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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. With the "alleged" deal proposed, sign me Josh McCown. I'm all over that.
  2. No doubt. Maybe the Saints would get the #3 and #4. Sounds too good to be true. I know this is a sore subject for many, and as unrealistic as the proposal is, you have to admit you'd consider it. Keeping JP at ALL COSTS is equally irrational as it is to say he's a bust after 8 games.
  3. That can't be right. A swap of #1s. We get a #3 and #4 this year? For Losman and the #8? Pardon me...I have to change my shorts.
  4. OH BABY!!!......God, if you're online....look upon Clements22 as a prophet. ALL HAIL!!!
  5. I'm thinking you're right. In light of these recent cuts, so many of these guys seem logical to draft. I'd be happy with any number of them. I'll wait to see what FA brings. It's really the only way to get a good feel as to how our first selection may go. This is exciting stuff. There is a certain cleansing feeling I'm having with these cuts. Seems fresh. I'm on board with Marv. I feel good about him and his decision making. I trust him more than anything else.
  6. The good news is we don't have a game this weekend. Lets see what Marv does in FA and the draft before we jump.
  7. ......as will sumo thong sales sumothongsalessumothongsalessumothongsalessumothongsales.......sheesh....try saying that ten times fast!!
  8. The extra fiver goes to the attendant....he wears a Bills cap.
  9. True. Brian Billick was an offensive mastermind, yet his SB winning Ravens went scoreless in how many games the year they won? Adjust to your talent. I'll bet Fairchild could incorporate a gameplan to feature such a talent.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. I'm all about Brick and Mario. I also know that at #8 it's not realistic. Sooooo.....knowing it's the trenches I think we should address, Ngata seems to be the next natural option. However, I admit to getting caught up in this Davis stuff. I'll tell you what, I could be swayed. Tough call.
  11. I, too, am a Yankee fan. For many years, I have wished a hard cap for MLB. As much as I enjoy the winning and competing for a ring every year, it got stale. It was expected. It took the fun out of it. You can't possibly enjoy the success to it's fullest knowing you have the upper hand on the majority. (Before Sox Nation jumps on, SCREW YOU, you're 2nd in line in payroll) To answer your question, it would not effect me as a Bills fan. Conversely, as I pointed out above, (Cowboys/Redskins = Yankees/Sox) I would hope the Cowboy and Skins fans wouldn't be dancing in the streets should we learn the NFL goes uncapped. It is not good for the broad base of fans overall. The perennial loser as well as the perennial winner. keep it fresh....keep it real......
  12. Right on. And I don't want to hear him pi$$ and moan. It costs $40 freakin' dollars to park in his lots.......then you have to walk a f@#king mile to get to the stadium. Do have any idea what it's like walking a mile with a sixpack of Michs clanking around in your pocket. I can just about kill them before arriving at the stadium. Jiminy Crickets!!
  13. Just joshin' ya. I read complete and trust your judgement. Don't mind me. My apologies.
  14. That's just it. I don't know that the descrepency between his highest offer and his lowest will necassarily determine will he will play. I think he'd take a little less to go to a contender. That's not to say that he wouldn't be a good fit in Denver, he would, IMO. And yes, Denver qualifies as a contender, but which QB would you rather play catch with? I just have a feeling. I hope I'm wrong.
  15. I agree. All things being equal, and depending on how his offers may vary, why wouldn't he want to go to NE? Whether they pay him a nickel more or less, beating up on your old team is a great motivator. In a well oiled machine like the Pats, EM would excel.
  16. He would be terriffic there. With the lack of WR depth in the draft and limited FA WRs, EM would do well most anywhere. He'll be a wanted man. Put him in KC. A nice fit there. Moulds, Kennison and Parker. Gonzo and LJ. Green pitching. Terriffic OL. I wonder how the loss of OC Saunders will affect this offense. It certainly is a talented group. Herm will probably find a way to derail the train, however.
  17. Pats. Perfect fit for when Givens signs elsewhere, and lets be honest, he would love to torch us twice a year for the next 2 or so years. With Brady pitching, look for a spike in EMs numbers.
  18. If you could promise me Shaffer and Bentley, then Davis would be a great selection, otherwise the priority has to be the trenches.
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