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In space no one can hear

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Everything posted by In space no one can hear

  1. No Sherman- strike one No Caldwell - strike two Bates? The "Soprano Jinx" might be TwoBillsDrive's version of the Sports Illustrated cover Jinx.
  2. It says right in the article that you posted that he was offered the tight end coach position with the Bills. No loss.
  3. Frankly, I long for Greggo and TD after Marv, Jauron and Fairchild. 583775[/snapback] I hope you are being sarcastic.
  4. I can hear Ralph now.. Polian can go Butler can go Dwight Adams can go Rusty Jones can go But....that Lester guy...He Stays!! Chuck Lester must have some dirt on Ralph......
  5. Thanks for the link !! I wonder if he has a "Kollar Test" he puts his players through?
  6. First it was posted on this board that we could no longer be funny...... Now we can longer be mean? I'm confused - why are we here at all?
  7. We will even take the For Sale signs off Mularkey's lawn and give his two "chips off the old block" sons free karate lessons for a year!!
  8. News about Gray? He is flipping burgers on Bailey avenue....
  9. I know it's fun to fantasize about trades that add draft picks for the Bills.....unfortunately... it really ends up making your post a fantasy too and not based in reality. Gee...I sound like my father.
  10. There will probably be a for sale sign on the lawn the day after he buys it. I hope he has the mental toughness to deal with it.
  11. I am inclined to have respect for my elders and I hope to be half as feisty as Mr. Wilson when I get to be his age. That being said- I think that I would pull off the road if I saw him cruise by me in a Taurus!! P.S. Did the Taurus have spinning rims?
  12. caption that you feel best fits this moment in time. Sherman and Sapp
  13. How bad is Gray.... when Wilson and Levy don't even use their obligatory "Rooney Rule" interview on him. The old men must have figured life was too short for that!
  14. No..actually they were seen on Brokeback Mountain....not that there is anything wrong with that.
  15. Here is his bio. at the Detroit Site. Jauron He seems universally respected....but can he accept the universal love that we like to give our Bills coaches?
  16. "When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck." That goes for Donahoe's actions and the lame excuses from his lackeys. Does the shoe fit?
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