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Posts posted by smuvtalker

  1. I think up until this point I've been enamoured with the idea of a guy like Sweed or Kelly because of their size. Both being 6'4" and 225+ makes them ideal in the redzone. James Hardy with his 6'7" 220 frame could translate into a fantastic weapon in the NFL. Is a guy like Thomas, at 6'2", big enough to be that true redzone 'go to' guy? I love what Lee Evans does for this team and to a lesser extent I can live with Roscoe and Josh Reed, but it's become evident they need a bigger physical presence. Is a guy like Thomas the ideal size? Forget the fact that he's only really produced one season and consider how his game translates to the NFL in terms of what the Bills need from the position.


    My answer is no. I like him as a player but not enough to pass over the defensive players who'll be available at 11 that make you better immediately. There is too much talent available in the 2nd round at WR to take a guy like Thomas in the first.


    What's your perspective?







    I think you post a very valid point, I myself have thought about his size, especially with all of us being so desperate for size at the WR position, and seeing the likes of 6'4 and 6'7 type guys available, seeing Devin Thomas at 6'2 makes you give him a 2nd thought...


    But the sad thing is this...He'd still be the tallest receiver on our roster...and there's no denying he's an electrifying talent with tremendous potential.


    That said, I don't know if I'd take him over Sweed or Hardy.

  2. Really annoying for those who need to compete for days off with others. It appears to be more and more the league is staging whole schedule release.


    You could not have said that any better. I've been holding off on trying to schedule my vacation days waiting for this #$@%#^$ schedule to come out!

  3. I know it's been discussed before, please forgive if it has already been said, but i had heard that the NFL schedule was to be released today? Is that correct?


    I'm dying here waiting for the schedule to come out in hopes of maybe one or two Monday night games at the Ralph...I'm trying to plan my vacation around the schedule...


    Anyone know if today is the day?


    GO BILLS!!

  4. Greer and McGee are the best CB tandem in the AFC east?


    Are you serious? Is this the same Green that got smoked for about 6 TDS this year by Randy Moss?


    I have to agree with you, I don't think Greer and McGee are the best CB tandem in the AFC East. They were definitely serviceable and played solid, but calling them the best tandem in the afc east might be a bit much. However, just about every corner Randy Moss faced got rolled up and smoked....


    I think unless a player like Dorsey falls into our laps, or perhaps even taking Rivers, I think we should definitely go WR round one.

  5. A great win yesterday against our most hated division rival. But there is one thing that has me just a bit concerned, and that is the lack of JP's use of his wheels. I remember reading in training camps and pre-season that the coaches were MAKING him stand in the pocket and avoid the pass rush. In the 4 preseason games plus the 2 regular season games, I believe I have seen JP take off with the ball only once or maybe twice.


    One of his obvious strengths coming out of college was his mobility and his ability to make plays happen with his feet. While I do think that many times last year he did have a case of happy feet, I also believe that he was able to make several nice plays by taking off with the football when things broke down. I hope that the coaching staff isn't crippling JP so to speak by taking away his option to run, or even throwing in a few plays here in there designed to get him out in the open field.


    I think he is leaps and bounds beyond where he was last year, and I am very pleased with the job our coaching staff has done with JP and the rest of this team, I just think if we want to get Losman playing to his full potential, shouldn't we let him take off with it at least once or twice a game??


    GO BILLS!!!

  6. The only one that comes as a mild surprise is Aaron Gibson. I thought he would stick around. I heard he was pretty immovable throughout camp. Maybe they were referring to the inability to move him away from the buffet table.


    I hope they hold him out as well...no need in rushing him back any sooner than need be. As bad as we need him out there, I wouldn't be opposed to him returning for the home opener against the Jets.


    But the coaches as well as Takeo must feel like he has progressed to a point where they feel comfortable enough letting him out there. I just hope Takeo isn't his own worst enemy and trying to come back too soon..

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