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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. Your post alone shows that you have no idea what kind of pressure can be put on today's youth. There is more pressure on someone like this kid because of what he has accomplished. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea why this kid is so driven. Could it be a very demanding father? Mother? It very well could be. And trust me, i know plenty of kids who were pushed as children to excell in sports and school, but when they move on in life they get into drugs right around the age area of 19-22. Second, you have no idea if this kid is really 19 years old. That seems to be the main thing that everybody is talking about, so i'll attack that. He came here from Africa, where the last time i checked they didn't necessarily keep the best records. If his father really wanted him to play football and excell at doing so, then that would be an ideal situation to lie about his age and put him up against talent that he was a few years older than. This kind of thing happens in America, only we call it pre-first and staying back. Is it likely he will turn to drugs? Maybe. Is it still a possibility? Yes. And that is the answer that most should be focusing on.
  2. I understand your picks. They are good picks. That was never the issue. As for your picks from a Bills fan perspective, the topic is not who do you think would bring the Bills to Super Bowl victory, it is who would you like to see lead the Bills. In which case, anything except for JP Losman is just down right sac-religious at this point in his career.
  3. Okay, it's hopeless. One last time, and then i am finished. You said you wanted a "rock star" like a guy who never won a super bowl to lead the Bills to a super bowl victory. It started as fun, and then you started irritating me. Please, read back in the context which i put it in in my last post.
  4. My bad sir, knee jerk reaction due to the level of assininity on this board today. I extend my apologies.
  5. Okay, lets try this from the beginning... First you say Brady for the first 2-3 years, and Young for the future "the guy is a rockstar". Then i came in playing off of GM cliche talk, as a joke, and say i don't want a rock star, i want a football player. Then you proceed to take my comments out of context and say that Young is the first to make it to the Pro Bowl as a rookie since Dan Marino, and that is the kind of player you want to win you a super bowl. Then I said, what a guy who never had the ability to win a super bowl (jokingly). See the humor? But then you proceed to state that you want a guy who in a way resembles a guy who never won a super bowl to lead your team to super bowl victory. If you can't see what i am saying, walk out into oncoming traffic.
  6. Nothing is confusing me, you don't seem to realize the hole in your argument. You basically said, I want a quarterback like Dan Marino (who has never won a super bowl) to lead the Bills to victory in the super bowl. It started out as bustin' some balls but then you began to exhibit just how truly simple minded you are. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, but your argument is retarded.
  7. The fact that you compared Vince Young to a guy who never won a super bowl, said you wanted that type of player on your team, and no less in a thread about what kind of quarterback would you want to win you to the super bowl, makes your whole argument down right retarded.
  8. You're kidding me, right? Just admit defeat and walk away knowing true shame.
  9. Myabe you need some help, the topic was who would you want to lead you to a Super Bowl win, not who do you want in a Bills uniform at quarterback who will make it to the HOF.
  10. Looks like the Donald needs to have sex with his beautiful wife.
  11. The end of Losman's book is still unwritten. Dan Marino's book is in the bargain bin.
  12. What are you talking about? I was referring to the idea that the Dolphins would open up the car window and let another draft pick out the window so that they can improve their quarterback position. I in no way implicated that i knew the outcome of the draft. Hooked on Phonics might be a good investment. 1-800-ABC-DEFG. Good Luck Buddy, you're going to need it.
  13. Full House and Saved by the Bell take the kitty any day of the week.
  14. Well done sir, i am sure you could get some liberals to vote for you. Who will be your running mate?
  15. I don't want a rock star, i would want a football player.
  16. Herpes? Ron Mexico's thread is farther down the page. Enter at your own risk.
  17. We need to elect Al Gore so that he can take care of Global Warming the way Bill Clinton took care of El Nino. Seriously, if taking a natural thing that no one has control over, like global warming, and using it as a way to gain votes, then i am running for president when i turn 35. How's this, i start a campagn centered around the fact that the moon is moving away from Earth, and that it is because of __________ (Fill in the blank).
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