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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. Seriously? I know he cut taxes. The government has grown and so has the debt. So I think his vision is about 33.333%
  2. Sometimes I find myself wishing that Miami was a little bit better, so I could hate them more perfectly. My hate is on Miami. (I lived through the 70's, but I bet many of you younger guys just can't understand what we went through.)
  3. I don't know much about toll booths but I am pretty sure TD is the reason why it is so hard to find Necco wafers and Black Jack gum.
  4. I thought the thread was a joke. You are not saying that this is a serious discussion. Just to be clear, Flutie does not even belong on the Bill's Wall of Fame.
  5. Don't be hating on Flutie. He belongs in the Hall of Fame, just not the one in Canton. The Top Five Hall of Fames Flutie belongs in: 1. The hanging your Reciever out to Dry Hall of Fame (He should wear Thurman Thomas and Andre Reed"s Broken Bodies thrown over his shoulder) 2. The Providing a Wheatie's Knockoff cereal because you weren't good enough to be on the Real Wheatie's Box Hall of Fame. (I think this requires a Bills Jersey) 3. The Gratuitus Sports Celebrity Appearance Hall of Fame. (He should wear Ray-Bans) 4. The backup QB causing the most second guessing HOF (Don't know who will induct him, but I think Darlyle Lamonica) 5. The Men's League of You Need Not be Ashamed of using a Blowdrier HOF. (For this he need not wear helmet.) Flutie deserves to be in these Hall of Fames and fans should insist that they are long overdue.
  6. I don't mean the Christ's Resurection, I mean the Resurrection of all the Saints, in body. I think most people in America believe in a type of Gnosticism, which is that their soul or spirit lives on indefinately as spirit, which is dualism. Do you believe in that your body will be Resurected as a fundamental Christian tenant? When we say we believe in the resurrection of the body, we are talking of something other than the immortality of the soul, not the immaterial part of a person which naturally survives, but the whole living person.
  7. Question for X-tians. How many of you actually believe in the Resurection of the Body? Are there X-tians that don't. Although I believe this, I think it is the hardest teaching of all, harder for me than Virgin Births.
  8. Ariba! I had breakfast burritoes this morning!!! Maybe some Tequila tonight.
  9. Arresting somebody for indecency at an Anne Coulter speech. Does no one else see the irony in this?
  10. Just had to tell you AD that I woke up this morning laughing about your letter this morning after reading it last night. funny.
  11. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGG!!! (okay, but LA better be prepared for half of WNY to migrate with the team. Look for lots of houses to go up with pink Flamingoes, and Our Lady of The Bathtub Concrete thing, in every yard.)
  12. I will throw in one of my mostly deeply held religious beliefs. God is more verb than noun. We are limited by the constructs of human language so we tend to think of God as a this or an it, by default. God is love in action and eternal. Equally verb and noun. (I guess I am thinking about my old hero Fergy, gets me in a theological mood.)
  13. I swear on all that is sacred. If they move this team out of Buffalo I will never watch an NFL game again.
  14. Fight Fergy. We'll be praying for you. We had your pictures all over our walls in the 70's and know your a hellava fighter.
  15. I don't shiv a git how think you drunk i am I do not have drinking with problem.
  16. Sorry to hear that Brother, hope you can remember the good times. may he rest in peace.
  17. Most don't believe this. at least Catholics don't.( well some catholics might, but it isn't chuch teaching) http://www.rc.net/rcchurch/vatican2/nostra.aet
  18. In sports on the scholastic level, it puts players in an awkward situation. Keep your mouth shut, and you might play, because the coach controls that. Tell the coach to F...Off because he talks like that, and you might not play. I played ball with a black kid on an all white team. Coach called him Buckwheat. I never knew it bothered the kid until I met him years later, we had a few beers and he then told me what the coach thought was fun, he thought was a daily humiliation,. He never said anything to the guy because it might have jepordized his scholarship chances. I asked, "why didn't you ever say anything?" He said, "If a man is dumb enough to call a black man buckwheat, why do you think I would trust that man to talk about anything." Fire the guy's ass! obviously the man thinks he has met N***** that have played for him, because he has the great ability to spot the difference.
  19. General Taguba's report: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4894001/ Probably more reliable than any of my theories. Some nasty stuff.
  20. Actually, there was a documentary on how the Arab media showed the hearings in Washington that was actually pretty good. Because there were hearings the world got to see how we handle it. The Arab world never sees anything like that. In this incident we were the bad guys. but the world also got to see how we dealt with it somewhat openly. We put MP's in there to mine the place for intelligence, I happen to think that they were following orders.
  21. Well, I for one was very pissed off about Abu Ghuraib or however the hell you spell it. For one, we can't control what China, or anybody else does, but we can control what we do. Secondly, these were not armed combatants that they were doing this to, most were people rounded up at checkpoints who they were trying to get humiliate and blackmail so they would turn into informants. The International Red Cross, in fact, has reported that 70 to 90 percent of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib have been imprisoned there by mistake, simply rounded up in dragnets. Thirdly, anything that is more likely to get my brother, and now my neice shot, Pisses me off. There is no excuse for it. (okay, now i've vented) (not directed at anybody in particular)
  22. Ron Mexico!!! That guy can run, (and blister, and itch). Thanks
  23. Actually, if a 30'' frozen burrito was used as a weapon, a person could do some real damage.
  24. Great lunchbox for the kiddies. But somebody please tell me, what is, who is, Ron Mexico?
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