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Posts posted by Heels20X6

  1. I have been one of Trent's biggest critics since he took over for JP, mostly because I was convinced that JP was the answer for us at quarterback. But, I havn't seen anything to indicate that Trent Edwards has 'a below average arm' for an NFL starter.



    Well he's no Cody Pickett in the arm strength category (you better get this joke!), Trent has something better than a boomer cannon arm, he has the ability to put together long drives by reading the defense. TOP is huge in the NFL.

  2. Agreed. Let's give this kid a chance. How beneficial to the Bills is it to saddle this kid with the expectations of say Eli Manning or Philip Rivers? It won't help a bit.


    Besides, don't prod the football gods!



    That's what I'm worried about right now. Great! We're 2-0 and Edwards is off to a great start. But remember that this kid (as bright as he's been so far) is still a kid and is going to make some mistakes this year. Don't all break your ankles hopping off and on Trent's bandwagon! Give him the time he needs to develop and maybe, just maybe, he'll be that elite QB the Bills have so sorely needed.

  3. I was working in the media here in NH back in 2000 when McCain won that primary. The John McCain of 2000 bears no resemblance to the John McCain of today.





    He was a great man then, a visionary maverick as he was painted. Plus he rocked a cameo in Wedding Crashers.


    Now, he's a Republican punching bag.

  4. Yeah, DJ said they warned the guys right before that kick that an onside might be coming. I think it was just executed very well and the ball just took a bad bounce when Wendling tried to cover it. I think he was the first guy there from either team, barely.


    A good rule of thumb to protect agaist this kind of onside kick is to have your center man, Wendling in this case, take his first step forward, not back, automatically, whether he reads an onside or not. The guys up front usually start dropping back into whatever blocking pattern is called just as the kicker makes contact. Similar to the way lineman drop back at the snap on passing plays. Wendling has to read the onside as it happens and before he drops back and then goes forward to try and nab it. But in the time it takes to make the read, he loses ground. If he always takes his first step or two fwd when the ball is kicked, then if it is an onside, he is already moving to where he needs to be and if it isn't, he stops and heads back. If done right, that kind of onside kick is really tough to defend. Bobby has used it himself on a number of occasions.



    Not only that, but if Wendling moves forward and makes a play for the ball, one of the opposing defenders may become eager to play the ball, and try to field it before the required 10 yards traveled by the ball.


    Great post Mickey!

  5. and we can't help the fact that regardless of all the facts, JP Losman is still shouldering the blame for what in my opinion was some of the worst coaching and play calling in the history of the Buffalo Bills, maybe even in the whole NFL. So why don't you take your BS and spread it somewhere else because you look stupid for critisizing someone who seems to know allot more about the situation then you do.


    When and if JP Losman goes in under our new OC, and he plays poorly, maybe what you say will make a little more sense to those of us who tend to put the blame more on our previous OC or the way Losman was handled early on in his career. :lol:


    Stop it! You're letting intelligence get in the way of a good debate!

  6. Thats a slap in the face to the whole Buffalo Bills organization including allot of Bill fans :lol:


    Under any OC? Fairchild was to dumb to ever even coach in the NFL so where does that put JP? Looking dumb because of the dumbarss OC he tried to play under, thats where. geeesh



    JP was evolving as a QB just fine until he had to start running the most atrocious offense in the world as designed by the worst offensive coordinator in the world, Steve Fairchild. If JP had started the year under Turk, I truly believe he would have been a much better QB.


    GAWDDAM was Fairchild the WORST thing to ever happen to the Bills this decade. And that includes TD and the new jerseys.

  7. Watching people fall over each other to apologize is so comical. I will say, there are a few who have summed up the DJ issue quite well.


    I've never been a big fan of DJ for a few reasons, namely his inability to find quality coordinators. Crowton, Shoop, and Fairchild were not ready for their promotions to OC. Fewell as a DC has more weapons to work with in 08, but I think he needs to demonstrate some more success, especially after last season's debacles against Denver and Dallas



    All I ever wanted from any Bills coach is that the team go down fighting, win or lose, play all out on BOTH SIDES OF THE BALL. Last year we had a defense that was decimated by injuries but yet the coaching strategy was to keep the games close in the hopes that the defense would make a game-changing play to help secure the win. Our offense was completely inept from Game 1 and the fact that Dick Jauron did not see that or his blind loyalty to Steve Fairchild is what soured me on him. In spite of this hurting defense, our offense (featuring not nearly as many injuries as the D and a revamped O-line) meekly went out each play with a playbook designed by a half-mentally stunted yelper monkey and proceeded to run, run, pass, punt our way to another mediocre record. We could go game by game and truly determine how many games the Bills actually could have won if they had a decently called offense. Instead we were saddled with the 31st best offense in the league. To not put that horrible statistic on Jauron would be a gross oversight.


    How we fair against OAK and KC will be indicative of our season. If we go for the jugular and blow these teams out with our new WCO, then it's fair to say that Dick Jauron has turned a page and is willing to trust his offense.

  8. as I sat and watched the TV today they showed what both coaches and what they were doing on the sideline.


    Jauron......cool and composed. Paying attention to what was going on the field. Steady....not too up or down.


    Del Rio.....bitching to the ref at every turn......cheerleader running around getting his guys pumped up......high fiving players and they came off the field and getting excited after every positve play......then from what I understand he didn't have the class to shake DJ's hand after the game.


    Which guy won the game? Give DJ his extension and pray to god we can keep this coaching staff together.



    How about we make sure we sign his staff to an extension too? Especially Bobby April and McNally! And if Turk can keep revitalizing our offence (which I thought would be questionable this season and love getting proven wrong on thus far) sign him too!


    A head coach's success is the sum of the staff he chooses. He majorly whiffed with Fairchild (easily the worst OC in recent memory) but may have rectified that with Schonert.

  9. "• On the flip side, what's not to love about Bills' second-year starting quarterback Trent Edwards? He completed 80 percent of his passes at Jacksonville, going 20 of 25 for 239 yards and a 119.8 passer rating in Buffalo's 20-16 upset of the 0-2 Jaguars.


    These Bills are for real, folks. This is not a mirage of a 2-0 start in western New York. "



  10. Great stuff there.


    Started off good, had a rough 3rd quarter, came back, never lost control emotionally.


    We had a huge 4th quarter drive engineered calm and cool by our hero QB who looks like he's arrived. Hardy made the catch, that's why we drafted him folks.


    Huge stop on D. Great sack by Williams, just bulled his way to Garrard.


    Big return by ST, who made up for that onside kick gaff.


    ST nails the FG and the D puts away the Jags for good.


    That is championship football.


    Honestly, despite the third quarter, all I could think of was as long as Trent got the ball he was going to do something with it. The O was a threat to score every time they touched the ball. If Peters didn't get blown up and cause the fumble we would have scored on that drive too.


    I can't remember the last time I felt confident in the offense. Congrats to Trent, the O-line and especially Schonert for the way they've come out this year! KEEP IT UP!


    Congrats to Hardy on his first regular season TD. Kid's a stud!


    Youbouty was a MONSTER out there!

  11. Nice game today Fred!


    Him and Lynch give us a great Thunder & Lightening combo. I loved Fast Freddie last year just from what I saw in the pre-season. The kid is a player and I'm glad the Bills recognized that. A great story for those who think you have to be a first round pick to contribute.


    Jackson + Lynch = nightmares for opposing teams

  12. One thing folks have neglected to mention about last Sunday's game is that the Bills really didn't have a true red zone possession. Inside the 20 is where I believe Schonert intends to make Hardy useful first, and the opportunities weren't there last week.



    Agreed. Both the TDs were scored while on the cusp of the red zone. We'll probably see Hardy when Edwards and the gang are lined up at the 10 yd or less. The game against Seattle didn't present that opportunity.

  13. Saying "IMO, it's worth a look" is not somebody saying it's true. The Dark Knight wasn't a true story, either.


    The LeBron James commercial was worth watching when he hit four straight fade away jumpers from 90 feet. Doesn't mean it's real.


    Give the dude a break.


    Now, now, it's much easier being a snarky jack@ss sitting behind a keyboard than to respect your fellow posters....

  14. I submitted a question to the chat asking the same thing (as I'm sure many others did), and here is what the commish had to say:


    "Being from western New York, I understand the importance of the Bills to Buffalo and the entire western New York region. We all must do our part to make sure the Bills remain successful in Buffalo and I pledge my full support. The efforts to regionalize the Bills to Rochester and more recently to southern Ontario and the Ontario market have enabled the team to be successful. I appreciate your support of the Bills. One of the highlights for me last season was attending the Dallas-Buffalo game and seeing the tremendous passion of the Bills fans displayed nationwide on Monday Night Football."


    Marty York (a journalist who covers the NFL for Toronto & Ottawa) stated that Goodell told him off the record that the Bills will never permanently relocate to Toronto. Goodell believes cities like Buffalo, Green Bay, Cleveland, etc. keep the NFL truly part of American culture and wants to insure that his legacy isn't the one that sees a team moved from a passionate fan base.


    I wish I had the article but I can't seem to find it online. Canada is slows with the internets...

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