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Posts posted by Heels20X6

  1. It sounds like you guys are doing a good job. I'm betting the game gets switched to the Bills.



    I was just thinking the other day while watching the Bills game that the only positive thing about this Toronto-Bills arrangement is that the person who forked over the cash for the rights (Ted Rogers) owns CTV who in turn, own the rights to the NFL in Canada. To insure that tickets are sold to the games in TO, he will make sure every Bills game is on TV!


    Win for me.

  2. My point is no one is going to flock to a movie based in WWII where the main character is a propaganda tool to sell nationalism, unless they do something to make it relevant to today. The "WWII Nationalist Pride Theme" combined with a white Super-Soldier wrapped in the American flag will turn more people off than make them want to go.



    There was a great storyline one time in Captain America (not sure if it was actually in the timeline or one of those alternate universe lines) but it revolved around Captain America being a patriotic distraction by the US government and media. Trumping him up and his heroic actions in the media all the while the corrupt US government was ordering attrocities across the world. When Rogers finds out he becomes disillusioned and downtrodden but then realizes its his job as Cap to bring down the government for the sake of America. In the end the president turned out to be the Red Skull. It was really well written and for the life of me I can't remember who did it.


    That kind of storyline would play well with the general mistrust America has right now for the media and government.

  3. Two things:


    1. How do you not like this guy? Langston just seems really cool.


    2. Duke Preston shot 80 from the tips on Torrey Pines 2 weeks before the open?!? I guess he can do something well. Too bad it's not blocking.


    Langston just looks like the nicest guy in the world, like a big, friendly giant. He would do well hosting a children's show. His voice is very soothing, I can see him reading stories and putting kids to sleep. : )

  4. These two seem to have/had the same mental problems after leaving the University of Texas. Your opinion?



    Actually Ricky Williams had mental problems going into University. There however, he was sheltered by his handlers so his anxiety problems wouldn't be found out about by scouts, agents, etc. He has long been a suffering agoraphobic.


    Young on the other hand, his problems seem more recent. I'm know armchair psychologist, but his problems are probably from his star not burning so bright in Tennessee and the current adversity he is facing.

  5. QUOTE:

    I can hear it now. Rewarding winners is one thing, but putting the Bills in the top ten? Come on, now. I quote from the movie, Gunga Din, and for that e-mailer who complained that I only quote from movies 50 years old, this one is 69 years and counting: "Great generals, my friends, are not made of jeweled swords and mustache wax. They are made of what is here (pointing to his head) and what is there (his heart)."


    Dr Z's Week 2 rankings



    How about this line above it describing the Bears?


    "Keep working on not screwing things up and you'll have a nice, peaceful 9-7 record. Or maybe 8-8 if the ball bounces the wrong way a couple of times."


    Sound like a common complaint by some posters on the Bills game plan last year......? Playing NOT to lose is hardly a great strategy.

  6. Hmmmm....So a Jags fan on a Jags board tried to rally his troops by saying the Bills are young and are in for a big test? Seems reasonably true.


    The unhealthy Jags are still a much bigger test then an unhealthy Seahawks team from the cupcake NFC West, who travelled 3000 miles and can't win on the road even when they are healthy.


    This will be a good test for the Bills, Edwards, and Jauron, who all still have to prove they can beat a good team on the road.


    The Vegas line at 6 seems a little heavy, but I'm still not about to pretend the Bills going on the road deserve any credit just yet. They don't. It's hard to win on the road in the NFL, whether you are playing a bottom feeder in Detroit or a playoff squad like Jacksonville.


    If the Bills win this, they will have a 2-0 record (vs. two '07 playoff teams) with a favorable next three games. Hopefully at the end of September, we will have a squad that is a legit contender. As of today, they have only won a game they were favored to win anyways.


    Exactly...you get respect by earning respect. For all those who feel slighted by other teams' fans, the media, the league, etc. once the Bills consistently start winning (like the did in the 90s) the sheep will line up just like we want them to. Until then, the Bills need to PROVE they are the real deal. One game dost not erase 9+ years of futility.

  7. I think the people who are involved in the production of MNF have this idea that the fans like the third guy in to booth to be a jackass. Seems like they're trying to channel Howard Cosell. The problem is, Cosell could be a jackass and still have some class. Kornheiser's just a moron trying to say anything to be "provocative".

    I never did understand why they think monday night football fans actually like a third guy who constantly yammers about stuff that has very little to do with the game.


    I'd be really happy with just the play by play guy (forgot his name) and Jaws. Jaws is great with his play breakdowns.



    Jaws is the best colour man in football. PERIOD. Kornheiser just drags it all down with his non-stop jibba jabba about whatever the hot topic is of the game. Sweet jeebus when the Pats play on Monday night...it'll be a broken record about Brady.

  8. How can you be confident thinking our defense and special teams will score 14 points for us? Thats "retardedly" ignorant.



    Just wanted to BUMP this one comment...

    Special teams scored two touchdowns = 14 points.


    On any given Sunday....

  9. My thoughts exactly.


    Color me crazy but I think it's a little early to be celebrating Jauron's indecisiveness of 2007 based on an efficient performance in the season opener.




    I'll wait until the end of the season before I will evaluate the capabilities of Trent Edwards before passing judgement off on him.


    What I'm looking for is any quarterback that isn't "just serviceable" but can actually elevate the players around him and be able to march the offense up the field and score TDs. I want Buffalo to have its own Tom Brady, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, etc.

    not a Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson type that won't lose you games but won't win you any either.

  10. Yes. I apologize for Trent completing his last 18 of 24 attempts.


    NOBODY predicted we'd have the better Oline going into the game. Nobody.


    If Evans makes the Pro Bowl it will have MOST to do with Edwards' ability to get him the ball in the best spots to do something with it. The Oline and Turk's schemes will be the biggest influence on Edwards' ability to do that as the season wears on.


    But stop with the 'Edwards apologist' BS already. It's way beyond old.


    Hint: Edwards will suck at times even when the weather is ideal.


    GO BILLS!!!


    As a JP supporter, I will say I was really pleased with Trent's performance. It came with have a great O-line and the special teams putting him in a position to win but Trent didn't make any mistakes that would have set the team back.


    And that strike to Royal was a thing of beauty.



  11. this is the problem- Evans says hey in the right offense I'm a 1450yd 11TD WR- the Bills say yeah but in our offense you're a 950YD 7TD WR- Evans says it's not my fault you don't use me right pay me what I'm worth!- the Bills say we will pay you what you're worth to our offense.


    And I say, Evans is RIGHT! In the right offense, he is a 1450 yd, 11TD WR. And if we don't pay him that kind of money, a team with an offense who can do that (say a Cincinatti looking to get rid of malcontent Johnson, Dallas, etc.) will!



  12. Uh, yeah, I'm serious. McCain's interactions with the media during his time as a senator was to let them ask as many questions as they wanted, and he'd answer them, basically giving the media unlimited access. His experience in responding to reporter questions in such a fashion will help him tremendously in the debates (assuming he uses such a style). In contrast, Obama has, to my knowledge, always been scripted. He also wasn't very impressive in the Democratic primary debates.


    A few weeks ago, the McCain campaign decided to reel him in, and have him respond only with answers they previously created, which I think is a fairly big mistake (and we're seeing the results in the Palin situation). At the very least, pissing off the media isn't a great way to gain favorable coverage.


    He's right, prior to the Republicans getting a vice grip on him, McCain was an excellent interview. He's very candid, not afraid to answer questions and had a natural charm to him. Now he seems like a puppet for his handlers.


    A lot of my American friends adored John McCain 4 years ago, when he was the 'Maverick'. I'm pretty sure the Maverick version of John McCain would win November's election because he wasn't afraid to speak his mind on the issues.

  13. Makes me sad that they are doing sh-- there that we should be doing here. Phuking oil sh--. Need to get off that addiction asap. F them


    We will once our governments (North America) stop catering to oil lobbyists and let the bright minds of the world develop new methods for energy. You think we're dependent on oil because we haven't figured out anything better yet?

  14. Since the "Jena 6" stuff


    Bryant Purvis : Arrested for assault in texas


    Corwin Jones: Arrested for battery


    Mychal Bell: minor infractions


    Robert Bailey: Nothing


    Jesse Ray Beard: convicted of battery


    Theo Shaw: Nothing





    And you wonder why people were running to their defense... sounds like a hardened group of criminals to me. It's just interesting to go back and look at this stuff when all the furor has gone down.


    Nice paintbrush of all of them in one fell swoop...."a hardened group of criminals" huh? Considering that two have no convictions whatsoever and the other three basically have "fighting" charges laid against them.

  15. If you read most of the posts in this forum today, I feel sorry for you.


    This race was dull until the Palin pick!



    Dull? Really? You have a hardened POW with a 'maverick' status and a democratic leader that seems to inspire his party. We have a bland Frenchman who you can barely understand and an even blander Westerner whose platforms you can barely distinguish from one another.


    Hey, it's boring at work. American politics is much more interesting than business cases.

  16. Hello all,


    I took the time to read most of the posts in your forum today and I must say it is refreshing to read such political takes from you. You are lucky to have the race that you do with candidates that you can rally around and truly believe in what they are saying.


    In Canada we have an election coming up in October and I can distinguish one leader from the next, all mumbly, sleep-inspiring, slightly left-of-center or right-of-center milquetoast leaders.


    I only wish we had the race you do.

  17. I understood that at the time, Houston felt they were adequate at RB and really needed help on the defensive side, so a lot of people understood and basically said, "why would you pick a luxery pick when your defense needs help?"


    What I never understood, was after they took Mario, why it was okay for New Orleans to take Bush when they already had McAllister and their defense was, and still is, beyond putrid? Why was that okay? Why was it not okay for Houston to do? Why didn't anyone jump all over New Orleans?



    I think public perception had a lot to do with the Saints picking Reggie Bush. Keep in mind they were coming off a disaster of a season spent travelling city to city looking for a home field because of Hurricane Katrina. The Saints were looking for anything that could spark some life into their franchise because they desperately needed it. Reggie Bush was that spark, he was flashy, a bonifide star (not to question his skills as a player, he just has "star-quality") and he embraced New Orleans. If you were to ask any Saints fan, I would bet that not one would disagree with the Bush pick.

  18. Random chance within the game. For instance, Favre's hand coming down on a lineman's helmet when he throws the ball which breaks a finger in his throwing hand. A 350+ lineman falling on Favre's knee and tearing a ligament. Things that are out of Favre's control which "toughness" can not protect against. Any QB who suffers injuries such as these has no control over them and it's just random chance that gets them injured.



    Actually, three or four seasons ago, Favre did break a finger on his throwing hand when he slammed it into a lineman's helmet. He continued to play the rest of the season and got them to the playoffs.


    The moral: Brett Favre is tougher than a 3 dollar steak.

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