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Posts posted by Heels20X6

  1. Just wait thought, Microsoft or another computer company will have them lined up with 6 figure jobs when they get released to work for them with their skills



    Exactly! These kids have just struck the jackpot, they can only hope this gets more media coverage and the computer community will be bidding for their services.

  2. I just want to say that in these troubled times for Bills fans, when we are left wondering and questioning the character and moral fiber of this team, a beacon of justice, integrity, charisma, poise and most importantly chroise has been here all along, waiting for us to turn to him in our moment of darkness...


    ...that man's name is Gibran Hamdan.



    Hamdan FACTS:


    - You'll never find him pointing his gun at relatives...WHY? because his relatives all adore him for the CHROISE he emits.


    - You'll never see him on Chippewa at 3:30 am sneaking in booze into a bar...WHY? Because CHROISE always gets comped.


    - You'll never see him driving drunk...WHY? Because it takes a fully stocked bar, two cases of valium, and three shotguns full of elephant tranquilizer to give CHROISE a buzz.


    - You'll never see him involved in a hit-and-run...WHY? Because people would never step in front of his car, they would feel the CHROISE and stop and stare just to get a look inside. If in the rare event a mere mortal wishes to envelope the CHROISE so badly he/she/Canadian would jump in the path of his moving vehicle, Hamdan would simply step out of his car and the mortal would be healed via CHROISE.


    Vote HAMDAN in '08....you'll be better because of it. FEEL THE CHROISE.


    This message brought to you by registered Bills Fans on TBD For Gibran Hamdan and the CHROISE Initiative.

  3. I know his boy says the weed has nothing to do with Steve, but it still makes him look suspicious.



    So suspicious is sitting in a corner and watching a guy rap? Lock him up and throw away the key, he's a menace!!!! He could kill again!!!! We're DOOOOOOOMED!!!


    Listen, how many NFL players hang out with Snoop Dogg (a self-pronounced football groupie)? Are we going to indict them too? I think there's video footage of Lee Evans hanging out at some club with Snoop. Is Lee Evans now suspicious too?


    Cue the soapbox crowd.....sigh...when will the season start already...?



    Well the fact that his "boy" says right on camera about Stevie never touching the stuff because he's a "professional athlete" makes me care even less what his boy is doing.


    Good on Stevie from not smoking weed (even though I think its dumb that its illegal) and not jeopardizing his NFL career. I guess we do have some "character" guys on our team after all.

  5. <------------------------------------- this is not me.



    <------------------------------------- this is me (post Barry Bonds workout plan)


    As for those claiming disgust with this thread, I will fully respect all of you if you can provide me proof that you have never laughed a fat joke at any point of your life. If you haven't, bless you for not having a television....


    I think many of you are working yourselves into a tizzy over a few people having a laugh. Relax, life is better when you don't care what others think.

  6. Spikes, I know he might've badmouthed the city after he left and he's more injury prone than Moises Alou, but I loved watching him play in '04. He was just scary, if I saw him walking down the street in those days I would probably slide or take a knee. Also, that hit on Brady in the first play of '06 was awesome. Those achilles are a b*tch, he could've been great.



    I went bananas for Spikes when the Bills got him. When I got a chance to meet him, I marked out like a 5 year old boy. I had never been that crazy for a Bill before but I just loved his intensity when he played and how dominant he could be at times. I still remember almost blacking out from glee that first game against NE when he blitzed Brady and caused the fumble score.


    I wish he finished as a Bill because I would have worn that 51 forever.

  7. You have to ask yourself are football players worse now, or are they getting caught more now? The media was different back in the day. There was no ESPN, or hundreds of web blogs, etc, and newspaper reporters had such a cozy relationship with the teams they covered they would bury bad stories about players.


    If you take any group of people, there are going to be bad actors. Maybe pro sports has a few more because players grow up being treated like they are special and the rules don't apply to them.




    Well said. Professional sports has never been full of angels and saints. It's just that in this day of instant media, the wrongs of the players are much more visible and they're living under a microscope. If everyone was to watch your daily life, I guarantee that you'd do 10 things that could be scrutinized by the media and blown out of proportion (if they wanted to) by the end of the week.

  8. In addition, no one has presented any objective arguments as to why the NFL would not prefer instead of choosing either Buffalo or Toronto why would the NFL not prefer to make money from these two markets who are actually farther apart than several existing market pairs (such as having teams in both Baltimore and DC which are both broadcast in the same TV markets).


    Is Buffalo smaller than Toronto"




    However, the NFL currently has a franchise that sells 52,000+ season tickets, has pre-existing relationships with hundreds of advertising sources. and represents a strong connection to the NFL history as an original AFC team,


    The other NFL owners not only get a cut of these resources which some advocate simply throwing away, but not only would the NFL be forgoing a tie to the past it is actively marketing to teams in Europe and other countries that they can be a part of that rich past history but it does not set a context of stability which is what is required for the NFL to maximize dollars.


    Perhaps, there is a credible case which can be made that the millions of folks in the GTA cannot support a team without the few Americans who would stick with a team which outsourced this asset (if it cannot then that also draws into question the viability of a team moving there. Perhaps, the case can be made that WNY cannot support a team without the 10-20% of its ticket buyers who are Canadian and would (theoretically abandon the Bills for a new team in Toronto,


    However, what seems far more likely to me is that the NFL would be reluctant to approve a deal which made them less money than would a deal which replicated for football what even a mickey mouse league like the NHL has been able to pull off of having two very profitable franchises in both cities.


    Speaking as a Canadian, representative of numerous other Canadian Bills fans, we would have no interest in a team in Toronto if there were still a team in Buffalo. I would suggest that the Bills Canadian fans are fans of the total experience. We love the stadium, our fellow fans, the kinship we feel with them and of course the tailgating experience that CANNOT be done in Toronto. It isn't a huge drive to those who live in TO (it's a short day trip at best and customs is hardly an issue unless you make it one) and talking to other Canadian Bills fans, we love how accepted we are by native Buffalonians (did I get that right). I make 10 new friends every time I go down and my fellow Canadians feel the same way. We bleed blue like you do and a new team in TO isn't going to change that for many of us.


    As for moving the team entirely. If Ralph Wilson's franchise moves, I fully believe the NFL will work to put a team back in Buffalo. This isn't a situation where the fan base dwindled and the market evaporated. The move would be because of money & greed. It would near identical to the situation in Cleveland and the NFL bent over backwards to get a franchise there ASAP after they left. I could see the NFL retaining the rights to the "Bills" and waiting for an ownership group to step up. The NFL is a business, but they wouldn't want the public relations nightmare of losing a storied franchise with a blue-collar fanbase. The backlash would be immense. This isn't the Sonics leaving Seattle and 15 people showing up for a "Save the Sonics" rally. This is the Bills, this is Buffalo, this city would be burnt to the ground in response!

  9. Then why hasn't the Supreme Court ruled smoking bans unconstitutional? You smokers are such crybabies. Waaaaaa I can't go 2 hours without a smoke Waaaaaa!!!!! It's not my fault you're such a geek you need a smoke hanging out your mouth to look cool.



    Some people choose to smoke cigarettes, some choose to smoke pole....I think it's pretty obvious you prefer the latter.

  10. They closed their Bonaroo set with All Along the Watchtower. I'm sure that was a good time.


    I'm a Pearl Jam enthusiast...seen them close to 7 times in the last 10 years and traveled numerous miles to see them. One of the few, pure rock groups to come out of the 90s.


    I remember seeing them in Winnipeg three years ago where they played for 3 hours! and didn't care that the arena managers had turned the lights on during hour 2 and told them to cut it short. Eddie said that they'll play as long as the people want them to. Since Winnipeg is home of their idol Neil Young, the concert featured them calling him on Eddie's cell and closing the show with an AMAZING rendition of "Rockin' in the Free World". Out of all the shows, that was my favorite.

  11. We live in an "in your face" culture... People don't listen to rules, people, signs, or what ever... They want to do as they please, no matter who is around them.


    Imma do the things that i wanna do

    I ain't got a thing to prove to you

    I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans

    Excuse my manners if i make a scene

    I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like

    I'm fine and dandy with the me inside

    One look in the mirror and i'm tickled pink

    I don't give a hoot about what you think




    no, i don't care

    i don't care

    i don't care

    i don't care

    i don't care

    i don't care


    What do you do in a culture like that... Nicely tell people to sit down? People reap what they sow.


    You score mega-points for quoting a Weezer song in response...


    Have you seen the video?




    Best. Video. Ever.

  12. Upbringing is an excuse not a reason......and a lame excuse at that. EVERYONE is accountable for their own actions, regardless of upbringing



    Wrong. You're upbringing has a large part to do with your decision making process. If you are raised to be unaccountable, you will be unaccountable because you know no better. Are you trying to say that the values and lessons instilled in you by your parents have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your decision-making abilities?

  13. I remember people cheering for people at our graduation...our principal would let the cheering happen, politely ask them to sit down (which they did) and announce the next name. I know maybe for really large schools this could make the ceremony quite long but is it really necessary to arrest people at a graduation for cheering? Nuisance..maybe...crime? Come on...


    In a time when all I hear in the news is there is never enough police resources anywhere, why are we wasting them here? Couldn't hired security just tossed them out? The first people thrown out could have set the example for everyone else.

  14. And who is on a crusade ? Who is preaching ? And your contempt for me has nothing to do with the ML thing or you wouldn't be bashing me. Nobody is defending ML anymore since the subpoena's have come out. Only morally bankrupt trolls are crusading their own agenda's. Nice try tho ! And that isn't the golden rule, try again.


    Moderators can we ban this troll ?



    Why don't we put up my posts against yours and see who's on a crusade and should get banned by the moderators shall we? I don't know your connection to this team but my perception is you've taken shop in the the glass house of self-righteousness and the only contempt I see is you accusing the rest us of being "morally bankrupt" et al. Other people share the same opinion as you and it's their right to have that opinion. You, however, take it beyond an opinion, spitting out vitriol in our direction because we refuse to accept your opinion as gospel.



    My contempt (and many on this board) is that you REFUSE to let all the facts of this case come out before you crowned yourself judge, jury and executioner in the case of Marshawn vs. the hit-and-run victim. The irony is there is STILL NO CASE. But you can't seem to grasp that.


    I guess I'm a "morally bankrupt troll" because I think Marshawn should be punished if he's found guilty huh? Ridiculous that my morals lean that way.


    As for me being a troll, I actually have been down to Buffalo numerous times (make the 6 hour trek at least twice a year), I've been to Hammer's Lot and tailgated there, and I've met many of the people who post on this forum. Some of who I've disagreed with in the past but never to the name-calling level you've taken it to.


    I've spoken my peace in regards to you, I'm done responding to your posts. I'll let Ramius, DC Tom, Kelly and the others continue to shoot you down.

  15. Driving drunk is negligence. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver- at the very least, the drivers lisence should be suspended indefinitely- then they can drink themselves into a stupor every day for all I care


    Agreed. I made mistakes when I was young drinking and driving, one close call with a police officer scared me straight. Now if I need to imbibe, I take the bus or cab or use the DD.


    It is negligence and if Marshawn is found guilty of drinking while impaired and hit & run, then he should be punished for it accordingly.

  16. You do realize you were replying to someone who lives in Ottawa, right? :lol:




    Thanks Lori! I'm well aware of content regulation (which is challenged constantly by TV and music stations) but the government can't step in and decide for the public's well-being if the public wants NFL football.


    The senator would have to prove within a shadow of doubt that a team in ONE city would heavily impact the rest of the Canadian Football League. The defense would just show that as a Canadian football market, Toronto has been diminishing because the city wants NFL and that an NFL team in eastern Ontario cannot affect the attendance of a team in Vancouver.


    It would be a near impossible bill to pass, especially considering that almost 30% of MPs (house representatives) are based in Ontario and lobbyists would use the economic benefits of NFL money to push their agenda to strike the bill down.


    This would fly as far as a government bill preventing the movement of NHL teams (a far greater part of our nation's fabric) from moving to the US. Ask Winnipeg and Quebec City if the government helped them there.

  17. He would improve our offense 50%, in my honest opinion. :thumbsup:


    Actually, he won't make a lick of difference unless we get a offensive playbook that utilizes our playmakers efficiently. Here's looking to you Mr. Offensive Co-ordinator and Head Coach.

  18. fine, but some yahoo with 3 posts is not going to try and tell me I've worn out my welcome. Including you for that matter. Your trolling for some kind of fight by splitting hairs like most trolls on this site.



    Your intelligence is truly showing with every post you place. I didn't know "175" was so close to "3" (and for the record I had over thousands of posts but lost them during the "Hamdan Crash of 08").


    And how I am the troll? You're the one making the rounds on this board with the Moronic Moral Crusade of Justice Against Marshawn Lynch Tour. Frankly, myself and many here are sick of your pathetic rants passed off as "thoughful commentary".


    I have every right to say you've worn out your welcome because, judging by others around here, its a FACT.


    Oh and I checked in at elementary school, they told me the Golden Rule is "innocent until proven guilty". Even six-year olds have learned to grasp that concept.

  19. Passing judgement ? What the !@#$ ? There is no value judgement here. The car hit a woman and the car left the scene ! There is no grey area here for debate.



    You really have no clue or concept do you? No one is questioning the incident (car hits woman, leaves scene), what those of us with a MODICUM of intelligence are thinking is that we want to hear all the facts of who was involved, what the circumstances of the incident were, etc. before we pass judgement.


    It's not our fault you pulpit screamers are too f___ing stupid to figure that out by yourselves. Instead, you label us as immoral, Marshawn-lovers when all we want is the facts!!!


    Why are you still posting, you said you were leaving over a dozen posts ago?!? You've long worn out your welcome here. Go cheer for the Chargers where all of their players are squeaky-clean church goers.

  20. It happened in 1974, when the government proposed the Canadian Football Act to keep the WFL from locating a team in Toronto. The act never became official, but the threat was enough to make the WFL change their minds and put the team in Memphis instead.


    Times have changed, though. I've been told that Campbell might gather some support from the western provinces, but the Harper administration isn't likely to back it.


    They tried to re-enact that bill too when the World League of American Football (later NFL Europe) put a team a Montreal (the Machine I recall...)

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