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Posts posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. It's the same one that you saw, that's all over the web.

    One cop hits him with the belly to belly suplex for some reason then they both have him on ground and yell there's a gun then it's goodnight Irene.

    You think it was justified ? Didn't appear the dead guy had any real ability to draw a gun in his position.

    Hm, I don't know if it's justified. And, my point is that instead of joining another growing horde of ignorance, we should step back and wait for facts to be revealed before making any kind of judgements.


    I will tell you that it appears as if his right hand is not secured, and one can easily fire a gun from a supine position. We don't know if there was a gun, and if there was where it was. Taking some hypotheticals...if there was a gun and the dead guy reached for it, are we expecting the Leo to wait for him to grab the gun and point it at him before he is justified to shoot?


    As far as the "belly to belly suplex", it sounded as if the taser had been deployed to no effect. Which, the next thing is going hands on. That's the way it's done.

  2. Lights and sirens don't give police carte blanche authority to blow through red lights. Florida law requires that police use due care in these instances. Most agencies have policies that are even more restrictive. My particular agency requires us to come to a full and complete stop at red lights and stops signs when we have lights and sirens activated. Makes it harder to catch the bad guys, but makes pursuits a little bit safer for all involved.

  3. Police work has always seemed attractive to bully types. Bullies like to beat on people and sometimes they can do just that, say when someone resists arrest.


    A critical piece in changing this has to be convincing the better cops to stop condoning and covering for this excessive use of force. Two officers telling the same story versus any number of suspects telliing a different one....in court, who gets believed? Maybe with more events being videotaped, eventually the frequency of these will lessen.


    Of course these things take time. The coptor rotors thumping overhead didn't stop that beating at the hands of many. Hopefully some well publicized convictions of bad officers will begin to change things


    Emotion, adrenaline, and a lack of leadership. Horrible. That scumbag isn't worth throwing away your career, guys.


    It wouldn't, but thanks for adding absolutely zero insight into the topic.


    Sure, it wouldn't end it "all", but it certainly would end most of it. Cops are human. Humans make mistakes at higher rates when under high levels of stress. If you wanna fight the police, you run the risk (albeit, a minute risk) that the cop will make a mistake and shoot you. Sure, the cop will go to jail - but, you might not be around see it.

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