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Everything posted by indiragandhi'sthong

  1. Jake Long - He is a monster tackle who dominated quality d tackles and ends. I think he is the best on either side of thne ball. As a second choice I would take Mitch Cumstein, tight end, Morehead State.
  2. With the Sabres season going down the toilet, I need to focus on some other sports item to relieve the sorrow. The upcoming draft came to mind and I started to think of the NFL Draft broadcast in the early days of ESPN. The days when Berman was quite a bit thinner and had more hair on his head than his back. Draft day was a national holiday for me. When I was in high school, it was an automatic skip day - my mom never put up much of a fight always asking me to call her after Buffal picked. It was held on a weekday (Thursday, I think) and I always had a large pizza, an eight-pack of pepsi (yes, the old glass bottles) and something chocolatey for dessert. I also had spent weeks preparing my first round mock draft (sometimes completing a second round as well) and had my list and all my prep. materials closeby so I could read about any pick that was made - that was well before Al Gore invented the internet. I just remember getting so hyped up about the draft ... spending the day in shorts and a white t-shirt ... taking no calls from the girlfriend ... just having a guy's day. Now, with my son in tow, I am lucky to get to watch Buffalo's pick. Ah, some reflections from the good ol'days. What are your memories?
  3. It is a perfect marraige ... pay him the league minimum and all the "ganga" he can smoke. Thanks, but no thanks!
  4. I'd take Ike Turner ... he had a notorious temper and had a tedency to slap the s#*% out of anything that got in his way. Put him at one outside LB spot.
  5. I live near the falls and read this ignoramus's stories on a regular basis. I would like to say that this "idea" of his is isolated and not reflective of most of his columns, but sadly he is a "putz" most of the time. It makes you wonder how some of these "reporters" and radio personalities survive. I call it the Shaud Williams factor ... perhaps they have compromising photos of some head honcho so they'll always be around to draw a paycheck. How else do you explain a 5'7/200 lb. running back that is usually in street clothes on Sunday and when he does dress rarely contributes - even on special teams? Oh well, that is my rant for the day!
  6. If he is there, it would be hard to ignore him ... he has supreme talent. But, I think some team will move up to pluck him and Marv & Co. will go defensive in Round One and draft a RB in Round Two. I think Marv believes in solidifying your lines with first round picks and unearthing talent in the skill positions later in the draft.
  7. Colin Cowherd is awful and I wish WRG would can his show ... he is more like Colin Blowhard - so arrogant and full of himself. That's my two cents.
  8. Thank you for offering some excellent points on NYC ... I, for one, vote for making it a prison.
  9. I have lived in NY State my whole life ... for a time in the Binghamton area (talk about depressing) - mostly in Niagara County. I moved back to WNY because this is where I want my kids raised, but you are correct in your assessment of the situation. To me, the biggest problem resides not in Albany, but in the anchor that is NY City. Western and Central NY pay for the cesspool that is the "big apple" ... city residents get to take a nice big chunk of the juicy apple, while what we get is mostly the core. I have always said that it is a shame two states were not fomed (i.e. Virginia and West Virginia) - New York (NYC, Duchess and Westchester) and Northern New York (Central & Western) - the downstaters (for the most part) don't care for us (except for our tax dollars and accessible colleges) AND I, FOR ONE, CAN'T STAND THE CITY AND ITS ARROGANT INHABITANTS. I sympathize with that area and the tragedy that was 9/11 ... but if I never get to the city again, it will be too soon. Since this is a sports site, I never understood WNY's fascination with teams from the city (Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Rangers, Islanders, Devils, Knicks, Nets, etc.) - that area "craps" all over us and despises us, yet soooo many WNYer's fall all over themselves with (for one) Yankee souvenirs ... support some other team that isn't making life difficult here. Enough for my rant ... just realize where a lot of our hard-earned money is going and you, too will abhor all NYC teams.
  10. I am not sure how all this will play out, but I at least understand what (I believe) Marv is doing. He is targeting younger players with growth potential, not older vets on the downside of their career. I think he is being realistic that the Bills will not be a playoff challenger this year, but he is building for a solid future. The only thing that I don't understand is the lack of attention to the O-Line ... his teams thrived with good offensive lines - perhaps, Wells is a move to start addressing that. And don't be too surprised if JP is sent packing - something tells me that his approaches and mental makeup are not to Marv's liking. Although, it is unlikely I could see the Bills selecting Cutler at #8 or at the very least targeting a QB with a 3rd or 4th round selection who has some upside. uote=Casey D,Mar 19 2006, 07:49 AM] He's got a plan. He's got a team full of holes, so he casts as wide a net as possible adding players. High character guys, who have room for improvement with good coaching/teaching, but come at a reasonable cost. And for all the old guy jokes about RW and Levy, no one on the wrong side of 30 gets added. He does all this instead of spending a bunch of money on one or two guys, especially when there are so many holes to fill. He truly is the anti-Donahoe, everything he does is pretty much the opposite, no big names, no aging stars. As George Castanza would say, if every instinct Donahoe had was wrong... then do the opposite. And it's really cool how Levy is irritating the fans who lapped up the Donahoe approach-- we want Bentley, and Archuleta, big names with big contracts. Now if the results Levy gets in a couple of years is the opposite of Donahoe, then we are talking... CD 635066[/snapback]
  11. I agree that there is no way that Marv drafts a tight end at #8 with the Bills using a relatively high pick on Kevin Everett - it is a luxury this team can't afford this year. Ngata is a terrific prospect and there is more OL depth than DL, but something tells me D'Brick would be the choice. Marv has tremendous OL in the Bills heyday and we need a stud or two there to turn this thing around. However, if they go after Runyan, then all bets are off. At that point, they could trade down to acquire picks or take Ngata.
  12. Congratulations! I have two and it is the most amazing gift that just keeps getting better. It is a lot of hard work, but man are you paid back time and again. My little boy is only 19 months but already we watch Sportscenter together and Sabres game ... you just can't beat it. Enjoy it and pass my congrats on to your wife and little one.
  13. From my limited times at Two Bills Drive, one thing is crystal clear ... - Soprano 3695 is a blowhard and likes to jerk people's chains (hint: a ticket taker is not a source deep withing the bowels of the Ralph) I just needed to get that off of my chest. *** My source at the Big Tree Inn says Eric is gone and very soon!
  14. I thought the Sopranos was a drama, not a comedy - but, this is hilarious!
  15. That would be perect ... she could kill off another another aging man and work to take over quote=Falstaff_in_Philly,Jan 25 2006, 09:32 PM] I'm not holding my breath... Maybe we'll bring in Georgia Frontiere...we have every other old Ram 583945[/snapback]
  16. I love the draft, but man do you have time on your hands. This is an exercise in futility, so many variables change before draft day and goodness knows how Ralph/Marv/Dick will think ... but hey, enjoy yourself - I hope that they do invest heavily in both lines.
  17. In all his years, Ralph has really never spent for a coach (with the possible omission of Chuck Knox) - so this is no surprise. Jauron will work within the structure, not cause waves or question Marv/Ralph. Sherman has more experience than Marv as a general manager and we couldn't have that. I think the pick should have been Sherman (who would have brought better people with him), but he may have doomed his own candidacy with his demands. But hey, I thought the pick of Marv Levy (who?) was a loser in 1986 and that worked out pretty well. We'll see who his offensive coordinator ... safe to say though, that free agents will hardly be lining up to come here. I bet Cincy looks pretty good to Takeo now.
  18. Great name, but still not as good as Dick Pound or Dick Trickle
  19. hmmm ... qualudes must be easier to get your hands on these days.
  20. This may be a lame question, but wasn't Jauron considered last time we interviewed? If he wasn't good enough then or in his time with Chicago, what would give him the edge now ... his work in Detroit. If he was so good in Detroit why not hire him there? Just wondering ...
  21. While I loved Haz as a player, I am unsure about my feeling of his as the next coach of the Bills. That being said, a few points to consider ... - He is the one candidate who has been a Bill as has pride in that label. Like Marv, he has a vested interest in rebuilding this organization for the long haul. - Who knows what Haz can do with the backing of a serious owner - Tom Benson is a foolish ass and didn't give Haz the tools needed to do a solid job (i.e. see moving his franchise to San Antonio right after the flood in New Orleans) - He surely wouldn't be outworked - Haz spends crazy hours at the office during the season and in the off-season Time will tell - just wanted to get my two cents in.
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