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Reuben Gant

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Everything posted by Reuben Gant

  1. This is a huge misperception. Nobody in the West believed the world was flat. From Plato, through Boetheus, to Dante. All thought the world was round. I think the idea that the world was flat, come from 2nd grade teachers.
  2. Wait, I know that Lee Majors fought with Bigfoot a few times. He and Oscar Goldman know all about Bigfoot. So I think the first pillar of your religion can be... "There is no god but Bigfoot, and Lee Majors (the six-million Dollar Man) is his prophet."
  3. The thing about college profs: there is a perception that there is some kind of "liberal orthodoxy," an oxymoron if I have ever heard one. Have you ever tried to get professors within a single department to agree on anything? Or an entire faculty? They can't. So I don't have too much time for Conservatives that feel like they aren't well represented. BOO-HOO! So sorry their feelings are hurt. They'll have to get by with all three branches of government on their side.
  4. Interestingly enough, I am reading Cardinal Ratzinger's (benedict XVI) homilies on creation. He does not take the Genesis story to be literal but puts it into the context of the Babylonian captivity... Foremost he says that it is telling us God is the creator... "God shines through the reasonableness of his creation. Physics and biology, and the natural sciences in general, have given us a new and unheard-of creation account with new images, which let us recognize the face of the Creator." -Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Of course this is the description of a man of faith, but I think mostly it is America that thinks that religion and science are so at odds.
  5. let me get this right, you think that the entire Abu Gharaib incident is nothing more than a press leak?
  6. even if he is able to play, he will not have the benefit of a camp. There is no way he is going to be able to help much this year
  7. He isn't out of the woods yet, there is some trauma to come with the things he is going to learn: OJ walked? Clinton did what? George Bush got re-elected? The Son? Ratzinger's Pope? Seriously though, what a great story.
  8. "Beer loves us and wants us to prosper" -Crap Throwing Monkey Hmmmmmm. Let me explore that idea, I am open to it.
  9. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to prosper." -Benjamin Franklin
  10. Damn. About a full year of rehab? Maybe he will help us come 2007.
  11. Going on up to the Spirit in the Sky- Norman Greenbaum Jesus is just alright with me - Dobbie Brothers 40 - U2 If nothing else, God has been putting out some good licks.
  12. GOD is like a circle, whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. St. Bonaventure
  14. My 10:55 Tee-time just got rained out. I know your are reading this, DAMN YOU TOM DONAHOE!
  15. Remeber the "JIM KELLY IS GOD" sign. We are far from there, but the kid is doing his best to court our affection. If anything he learned in season one that we are passionate people.
  16. How could you have had that impression 2 years ago? Drew was with the team. Or are you suggesting the entire team never liked the guy at all?
  17. TD was in the video review booth when Hull's skate was in the crease.
  18. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4206764 good npr interview
  19. Great news considering what happened in camp last year. He was out of shape, and missed days.
  20. That's right. I too have the impression that Drew is not missed. Is any player on record as complaining about Drew's release? The silence seems deafening.
  21. I like to drink. Obviously in Boston nobody drinks. Ahhh, they really do have a poverty of imagination to the east of us.
  22. Okay, I'll be the first to say it (and I'll feel guilty later) She must have sharp teeth.
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