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Pass the Pipe

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Everything posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. Vegas, well said. The one question mark I have is the possible politics surrounding the Donahoe regime. I have a gut feeling that playing time might have been influenced by the political desires of Tom Donahoe and not necessarily based on the merits of certain players. In the few snaps that Preston received he didn't look any worse than Anderson or Teague. I believe Donahoe was so desperate to win "now" that rookies lost playing time as a result. The company line all of last year was "we have the talent" we just need to come together; I frankly believe the "talent" line was nothing but a bill of goods that Donahoe was trying to sell people because of the poor job he did in putting the roster together.
  2. Promo, I have some nice real estate for you to buy on the moon. This guy is 33 years old, clearly on the backside of his career. Levy would stand on his head to get a 4th rounder. His cap figure is completely out of touch with reality, thus he will be cut. So instead of letting him walk for free, any second day draft pick-up would be a positive deal for the Bills.
  3. And your chance of winning the lottery is about the same as well. Stop referring to Warner and Delhomme, stuff like that doesn't happen every offseason.
  4. You need to get a clue. How can you say your rebuilding with guys like Nall and Royal? Rebuilding what, another 5 - 11 season if your lucky? This guy is only stating the obvious, Levy keeps rolling snake eyes, which is no surprise to me.
  5. The problem is my wife wants it too much; she will not give me a break. I have to say you must be a pretty good guy because you’re obviously a fan of the world's greatest game, soccer. The World Cup is amazing. For the record, I like England. Anyways, I really don't understand the comments about wait until the season starts etc. This team has not made any improvements during FA, and I would argue some of the players they cut are better than the guys they recently signed. I don't need to be Bill Parcels to realize Matt Bowen, Craig Nall, Andre Davis and company are not difference makers. Hopefully this regime pulls off a miracle on draft day, because this current roster will be luck to win 5 games next year and that is being optimistic. Just go to any sports book in Las Vegas and see what people with economic risk at stake think about this team. Facts are facts.
  6. I love the Bills, I just don't like the direction the organization has taken the last 5 or 6 years. What is currently going on is comical. The only original thinking that your begging for would have to involve fiction, which I would respond with a STFU!
  7. I thought the NFL agreed to extend the collective bargaining agreement 6 more years? Apparently Levy hasn't gotten the message as he continues to add players more suited for a "scrub" roster verses a legitimate NFL operation. What is next, a Mike Pantapinto signing at the fullback position? Can anybody confirm if Las Vegas odds makers have increased the Bill's chances of winning the Super Bowl since the end of last season?
  8. Ed Reed, Troy Palamala (sp?), and Roy Williams have made some mighty big contributions in the last 3 or 4 years.
  9. Leinart has a lot to prove before you start worrying about him. He has very average arm strength at best, which is part of the reason New Orleans was very aggressive with Brees.
  10. Come on you idiot, this is not rocket science. Your attempt to be cerebral and your weaker attempt to demonstrate patience and maturity is a joke. Instead of giving us the old "wait to next year fellas" line, please articulate why Fumbles or myself should be excited about Levy's roster moves to date? Fumbles and I don't really look at football in terms of dooms day scenarios, we just state our opinions based on the facts and the fact is this is still a very bad football team. I don't need Marv's Harvard degree to understand that Royals and Davis are not exactly Gates and TO. Also, don't kid yourself, Triplett is not much of an upgrade over Sam Adams, in fact, a motivated Sam Adams is much more talented! A signing of Charles or Hutchinson would get us a lot more excited then what has gone on to date. In case you forgot, our very "offensive" line still looks like Gandy, Anderson, Preston, Chris V, and Peters, not exactly accommodating to any offensive game plan. From our point of view your, your blind fanaticism, which is shared by the majority on this site, is very entertaining and amusing, just like your response above. What difference is March or September going to make with the o-line I just mentioned? If Levy is so incredibly smart then why did he get steam rolled in 3 Superbowls and lost in another when he was driving a Ferreri while the other guy was in a Camero? Actually, it is going to be very interesting to see how Marv does without Bill Polian stocking is roster. Granted, there is plenty of free agency left and the draft is around the corner, but to date, I am not impressed with what I see. And for the record, people like Fumbles, the Red Dragon, and myself have been laughing about the direction of this team for years now. In addition, we don't subscribe to the other weak excuses always mentioned on this site like "nobody wants to come to Buffalo and Ralph is too poor," thus we have to settle for the Mike Mularkeys and Dick Jaurons of the world. You mention your not drinking koolaid above, your right, your "main lining" it.
  11. Promo, Your analogy is weak. Ruff has done a very good job considering the fact he is operating with much less financial wherewithal than say Detroit, Toronto, New York Rangers, and Colorado. In addition, he had to govern his team through the Adelphia mess. I am not a hockey fan, but if I recall correctly he has gotten this team deep into the playoffs on a couple of different occasions. Relatively speaking, I believe he has done a better job than Dick Jauron. That said, continue to drink the Cristal as we add "undiscovered" weapons to our football line-up. Does your fantsey league give out points for blocking tightends, if so, I guess you have your man. I will continue to watch Sportscenter and marvel at the blue chippers like Edge, Kobe, Tiger, A-Rod, etc. Gee, if I recall correctly, we use to have a few of these hot shots about 10 or 15 years ago.
  12. Promo, The Cowboys and Redskins have a hell of a lot more SuperBowls than we do and they operate under the same salary limitations. Using your logic, that must mean stars equal championships? A great player is a great player there is nothing complicated about that. What the Bills need today are studs not "blocking" tightends or character guys, and unfortunately they ended up in Cleveland. We have plenty of money and we have successfully landed "stars" in the pass, TKO and Bryce Pulp (sp?), thus I am on record as saying we over paid for this Royal character and, in my opinion, could have done just fine without him. The draft is deep in tightends. And don't fool yourself, the jury is still out on Mr. Jurion in a big way! To date, the guy has proven nothing in this league. Your NHL anology is interesting, but again I respectively disagree, a good GM can dig around in European locations north of the Artic Circle and find good players, they all don't come from Canada and U.S. just review the results of the Olympics. In addition, Mr. Ruff is one hell of coach, which the same cannot be said for Dick. Hopefully Levy learned a lesson about powerful line play, especially when considering he got destroyed in 3 SuperBowls by it. Maybe Royal is the first piece of power running game, but I sure would have rather seen Mr. Charles be that piece.
  13. Lurker, Can you honestly be happy with what you have seen since Levy has taken over? The thing that really bothers me about this FA signing is that Vernon Davis is now off our draft board, probably the biggest difference maker we would have a shot at in our current draft position.
  14. 'Royal is coming off a career season in which he had 18 catches for 131 yards and a touchdown in 15 games, including 14 starts Enough said!!!!!!!! Career season? Holy Cow!
  15. As the cream of free agency continues to be skimmed by our neighbors on the south end of the lake, I cannot believe the new lows this organization continues to reach. First, Mike Sherman passed over for a plain vanilla coach with limited capabilities. Second, management fails to dump Moulds and his outrageous salary; Levy must still have visions of the Miami playoff game dancing in his head. Third, the FA bell goes off and all we sign is a tight-end with the same abilites of the guy we cut a couple of days ago. What is next, Mel Kiper ripping us for taking some 3 round project in the 8th spot because the kid was highly recommended to Marv by the Don Bibbe speed camp? This regime has gotten off to about as good a start as the new democracy in Iraq. I can see that the only thing I have to look forward to next season is a potential lesbian scandal with the cheerleading squad. Good Luck True Believers, your going to need it!
  16. I very much agree with your Huff ideal. I went to the Rose Bowl game and after Vince Young, he was clearly the best Longhorn on the field. Because of his speed, Bush couldn't get to the outside as easily. In addition, he appeared to be a great hitter. When you are in the Top 10 of the draft, the best available football player should normally be the choice.
  17. Well Said! Congrats Marv. Right or wrong, you took decisive action. It took guts for a man your age to take a chance and get rid of these 2. Don't stop now! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 615215[/snapback]
  18. Great stuff. They should hire you with this kind of attention to detail. There are some interesting patterns in your data.
  19. I feel your pain and enjoy your passion. This move today confirmed that Ralph Wilson is the problem, always has been the problem, and will continue to be the problem. He simply just doesn't get it.
  20. I also like this Connor Byrne guy. I think he gets a lot of material from this site.
  21. Somebody please try and convince me otherwise on the bunch of bull that's filling all of western New York starting with Marv Levy. 580361[/snapback] I wish I could but I can't. This is the worst day ever in Bills Nation, another 2 or 3 wasted years under this joke. The sad part is that we have some good young talent on this team, but it will never see its potential with these guys calling the shots.
  22. This is the kind of joke we have become.
  23. The fans are the ultimate shareholders of the team, much like any publicly traded corporation. It is management's job to put the best product on the field, which takes priority over relationships. There are a lot of successful people that are difficult to work with, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bill Bellichick, Parcels, etc., however, they get the job done day-in and day out. Frankly, a good manager should look for somebody with opposing ideas in order to create a healthy check and balance and create an environment where issues are dealt with more thoroughly. Instead we consistently hire “yes” men that forgo the benefit of the team in order to satisfy the person above them in organization chart. Winning is clearly a secondary motive at OBD. This hiring doesn’t surprise me in the least bit, hiring a competent individual would have been the bigger surprise.
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