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Everything posted by LongLiveRalph

  1. I don't know why you place any stock in those numbers, and more importantly, why you are JUST NOW losing faith in popular music. Forget album sales. There are many great, great resources on the web to hear your favorite bands and dabble in some new sounds. If you think album sales are a good way to guage what's "good," then have fun listening to the garbage that is Maroon 5, Nickelback, and Hannah Montana. IMO the state of music is quite good. There are plenty of great bands doing some great things. The industry is just horrible at figuring out how to get the music released successufully and efficiently.
  2. I don't believe there is a worse-looking car on the road than a Prius right now. They are horrible. My friend's wife just got one, and I rode with them on a two-hour trip, sitting in the back, and it was horribly uncomfortable. I'm 5'11" and my head was hitting the roof. My ass was asleep in about 20 minutes. I couldn't get comfortable, and to make matters worse, she was only logging about 30 mpg. I fully realize ALL cars are a matter of personal taste...I just hate the lines on the Prius. Looks like half spaceship/half piece-of-shiit. I wouldn't put one in my movie, either.
  3. Buffalo is a long way off from being a great city...And I don't feel the need to justify the things I like... But it's pretty comical when people think they've moved somewhere "great" (like Charlotte, NC or Tallahassee, FL) and think that "getting something built" equals a new strip mall with ample lease space for the next Applebees. EZC may be blindly optimistic but there's enough pessimism to go around. A lot of the bitchiness seen in these threads is the same bitchiness that exists within developers/politicians/unions. I don't understand. If development in WNY was easy, lots would've been done by now and progress would be evident. But it's not easy. That doesn't stop some of us from working toward it, instead of laughing at/bitching about/tossing aside progress. Why work for development when it's so much easier to be apathetic, right? Why risk working toward a project that may fail, when it's so much easier to criticize from the sidelines??? I fully realize the powers that be have given people very little to get excited about. All the more reason to step in and be a player rather than an irrelevant, "told you so" spectator.
  4. If you are a fan of the sport of basketball, watch Chris Paul play, and enjoy....The kid is something else. Skills galore and a total pro.
  5. I think JP would be a great backup QB. He has proven he can come in and win (replaced Holcomb vs. KC, replaced Edwards vs. NYJ). For me, he had his shining opportunity as a starter against Jax last season, and failed miserably. But I have no qualms about him coming in if Trent got knocked dizzy. The prospect of JP stringing wins together as a starter is unrealistic based on his past. But what teams in the league TRUTHFULLY expect that they will be okay if their starting QB goes down? There are no teams who would feel comfortable using their backup for an extended stretch, 3 games or more...Most would be in trouble. I also don't fear the "JP hovering over Trent's shoulder" angle. Sully is a clown and the article can sound a little harsh at times, but whatever...The only piece I disagree with is the line, "The Bills knew they were done with JP when they drafted Edwards last season." Completely untrue. The Bills were hoping for big things from JP, and also had a gaping hole at backup QB.
  6. "Acknowledging Your Mistakes and Learning from them is Overrated" by Darcy Regier & Larry Quinn (with a special DVD included with an inside look on how they plan to lowball Jason Pominville)
  7. Stupid Bulgarians always suck at standardized tests.
  8. "Parking in Handicapped Spots, Rolling through Stop Signs, Singing Poor Karaoke, and Other Heinous Crimes That Your Generation Commits" by stuckincincy
  9. Same here, played hoops thru high school and played D-3 in college...The hazing was pretty constant when you were a young buck, but never unbearable...Head shaving, lugging equipment, doing stupid embarrassing shiit at restaurants on road trips...And of course some occasional heavy drinking...Nothing ever got obscene or dangerous, and even the drinking wasn't forced in excess on those who didn't feel comfortable. The words "anal", "broomstick", or "penetrate" never entered the hazing vocabulary. I understand there are a few sickos, and I understand the mob mentality, but I can't believe that other upperclassmen could sit there and watch the "hazing" spiral into something criminal and sexual, and not one did anything about it.
  10. "Four Wild and Crazy Saturday Nights" by Jim Kelly
  11. No. A black player with a Latino first name!!! I'm rocking the double-sterotype today.
  12. Awwwwww......Somebody's got a little sand in their vagina.....Quick cincy, I think somebody is rolling thru a stop sign, go get his license plate and rat him out! Then come here and post all about it. That'll make you feel better!!!
  13. I heard on the radio that Mario Manningham from Michigan scored a 6 on his Wonderlic. They said a 10 "suggests" that you are literate. Hilarious. Hear of any other real bright lights?
  14. I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says "Shenanigans."
  15. There was some pretty good hazing at my high school...Everyone got it pretty good from the veterans, and then dished it out pretty good to the younger guys. That said, there were ZERO sexual connotations and I never once felt like my ass was in jeopardy...And it never occurred to me to put someone else's ass in jeopardy. Strange f'ing kids nowadays.
  16. I thought I heard that only the #1 overall pick could officially sign and come to terms with their team, and the team holding the #2 pick had to wait until draft day and couldn't negotiate early...As it stands, Long hasn't been "drafted" by Miami yet. Or maybe the #2 team can negotiate but just can't make any official announcements? Anyone know?
  17. Hmmmm...Clear and salty, huh? Not sure I'd tell too many people about the wild times you had at the frat house in college...
  18. Does your gym have the ADA-compliant automatic door opener??? Maybe they park but they just can't get in.
  19. Probably not...You do have to factor in temporary permits and such for injuries, etc...But even then I'm sure it's not close... I guess it just seems like a reasonable ratio, because how many places truly have 50+ parking spaces? If your going to a 7-11, chances are, there are about 15 regular spaces and one handicapped space. Nothing wrong there. A Walgreens or CVS might have 30 spaces, and 2 handicapped spots...Again, I don't see the issue. It doesn't seem extensive. It's not like a 1:5 ratio or something like that... Supermarkets, office buildings, malls, etc. will be the places with hundreds of spots, and they have the closest spaces dedicated to handicapped parking (as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.) What is the liklihood that you go to a Tops/Wegmans supermarket and ALL of the 300 regular spaces are taken, while the 12 handicapped spaces up front are open? Sure, maybe the primo reserved parking spots are going mainly unused, but it's still not that difficult for the able-bodied to find a spot and make their way to the store.
  20. Why is Stewie gay, and why does he speak with a British accent? (Did I just answer my own question?)
  21. There's been some great Round 1 series so far... I'm pulling for the Caps and Flames tonight, and I'd take Iginla/Phaneuf over Thornton/Campbell 8 DAYS A WEEK!!! I have to admit, the NBA playoffs have also gotten off to a great start. I can only imagine the basketball excitement in mid-June when they get to Round 2...
  22. Biron is something like 0-6 in the second game of back-to-backs this season...Not sure if that's the exact record, but I know he's 0-and-something...Flyers can't like that stat.... I realize they squandered a 2-0 lead on home ice, but you gotta love those Philly fans sending their team on the road for a game 7 with a chorus of boos! "Go get 'em boys, we're behind you (until you start losing!!!)"
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