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Bob in SC

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Everything posted by Bob in SC

  1. OK, good point. NFL players have it pretty good (for a few years). Then, they have to live off their name recognition and with their disabilities from being blind-sided by 300# freaks of nature. I believe it all evens out. Therefore, are we being a little unfair in expecting Super Bowl performance from everyone who makes it to the NFL and blasting those who turn out to be just OK. e.g., Henry or Bledsoe?
  2. Great analysis and, this time, no hidden agenda. Thanks! We need more posts like this.
  3. Something else. Does Drew have an inflated opinion of his talents? Sure. Sounds like most of us again. But what do we expect to have him say? "I'm a good but over-rated QB who holds the ball too long while patting it and run like I have rocks in my pants?" Hardly. He's human - that doesn't make him worthless as an NFL QB or lower than dirt as a human being. (I know you didn't say that, but others have essentially done so.)
  4. I described him as good, not great, and flawed. The situation he had was a mediocre offensive line, an average tight end, and an OK running back (until WM came along and gradually got up to speed, if he is there yet.) I agree - he needs top-notch players around him to succeed. He didn't have them. So, let's give him a break and move on. Sorry, but I cannot understand the venom hurled at Drew - a GOOD NFL quarterback and a good guy who is not a superstar. Actually, he's a lot like us, or even what we aspire to be. How many superstars on TSW? (I include myself in this critique.) Maybe that's the answer. Perhaps, the venom is BECAUSE we see ourselves in Drew, Travis, etc. and don't like what we see. Hmmmm.
  5. Welcome home, Mike. Life begins anew. There's nothing like a stay in the hospital to put your life in perspective. Maybe our ventings about DB, TH, or TD are really quite unimportant in the greater scheme of things. Anyway, here's to a quick recovery!
  6. I can't believe the continued Drew-bashing either. You got your wish, armchair critics, he's gone. A good quarterback with some obvious flaws that were accentuated by the situation he found himself in. Why the need to continue to berate him? Does it build you up to tear him down? Would you change your career and life's accomplishments (including work in the community) for his? I think not.
  7. John's point (long lost in an evaluation of TDs overall performance by those who clearly could have done a better job - yea , right) is that TD may have shifted (in part, out of cap necessity) to stage 2 - continue to build through the draft using players who cost little and will be around for a while. It may not produce a Super Bowl in 2006, but can we wait a year or two? I, for one can, but I suspect that many out there must "have it now."
  8. Yes, but I can think of one he SHOULD have started - a pretty important one.
  9. Let's get real. At this point, we know less about JP as an NFL quarterback than we do about Travis Brown! We can hope, but where's the evidence?
  10. Count me as a minority of one. I hope Drew revives his career and takes the Cowboys to the Super Bowl, just to see how TSW handles it! Crow can be so tasty! And, I hope we are there to beat them.
  11. I was there last month. Took the shuttle from LGA for $11. You don't pay any additionals (like tunnel tolls) except a tip. It takes you to Grand Central where you can either walk, take a short cab ride, or transfer (free) to another shuttle that takes you to the central bus terminal which is 2-3 blocks from Times Square (really just a 4-5 block walk). Verify this on the Net under LaGuardia Airport - it describes your options accurately It works fine and is the cheapest way but, however you go, allow enough time to get to or from the airport. Traffic can be horrendous.
  12. Simon, I've followed the Bills since (1960!) and lurked a good while before joining. Your point is well taken. I've learned to appreciate the football knowledge on TSW, while discounting the Bledsoe, Henry, Donahoe, etc. haters, who have the need to ventilate on the Board. I just wish there were more of the former and fewer of the latter. Or, maybe I just wish there were more of us who understood (from painful experience) that few issues are black or white.
  13. TH is not very smart. OK, that's not his fault. However, he is an above average running back who certainly owes us nothing, given his courageous performance in years past. I hope we give him a break and either wish him well or welcome him back as a better back-up than we could hope to get for his cap space, if that how it works out best for the Bills. Go Travis!
  14. By the way, Mike, as a fellow Buckeye, my wishes for your recovery carry special weight, You'll be OK. Hope you come home soon.
  15. Antowain was a gamble, as I recall. Checkered college history, older than usual. Overall, not a huge success, but definitely not a bust either. Many first round picks (running backs) do better, but many also don't do as well. My point is that we deal in absolutes on TSW. When does anyone say anyone is "just OK" or a "pretty good pick"?
  16. The nature of the problem (as my wife assures me) is that it sets you up for optimism ("I'm getting better!) only to kick you in the chops (a set-back). But overall, the course is upward, and with reasonable precautions, a full life can be led. And, don't forget those coconut maccaroons. They really work, and don't taste bad either. Best wishes. Get well soon!
  17. No chance. We like versatile linemen and, with that chronic problem, center is out of the question. Have fun, guys!
  18. Antowain was an above average back who has played several years in the NFL as a starter, holds two Super Bowl rings, and may still land somewhere again for another year or two - hardly a bust. I think we have the same old problem here. If a player (a) didn't gain 1500 yards for eight years straight or (b) left the Bills, he is, by definition a loser. Poor Antowain failed on both counts - he will only get dissed by TSW, even if he has had a pretty good career by NFL running back standards.
  19. Could TD be waiting for Big Mike to re-structure so he can finalize the deal (under the cap) with Shelton and, perhaps someone else?
  20. \ Maybe revealing it would affect his negotiations with free agents, who will ask for all that is available. Is it more important that that you and the TSW knows or that he gets the most "bang for the buck"? I prefer the latter.
  21. Mike, It may sound like nonsense, but my wife (who has the problem) tried the Archway cookies and they worked! Notice that they are always the first to sell out at the store. Hmmmm. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a return to a normal life (it WILL happen).
  22. Cowart at half speed would have still be a bargain at that price. He once was a very dominating player. Why does everyone here feel the need to bad mouth a player once he leaves the Bills? We have lost some very good players because of the cap (everyone has). So, so why not just admit it and move on?
  23. Who is this thug? Does anyone know what college or reform school he played for? Lety's hope he lands in a South American prison - not nice!
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