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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. I am pretty sure we cured him, or the friend, can't remember.
  2. You mean to say he has: Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord and a deep admiration for Carlos Hathcock.
  3. I watched the Waterboy. Bobby Bucher's mom told him a story like this. Not to be flippant but.... Are you sure she has told you the truth? She may have been protecting you from something she thought was worse at the time and after years it becomes hard to come clean.
  4. And sometimes a little extra with the stop-loss program.
  5. Wow. You have to keep reinforced bunkers affordable.
  6. If you lose your waylona compass. (see it's not that bad)
  7. Gravity, it not just a good idea, it's the law.
  8. Interesting idea. But now, any reaction by Bush to this protest will be interpreted as weakness and a lack of resolve. First Ladies are usually popular because they rarely act and in this case it is better for her not to because it is likely to be interpreted most cynically. The best move Bush could make at this point is simply recognize their right to their opinions and send them vegetarian pizzas, and when asked about it say, "Well, pizza is one thing I think most Americans can agree upon."
  9. If you remember, I don't think he made Buffalo's opening day roster last year. Why would you draft someone he wasn't going to make your opening day roster?
  10. Do players have to clear waivers before being placed on the PS this year? I thought they did but have no proof.
  11. Oil is the trump card. The quicker they get it pumping the faster things can improve. The other thing that suprised me is that there is actual tax revenue. I have no idea where that is coming from, but it is a hopeful sign. The "gomers are running around blowing sh-- up" is a great deterent to venture capital. I think the dinar is pegged to the US dollar- which is a sound strategy for the short term future.
  12. The 3% had me scratching my head. I can't honestly say that I know what it means in relation to 50%. The grim part is that the banking sector is undercapitalized and barely functioning. It is hard to create an ownership society without. As much as the war, I think the economic strategy here will be long studied. By going with a day 1 type model the economy was radically restructured from its totalitarian/nationalized roots to encourage a private capital model. Very difficult if the banks aren't working to spur internal and foreign investment.
  13. I think I saw that some time ago. However, balance those things with what the IMF is saying The Economist The picture is mixed, although I know our troops are working very hard.
  14. Not sure about that, but I have wondered. My own inclination is that it is economic. Rust Belt is getting plenty of recruits. Recruiting by State There are some tables if you scroll down the link.
  15. Most American made movies now make more money in the international market than in the US. With this in mind, the values and other things portrayed, reflect not strictly an American POV, but the sensibilities of the international market. More than a liberal POV, mass market films tend to reflect a market appreciation for the lowest common denominator.
  16. Have you ever taken the Wonderlic? It has some very basic questions. Chances are that if you scored a 9 on the Wonderlic, it is a good guess that you are not able to read. (it doesn't mean you are not intelligent)
  17. The guy was too busy eating Oreo's to get at the QB.
  18. That doesn't mean he isn't intelligent. It could be he just doesn't know how to work a pencil.
  19. maybe you're seeing something in Lee that the rest of us are not.
  20. I would look for Oakland to be a push or under. Also NYJ for the under.
  21. I wonder if Marv Levy can share the old Butch Rolle play so they can use this kid on the goal-line
  22. You never know around here! But I do admit to some redundancy again from time to time.
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