guy like Eric Moulds, who with the exception of last year, helped every WR on this team develop into the players they are today. On the occasion when Moulds really broke his discontent with the Bills to the media, was he was saying that he didn't want to run down the field every play without any opportunities, and that the Bills needed to tell Losman to trust his receivers and let them do the work.
  11. We have certainly kept Coy Wire around long enough based on the fact that he wanted to be here.
  12. Thank God. Now we can all stop talking about him like we are going to get him.
  13. A lot of Bills fans thought that Carr was better than Losman as well.
  14. The only thing that matters in this scenario is whether or not he would help the team. I think he could. It's only a three year deal, make it very clear that there is no room on this team for bull sh--, and give him a contract laced with incentives. I think a lot of people are forgetting that Moulds was a valuable part to this teams offense for years. He is not Eric Moulds anymore, but he would be an asset in the red zone that we didn't have last year. Most importantly, it strikes a glaring need off of our draft board this year.
  15. You are kidding right? Because Reggie Bush falls one spot you think Adrian Peterson is going to fall 12? you need help.
  16. I was thinking the exact same thing a few days ago. I think it is a matter of grabbing the players by the balls and saying "There's a new regime in town, and we aren't taking crap or attitude from any of you". I think the philosophy is that if you want to make money or be a super star, go do it somehwere else. This team has no room for "I" or "Me" people.
  17. We are not trading down. the Bills are on the fringe of prime talent in this draft. Moving down would only hurt their chances of picking up a quality player that could change this franchise. We stay where we are, we aren'ttaking anymore picks, WE DON'T NEED THEM.
  18. 990 yards. Takeaway the Jets games and what do you have? a back that averages 60 yards a game. I think the Billsmade a tremendous move by dumping McGahee to the highest bidder. Case Closed! As for ESPN, Sean Salisbury, John Clayton, and any other their douche bag reporters...enough said.
  19. I love Jack Daniels!! Little too much to drink tonight? I think not!
  20. And his wife and he have rumbles every now and again as well.
  22. I thought we already established that he was gay?
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