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Posts posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Good article. Not everyone who plays in the nfl is a millionaire. But everyone in nfl puts it all on the line every Sunday. They play with injuries and head trauma- because they will lose job if they don't play. Most will suffer rest of their lives- even though average nfl career is only 3.3 years. The nfl makes billions off these warriors, yet does not pay one cent in taxes. And meanwhile, exnfl players suffer their own personal way



    Warriors? No. They don't chose to play the game for altruistic reasons. They chose to play because it is fun and they have the opportunity to get paid lots of money. They are not warriors - metaphor, or not.

  2. No.


    Do you think cops WILL be sleeping/hiding out on the job after this? Pretend it doesn't happen all over. That's one sad, tragic hell of a wake up call to stay on call and especially watch your surroundings.


    You can't stop with the name calling... Can you? Not that I want you to, you are just proving that you can't argue without the personal attacks... Yet, you personalize it with me and my attitude toward cops. Go figure.


    Again, mistakes and sweeping generalizations have been made by both of us. You are taking it way too personal.


    Are you aware of the action / reaction law of the universe?

  3. Gfmwanted Starbucks for dessert she had a gift card. The way out amcop opens the door and says hi


    Im told him I am not sure what he thinks of the protests in Ferguson and elsewhere but I want to thank you for your service, because I know its not easy.


    His reply was perfect. Thank you, we do our best and wished more others could see how tough the job is sometimes.


    Awesome, jboyst. A kind word of support goes a long way, sometimes. I'm sure your words of support meant more to that officer than you know or intended.

  4. It's not difficult to understand. It's just cowardly and predictable to bring up on Friday before we play the defending AFC champs. The NFL is a week to week league, you might find it comforting to go in expecting to lose -- but it's a weak attitude and deserves to be ridiculed even if it's true.


    Quoted for truth!



    So... People shouldn't protest anything because there's other stuff that people aren't protesting because you shouldn't protest anything in the first place.


    CTE is a hell of a drug.


    I think the point is that the issue that they are "protesting" may or may not have validity. But, hitching your protest wagon to this particular incident by using the "hands up, don't shoot" (which has been proven to be a complete lie) motion is moronic. Pick an incident where the facts at least partially match your narrative.

  6. So it's ok to chase after him and shoot him dead? He wasn't shot and killed while struggling with the police. Yeah, that's appropriate punishment. I must have missed it when the death penalty was imposed on alleged shoplifters and obscenity shouters. Besides, it is a somewhat moot point since the black community has another person to rally around who was executed for simply being big, black and protesting his innocence. Or perhaps a better cause would be that 12 year old black kid in Cleveland who was gunned down by police for playing with a toy gun - and the statements given by the police in the matter are clearly shown to be lies given the indisputable video evidence. Well, he was tall for a 12 year old, so I guess it was ok to take his life.


    As far as I am concerned, Ditka can go F himself.


    This kind of ignorance is better suited for PPP, methinks.

  7. Coroner ruled Eric Garner's death a homicide. Chokehold that killed him was against NYPD's rules. It's all on video. http://reason.com/bl...-death …


    Everyone knows that this should be something where they hand you a citation and move on. Not have a gang of cops fight you to the ground................ Unacceptable



    Has anyone actually watched the video? No "chokehold" occurred. The cops arm was around his neck area (and not tightly, might I add) for less than 10 seconds total. Who here has attempted to place a combative 400 pound man in handcuffs? Pretty please usually doesn't work. The man died because he was morbidly obese, resisted the police, and his body couldn't take it. I suspect his complaints of not being able to breathe had more to do with having police on top of him trying to cuff him than the few seconds of the officer's arm around his neck/shoulder area (he kept complaining after the officer's arm was no longer in the area).


    Secondly, it is my understanding that the police were going to issue a summons and move on - except that Garner refused to provide his identification. At that point, it goes from a non-arrest / notice to appear situation to an arrest / go to jail situation.


    Has the actual autopsy report been released yet?

  8. Setup a fund for someone who gets a $50,000 pension from the league? Someone who cashed in his 401k for $0.25 on the dollar? For a pro athlete who had a 14 year run of making pro athlete money?


    Look I hope for the best for everyone and I hope his situation gets better for himself and his family. But every man needs to accept responsibility for their decisions and for their lives......and that entire article by Tim Graham rubbed me the wrong way. Blaming Butler for not resigning him when he said he would. Saying the NFL doesn't care about him......it honestly all sounds like sour grapes to me. I also didnt like how Tim Graham called Duerson's widow to get a comment on Talley saying it's cowardly to commit suicide. He basically threw Talley under the bus and made him look and seem like an insensitive ass when that's not what he meant. Very unprofessional from Tim Graham.....which doesn't surprise me at all. The guy seems to do anything possible to give his stories the most juice and drama possible.


    I had the same thought.

  9. Paraphrasing -


    Johnson: We was just walking down the middle of the street. It's not like we were breaking the law, or anything.


    Grand Jury: Wait a minute, you just robbed a store of cigarillos...


    Johnson: Oh, yeah, well....

  10. I am not disagreeing with you. I am putting myself in the witnesses shoes with his money.


    The guy may or may not have been traumatized but likely did not see everything yet told himself he did and made up for it by connecting the dots in his head. It's human nature and it is why witnesses are awful at accounting for events until forensics can match the testimony.


    He likely believed that the cop was a little hostile and had to draw up in his mind that the cop was that way, if he was or wasn't lying it's hard to say. It just comes with using a witness.


    No doubt that witnesses can process things differently. I understand that - its part of my job. With Johnson, I believe it is a little more than that. Seeing his interviews after the incident, where the MSM jumped on his version of events (which largely fueled the impending national uproar and false narrative) and reading the transcript of his testimony, I dont believe that his mind subconsciously "filled in the empty spaces" as does typically and naturally happen. I believe his version is filled with more conscious and intentional deception. Thats all.


    Was Wilson exaggerating a little too? Was he really fending off the Incredible Hulk?


    The difference is this: "It was like a 5 year old against Hulk Hogan". It was a metaphor in order to describe his mindset. Different than stating things as fact "He said get the F off the street".

  11. The money thing I just chalked up to him actually doing that because if I don't have pants I usually do that.


    The issue about getting to the sidewalk I think was just exaggerated because he was a bit riled up, same with him leaving the store. I think he was just and is just a dumb guy who wanted to not be on camera or get shot and did not put the full puzzle together.


    Is an "exaggeration" a lie? Is the exaggeration intended to create a false appearance of Officer Wilson's demeanor? To paint him as a hateful cop?


    Regarding not being on camera - so, what you are saying is he knew a crime was being committed and he was implicated in it and he didn't want to get caught?


    The Grand Jury got to the bottom of that little episode, when Johnson finally admitted that the purpose of walking down the middle of the road was to act tough in the neighborhood.

  12. In cases like this it is almost impossible to trust the witness in this circumstance because he was likely in such shock from the initial theft to begin with; I do not think his intent was to lie or be wrong, I just think he did not know what he did not know and strung together the rest with what he could make up to justify what he saw. It was not malicious in my opinion, but I'd like to hear what cases you believed he was lying.


    Wilson supposedly told them to "Get the F#$@ on the sidewalk", but then he (Johnson) says on page 65 lines 21 through 24 "At that time the officer didn't really look like, you know, he was mad or he was telling us that we was committing a crime, he was just saying get on the sidewalk."


    Johnson testifies that he brought money to go buy breakfast for his girlfriend and child, and get some cigarillos to smoke weed. Then he testifies that he has no pockets in his pants. Grand Jury notices this and asks about it..."Oh, I keep my money in my shoe". Really? He also said that he intended to pay for the cigarillos, yet had no real reason as to why he didn't except he wanted to just get out of the store and away from the situation. Moments later, Brown and Johnson are just nonchalantly strolling down the middle of the road talking about what their futures held. Sound like someone who was so scared of the robbery that had just occurred?


    He goes into great detail to describe how Wilson pulled Brown into the patrol car and Brown was just trying to pull away. Yet, when confronted with common sense - how was a 6'4" 285 lb man not able to pull away from an officer's single handed grasp - he has no real answer.


    Thats just a few that I noticed upon my initial skimming...

  13. Honestly, Wilson's testimony is pretty unbelievable. You guys are freaking hilarious.



    As long as you agree with the verdict...honeslty, Wilsons' tesitimony sounds like a crock of ****. Ignore the fact that the prosecuter in this case seemed to have a conflict of interest and did a terrible job, the jury wasn't made aware of evidence that would have put the witnesses for the defendant in major question, yeah, that is a great write up.


    Do you understand what the term "probable cause" means?

  14. Did anyone notice when the Dolphins punted the ball (I believe it was the 4th quarter) and the official clearly marked it at our 15 yard line, yet when the commercial break was over the Bills were starting the drive at their own 10? No explanation of a penalty on the broadcast. In the scheme of things, it didnt matter - but it did add to my frustration for some reason.

  15. Sure do, very talented group of dudes, that being said, thank you BigCat for bringing my love of a capella music to the attention of a football board.


    More than reasonable chance I am gonna get beaten up, thrown in a locker and have a slushee dumped on me.


    Only made worse by the fact that I am Indian and probably sold them the slushee myself.


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