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Everything posted by LongLiveRalph

  1. Building codes differ everywhere, but a typical standard is a MINIMUM of 1 ADA-compliant parking space, even if that's the only space on your lot. Then it is usually is a factor of 25 beyond that. Therefore, if you own a store and have between 1-25 regular parking spaces, you are required to have 1 handicapped spot. If you have 26-50 spaces, you are required to have 2 handicapped spots, and so on.... I agree, sometimes when you're driving around the lot it looks like overkill, but looking at those numbers, it seems like a pretty fair ratio.
  2. Timberlake actually did a real good job playing a druggie in Alpha Dog.
  3. Nice... I also liked: Stiles from Teen Wolf...digging through the garage for his brother's stash... And though not exactly the "cinema" stoner per se, Booger's wonder joints in Revenge of the Nerds really got that party with the Mu's jumping The Bill Murray/Chevy Chase scene in Caddyshack...Timeless..."Half Kentucky bluegrass, half Northern California sensimilla...Cannonball it!!!!"
  4. Lock 'em up!!! Good to see some unemployed members of the Taliban have found work with Indianapolis' finest.
  5. I think Artie would be F'd without the show. He's been a successful stand-up and has greenlit some movies, but the majority of those opportunities turned lucrative AFTER he was a success on the Stern show. Obviously, he made it to MadTV on his own, but he also wasn't 320 lbs at that point, and his substance abuse wasn't so well-documented. He had a stretch at the end of FM radio and the beginning of Sirius where he was absolutely ON FIRE....I had tears in my eyes laughing at some of his bits and especially his off-the-cuff comments...Lately, he hasn't been doing it for me...His reality can be funny and entertaining, but for the most part, his "woe is me" attitude makes him sound like a whiney, lazy B word IMO. On the flip side, there would be an adjustment period, but I'm sure the Stern show would be just fine without Artie. Either rotate sit-in guests in his seat, or hire someone much the same way they hired Artie. Or leave it empty like they do on the one day every week that Artie calls in sick. Maybe Artie watched "Beer League" during his week off and realized that his career outside of the show might not be such a sure-thing.
  6. Just a small cameo...But those kids driving at the beginning of Super Troopers (they appear again at the party at the end) were hilarious...As were the cops when they burnt down and watched Johnny Chimpo....
  7. What's REALLY worse is when the concert is actually somebody worth paying for (just kidding poojer! But I think Marroon 5 is absolutely the worst... but I digress...) It is very, very frustrating when you sign on to Ticketmaster for a hot ticket about 1.4 seconds after they are placed on sale...The website immediately says SOLD OUT, and then tickets are found 10 minutes later on the "scalper" websites at a 150% markup...This happened to me recently while trying to get Neil Young tickets at Sheas in Buff last year. I eventually got 'em but had to pay $400 for 2.
  8. Forget chasing down the cop outside. Once in the store, stuckincincy called the manager to report that some guy had 11 items in the 10 items or less lane. He might have let him slide, but the kid had a punk haircut and his shirt wasn't tucked in. "That double-pack of Duracell batteries counts as two items pal." He will be posting about that on Monday and accepting all of your virtual high-fives and pats on the back.
  9. I'm not sure the kid is all that good. He's benefiting from a very weak QB crop. I'm no pro scout but I don't see a lot of separation between Ryan and Henne. Teams that draft them will hope for a Mark Bulger-type player...But I see them probably ending up more as Rex Grossman-types.
  10. I'm not missing the point...I agree with every requirement brought on by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and firmly believe that it is in EVERY business's best interest to make their facility as accessible as possible for all people. I suppose I would just give the "tricked out ride" the benefit of the doubt...Maybe it's a 19-year old kid who drove his grandmother to the store. Maybe it's just some lazy prick. Either way, there is a sign right in front of his face warning him that parking without a permit is a $250 fine. I guess I would let the cop on duty locate him and write him up. I personally wouldn't make it my business, and I certainly wouldn't brag about getting someone busted after the fact. I agree completey with your statement that having a reason for doing something doesn't qualify that something as legal. I too would make every attempt to stop someone who stole a purse or was assaulting somebody. I guess my line of thinking is...If stuckincincy is such a champion of the disabled, there are hundreds of other, better, MORE REWARDING ways to help....And then coming to this message board and discussing those activities would sound much better than, "I just ratted someone out to the cops who was parked in a handicapped spot. HOORAY FOR ME!!!"
  11. Scoe Parrish finally used to the max. He and McGee are the two best picks of the Donahoe era
  12. Wow. So your first line made it clear that you don't watch the NBA or understand basketball, especially Tex Winter's triangle offense. That's ok. It's 2003 and Kobe is a gunner. I get it. Your second line made it clear that you don't live in the real world, and you actually think that some innocent young girl (with another dude's semen already on her underwear and person) just happened to knock on Kobe's door to see if he needed any more towels. You don't have to be jealous of the guy because he gets ass and you have some busted girlfriend, but I suppose I understand why you would be.
  13. Believe me, my stance here is as far away as possible from "Anti-handicapped parking." It is invaluable for many, and somewhat eases the hassle of something as simple as going to the store, taken for granted by myself and many others. I fully realize that the wider spaces, access aisles, and proximity to the facility entrance are a must for the majority of the elderly and people with disabilities. My posts are more of a reaction to the original poster bragging about "ratting someone out," followed by the others high-fiving him for chasing down a cop and getting someone a ticket....And just assuming that the person who parked there was in the wrong. I fully understand that the original poster felt what he was doing was right...I just am a little wary of the way everyone thinks that EVERYTHING that occurs is their business. There are plenty of valid reasons why a person without a ADA parking permit would park in that spot, and I listed some of them above. I wonder if the poster would've been so cavalier about busting this guy if he had a 1994 Dodge Caravan, rather than "a spiffy ride with tricked out wheels." He made PLENTY of assumptions when he decided it was his place to hand out a $250 ticket.
  14. I was thinking hard about solutions to those problems while I was driving home today, and I think I was making some progress...But then some guy in front of me changed lanes without signaling, so I immediately dialed 911 to report this horrid violation.
  15. Hahaha. Nice! Good to know that your number of posts qualifies you for whatever position you've bestowed upon yourself in your Bills website fantasy world. How about, the guy who drove the car was on his way back from the doctor's office and didn't get his handicapped permit yet? How about, he was driving his handicapped grandmother to the store? How about, he's is one of the tens of millions of Americans who doesn't have health insurance and can't afford to get his injuries looked at? How about letting the cop do his job? I love how everyone here immediately played the holier-than-thou card and said, "YEAH!!! GET THAT BASTARD!!! SHOULD'VE TOWED HIM!!!" But I know, I'm the douche bag... And if it was just some prick taking a handicapped spot, is it the biggest deal in the world? The next handicapped person has to park in one of the other four spaces, or (gasp!) with the common folk a whole 40 feet further from the front door??? I'm not making light of the disabled...I'm merely saying that I think they can handle it. As we've all seen many times, while the spaces are valuable for many, handicapped passes are handed out for migraine headaches and shoulder injuries!!!! Just because somebody does something wrong doesn't automatically make it my business. However, I also am not in favor of the police state that you strokes seem to be patting yourselves on the back about. Get over yourselves!!!
  16. I think that's evidence that Kobe has matured as a player. His team was in a race for top seed in the Western conference, and they were getting beat by a bottom-feeder...In years past, Kobe may have requested out of the game and pouted on the bench, or he may have started gunning up shots all over the place, just happy to get 50 points in a losing effort. Instead, he was frustrated by a bad loss, and got ejected...While the ejection may not have been positive, the reaction of his teammates seeing their star player so fired up may have inspired their efforts to secure the #1 seed. I don't disagree that he's a schmuck, but he's definitely playing at his highest level, and is actually playing within a team concept.
  17. His bum knee was causing him to miss 4-foot putts at the Masters?
  18. I fail to see how ratting someone out is the American way. Stuckincincy is probably on the phone to all of your bosses right now, ratting you out for surfing the Net and theft of company time.
  19. I got into a fight at the grocery store over this the other day. I saw some handicapped guy trying to park in one of OUR spaces!!!! I let him know what time it was...
  20. I don't fully understand the Kobe bashing (aside from him acting like a little B word in the offseason)... He has definitely matured as a player. LA played the Hornets a few weeks ago, they were 1-2 in the West, and Kobe and Chris Paul were the front-runners for the MVP...You know in any previous season, Kobe would tried to make a statement, gunned up 37 shots, and tried to score 60. This year, he played a complimentary role in the offense, taking over when the shot clock called for it, and scored, dished, and rebounded the Lakers to an easy victory. I realize you were somewhat joking, but Kobe averages 2 assists more per game than the next closest Laker...He averages 28, 6, 5 every game for the #1 team in the West...He is clearly, without question, the top 1-v-1 defender in the game. I don't love Kobe and I hate the Lakers (Chris Paul would get my MVP vote) but Kobe has been the truth this year. And as for the skank in Colorado, Kobe's wallet was the only thing that got raped that night....
  21. There is parity in the East, but they seem to be playing a different game from the West. Rough, hard hitting, punishing, consistent, disciplined hockey in the West. The top teams in the East don't stack up...More of a skaters conference, though less so this year than the past two years. Looking at the points, it's impossible to argue that. I realize that the shootout has an impact on the standings (just look at NYI qualifying in game 82 last year in a shootout) but I am of the opinion that the Sabres are on the outside looking in because Max, Stafford, and Kotalik have not performed, and the defense... Injuries have played a role for every single team in the NHL this season. Were you satisfied, as a fan, with the defensemen they came into the 07-08 season with? Hank Tallinder has defined injury-prone. Spacek and Kalinin were unplayable in the playoffs. Campbell didn't have an extension. Lydman has been terrible the past two seasons whenever Hank has been injured (which has been often.) Numminen has a bad ticker and 22 years of professional wear-and-tear. You can say it's the injuries, I just think they're not that good. Completely agree. [Hence the rant above about the defensemen...Or, I guess, the rant about the front office for not picking up a defenseman and/or signing Soupy.] Didn't mean to come off that way...I don't take any of the computer jazz personally.
  22. Try? I have. And I've watched the West extensively. The East is pathetic, and the fact that the Sabres are currrently out of the playoff picture in that conference is even more disheartening. But please feel free to make more excuses for a weak defense, complacent forwards, and average goaltending. Chalking it up to, "That's hockey" is brilliant. Thanks for the insight.
  23. After the Super Bowl, I sent my friend who is an incredibly obnoxious Pats fan this hat, with a note "Congratulations on your AFC Championship." He was not thrilled.
  24. Hahahaha, yeah, I've watched 80 games and seen this team leave points all over the place. I've seen lackluster effort that has become more the norm than the exception. Let's pat them on the back for nearly eliminating themselves with four games left because they haven't thrown in the towel yet. Montreal is playing for the East top seed and they will probably lay the wood tomorrow night. Call it pessimistic if you want, but you feel free to show me a big game that the Sabres have won this year. Beating the AHL Leafs doesn't qualify. They've given up an inordinate amount of 3rd period leads, and tried their best to give the game away last night. Goalposts, inaccurate shooting, and a timely save (which has been missing) is the only reason they're still alive.
  25. I realize the Sabres were going for the win, but the Leafs had some serious sitters that a good team would've buried. There are glaring defensive lapses, especially by the forwards in the defensive zone. When Miller's save percentage is .870, it doesn't take much more than 25 shots to beat them.
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