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Posts posted by Heels20X6

  1. Losman doesnt appear to know which spots on a route a receiver is going to be open. For instance, on a post pattern you have to throw the ball as soon as the reciever cuts and at the knees. If you wait too long, a safety comes up and either knocks it down or tatoos your reciever. Throwing it too high you get your reciever killed and dont give him a chance to use his body to shield a defender from the ball. Losman must know this, but instead he stares the route down until he feels ready to throw. He is getting better, but usually he plays at a high school level.


    Edwards knows what to look for. He consistently hits recievers within a couple of steps of a cut, especially on short patterns. He knows w here the holes in the zone should be, and you can watch him look at them as he goes through his progression. Losman doess not have a progression. Edwards is accurate and delivers balls in a way his receivers can catch. This is unlike farve and losman, who throw high and hard.


    Neither edwards nor JP throw seams and deep patterns against zone defenses on a rail like bledsoe or farve, but both are improving. Say what you want about JP (and ill probably agree with you) but i saw an improvement in his timing of comeback, crossing routes and seams last year. Edwards is going to improve tremendously this year, but were still in for some silly mistakes, especially when he has to throw the ball deep.


    In a perfect world, our QB would be a mix of Edward's decision-making and JP's arm and ability to scramble....

  2. That actually implies that Chris Brown remembers all of JP's other interviews being bad ones. And he's right. No other reason for him to say that about an interview. Face it, despite LABillz thinking this thread is "idiotic" (I swear, the audacity of the longtime posters here is just plain insulting), I am happy that this thread exists.


    Would it be so hard for you first time posters to have the audacity to string together cohesive thoughts and arguments and not spew out garbage about the back-up quarterback's beard? I swear I wish TBD had a basic intelligence test that you had to write when registering so we could keep the ill-informed crusaders off our board...


    Why all this hate for a back-up QB? It's actually sad & pathetic that you take the time out of your day to attack the SILENCE of a back-up QB.

  3. I don't care what he says...I can say I'm a world-class sprinter, it doesn't mean sh-- on the track.


    I only care about what he does...and the simple fact is that in the guy's coaching career he's put together one winning season, based on an overall strategy of "make sure you're competitive in the final two minutes." He consistently coaches 58 minutes of "Don't lose" ball, followed by two minutes of "play to compete" ball. It's a bull sh-- strategy.


    For example, how many games were the Patriots last year "competitive in" within the final two minutes? The answer: four. Because they beat the living hell out of their opponents the other twelve games. Don't necessarily need to be "competitive in the final two minutes" if you're playing to win in the other 58.


    But hell...it's a strategy that consistently generates sub-.500 results. So I'm sure it'll work wonders this year. :rolleyes:


    Agreed 150% with the sentiments of DC Tom. Dick Jauron is CONSERVATIVE. I don't care how many statistics you can pull out claiming otherwise (the 4th down conversion one already being debunked by Mickey - well done!), Jauron's style is to play not to lose. I know, the rest of the league knows, even my grandma has figured it out. It's a pathetic, ball-less approach to football and I hate it. I would rather go down swinging then go down limping like the Bills did in far too many games under Jauron's leadership.


    I am not wishing failure on the Bills, but they will NEVER win a SB under Jauron. Nobody wins a Super Bowl hoping not to lose it. That's why his 13-3 Bears (a team my friend was on) bit the big one hard in their first playoff game.

  4. Yeah and Stroud and Mitchell, with Poz coming back and looking great, have no canceling effect on anything the Jets did. :devil: How's life in the bubble? :angry: You do know that the Jets aren't the only team that did things in FA/draft this year, right?



    Both teams made moves during the offseason, it's debateable as to who made the better moves as only time on the field will tell. For arguement's sake, let's call all their moves up to now a draw.


    HOWEVER, Brett Favre even with his picks and his gunslinging ways is still better than what we have at QB. And sorry, in this day and age of the NFL, you need a solid QB to win games.

  5. If Edwards isn't good the bills aren't making the playoffs regardless, so it's a null argument. With that said. You give him the season.



    What If Edwards lights it up his first couple of games?




    And by *Lights it up* I mean the scoreboard.


    Same answer. You give him the season and judge the broad context of games, not the moment.


    Agreed...for the love of all things holy, let him start every game he is physically capable of. The Bills decided the JP Experiment was over so now it is Trent's turn to rise and fall on his talent alone. The only acceptable way for JP to enter a game is injury and regardless of play, when Trent is ready, he gets his job back. No MORE QB CAROUSEL.


    If he fails, then the Bills are right back at where we started and we trade a first rounder for Colt Brennan based on his preseason play (JOKING!)

  6. Favre is the jets 53 man roster now he's that good



    Ask yourself this HM, how have the Bills improved their offense to the point that other teams in our division and the NFL worry about playing us? Last year we were the 30th ranked in the league. To "improve" on that, we have decided to keep BOTH QBs that neither of which could hold onto the starter's position and instead of finding a proven offensive co-ordinator, we promote someone who had a hand (albeit it may have been small) in one of the most disasterous offensive schemes in the history of the league. I really hope that Trent (or JP) becomes a bonifide starter and Turk is an offensive genius like Charlie Weiss but those are still question marks. We also may not have Peters on our line which also creates a HUGE problem...


    Meanwhile, our division rival went out and acquired one of the top QBs in the league and a guy coming off a pro bowl year to turn their offense around.

  7. How does Favre playing for the Jets affect the ability of Trent (or JP) or Turk to perform better? Is Favre going to intimidate them from the sideline?


    It's in response to those who believe that we're just going to steamroll the Jets for two wins this season. QB is the most important position on a team and my worries are that the Jets have now topped us mightily in that regard. You look at the rest of their team and they are pretty even with us and with that, I believe it's gotten much more difficult for us to win the wild card. With Clemens or Pennington, I had no fear of the Jets, with Favre....yikes...


    Favre is a winner and he's going to give the Jets a swagger that I believe neither of our QBs can give our team.

  8. Are you kidding me? Coles and Cotchery combined aren't worth Lee Evans. Not now, not ever. We'll see how Parrish, Reed and Hardy to this year..Parrish has a chance to be dangerous. I'll give you the TEs, for now, until we see how well Royal/Shouman/Fine do.



    Yet with all those "weapons" we had the 30TH RANKED OFFENSE IN THE LEAGUE!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!


    No offense, but if Chad Pennington and Kellen Clemens were able to put up more TDs than us, I shudder to think what they'll do with Favre. Take off the homer glasses and see this for what it is....the Jets are now MUCH better than they were before with this trade.


    If Brett was traded to us, we would be 10x times better with him leading our offense. Why? Because he wouldn't have to accept the garbage offensive plays that this inept offense has been able to muster up over the last three years.


    Sorry, I HATE this news, it just pours salt over my worries that neither Trent Edwards (or JP Losman) or Turk Schonert are going to make this team better...


    One of our starters has no brain for the game while the other dinks and dunks and can't find the endzone AND can't play in the snow....call me a pessimist but I HATE THIS TRADE.

  9. Are you kidding me? Coles and Cotchery are a better set of receivers than we have here, and they have a better set of TE's too with Dustin Keller, Chris Baker and Bubba Franks. That was a very moronic statement.


    Agreed. Anyone who doesn't believe that the Jets have made themselves significantly better with this trade, is delusional. Sorry but Brett still has game, more game than our three quarterbacks combined....


    So much for two "easy wins" courteousy of the Jets this year. Not saying we can't beat them, but beating them became a WHOLE lot tougher....


    Why couldn't he have been a Buc....?

  10. Hey guys,


    As I mentioned earlier, the company I work for take things apart to discuss what's inside. Here's some videos I made with our company about the iPhone 3G


    The waiting is the hardest part...



    Part 1 of the teardown:



    Part 2:



    I got to warn you, the last two videos are kinda technical but if you've ever wanted to know what makes it tick then there you go.


    And yes...I know how nerdy my job is.

  11. I am not, but i'm curious as to who may be camping out tonight or early early tomorrow morning.



    My big phone day is saturday, when my new every two is due for verizon. I'm dumping my razr and getting a blackberry curve.



    I am. My work is paying me to wait in line and once I get it, I'm opening it up and doing investigative research on what's inside.


    If you guys are interested, the teardown video and article will be online Friday at www.eetimes.com


    I'm also documenting my wait in line in Canada tomorrow too. That'll be up around 9 am tomorrow on the same site.

  12. How would you feel if Buffalo signed Brett Favre to a 2 year deal in Buffalo next week?


    If and this is a big IF, it happened, I would be pleased as punch, only because my best friend is a die-hard Packers fan and I would buy a #4 Favre Bills jersey just to see him sob uncontrollably when I wear it around him.


    That alone tells me this deal must be done. :unsure:

  13. I am a Losman fan and a Trent Edwards Fan. I personally don't care who the QB as long as we stick with someone for a whole year. I don't think Losman had a fair shake last year. From week one our offense as a whole was dismal and going in the first 3 weeks going against top 10 defenses from the year prior.


    I also understand that Trent Edwards as a rookie in the same offense put up similar or better numbers then Losman did. Although he came to be the starter after a number of the tougher Playoff teams were out of the way.


    I think Trent Edwards has alot of upside and should probably be the starter going forward based upon what was seen last year. He fits in my mind the typical QB a franchise needs. A big, tall QB who knows how to stand i the pocket and deliver a throw when a 260 pound Linebacker is blitzing and going to knock you on your ass.


    Personally i don't think the coaching staff plays to the strengths of the players they try to force them into a mold.


    You and I are on the exact same page Kota. For me it was hard to judge the talent of either quarterback when the system they were playing in was so inept that it looked like it was devise by a half-retarded yelper monkey. I just found it hilarious that people were so convinced on the abilities of either quarterback based on what we saw last year.


    Face it folks, until we see otherwise, the QB position is still a HUGE question mark for this team.

  14. there is certainly a 'you are either with us or against us' mentality among t.e.'s strongest supporters


    in reality he has not done much (besides not being j.p.) and people should really take this year to see what he can do because team management is behind him and he is the starter




    he played well for a rookie at times

    he took few negatve plays

    he found his 2nd/3rd receiver quickly

    for many on this board- he is not j.p.




    he found his 2nd/3rd receiver too quickly sometimes

    he got worse in Q4 than the early quarters

    he got worse as the season progressed

    not withstanding the 12 page message string his arm strength still needs to be proven

    he needs to show he can play in the cold rain & snow


    DELTAS?!?! How dare you speak ill of the 'chosen one'?!? The Trent-inites will amass and burn down your village for your indiscretions! The Losman-iacs can't help you now!!!!

  15. The incredibly misguided judgement to be hanging with a group of stoners WHILE A CAMERA IS ON- and even having one of the boneheads stick a bud in front of the lens- suggests that our draft pick is at the very least a COMPLETE knucklehead.


    Don't think this clip won't get a showing at the league offices, putting invited extra scrutiny on a guy who by virtue of his draft slot was already unlikely to go on to stick an NFL roster.


    Bye bye Stevie, we hardly knew ya!



    And the first "holier-than-thou" poster makes his appearance....


    I guess we can add Steve Johnson to the list of players certain Bills "fans" want to run out of town...


    The List:

    1) Losman

    2) Evans

    3) Lynch

    4) Hardy

    5) Johnson


    They might just end up with a team in Toronto if "fans" can force enough players up north with their great morality crusades...


    It's funny how certain people are vilifying these players but the ones we grew up admiring Kelly, Thomas, Smith, etc. were certainly no angels of the gridiron. Winning sure changes perception and moral ambiguity doesn't it?

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