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In space no one can hear

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Everything posted by In space no one can hear

  1. I hate to be bothered at work also ..... but for goodness sake i'd rather take a few calls from the old man Detroit than to have him wondering in my office every 10 minutes. The latest Forbes valuation for the Bills franchise is 708 million dollars...... If I had an investment worth 708 million dollars I'd think I'd want to be kept abreast of it also. Forbes
  2. I appreciate your macho comments.... but putting a for sale sign in front of someones home qualifies as a prank not a threat to their manhood. Or do you not know the difference?
  3. "FOR SALE" signs on his lawn ?? And this forces him to leave town in the middle of the night?? Gee... his mental toughness is amazing!!
  4. Good points!! The entire recent drama in Buffalo exposes them for the spin-meisters they are!! If they don't know the facts or answers they sure are not ashamed to"manufacture" them.
  5. or his lack of "mental toughness" to lead the franchise on a winning course? Heck... if his knees are already quivering in January....what would happen if they began to play some games? Also...it sounds like his sons take after their old man.
  6. Here is the mandatory link to Sean Paytons bio. Payton
  7. FWIW Glenn Parker was on WGR yesterday praising Sean Payton as a brilliant offensive mind who has the universal respect of his players.
  8. that he is!! IS anybody else taking notice of the recent articles by his butt-buddies Len Pasquarelli and Chris Mortenson? Donahoe crawls out of town in the middle of the night... like the rat that he is... after driving our franchise into the ground for five years!! He even lacked the "mental toughness" to answer a few questions from a bunch of skinny necked reporters on his way out of town!! What a disgrace that Pasquarelli and Mortenson are floating his name out there for other jobs because he such a good "football man" The latest spin is... that it is the Bills fans fault!! How Outrageous!!!!!! Donahoe is a COWARD!! God forbid if Donahoe returns to ESPN.....and he thought he had trouble answering questions about Flutie and Johnson......
  9. If the Bills are truly a sinking ship it's because of that rat-bastard Donahoe...not Wilson and Levy.
  10. COWARD According to reports his two sons have inherited the same password. Mental toughness my a##!!
  11. I can't believe it's actually come to this! Yeah....even Wade would be better than Mularkey. What have we done in Buffalo to get in trouble with the Gods!?
  12. Maybe its a side effect of all of that Prozac he has been taking?
  13. So many people seem to love Haslett because he played here. His record sure is mixed with Saints. I would like to investigate his tenure a bit more...please add posts...info. etc. here. Haslett
  14. Yeah..Holcomb has reall driven this franchise into the ground. You are in the ass-clown hall of fame for that post!
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