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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I probably would.  Lord knows documentary television hasn't produced a documentary in nearly 20 years...



    Tom, is there a reason to believe that "Roger and Me" was stevestojan? As a trade unionist, I must confess that I was impressed and perhaps inspired by that film.


    What's up?

  2. Henry has far less leverage with the Bills than you give him credit for.  If Henry threatens to sit out the year,  so what?  McGahee is the starter anyway.  If Henry sits out the season,  then what good does that do him?  None.  In fact,  he'll have missed the better part of two seasons and his FA value will be down the toilet.



    You are correct sir.....totally correct. I am not getting why it is is SO hard to arrive at your accurate conclusion.

  3. I agree with the fewer and fewer here who think we can get a 2nd for TH. Maybe not a high second, but somewhere in the round. Although he has flaws that obviously now have been exposed and he has not improved on (other than fumbling), those flaws are often exaggerated by folks who for some reason hate him. As positives he offers a tough, physical style, and good quickness. He never gives up and is a team oriented player as I have seen it. On a team with a fair to good passing game, he can compliment with a 1300 to 1400 10 TD season. There are bound to be plenty of coaches out there who think they can "fix" him.



    Come on, lets talk turkey here, OK? Forget the "hatred" slaps, all right? How about if you and I just discuss this from a football standpoint, and NOT, ala ICE, make this a thing about who is "right?'


    I guess that there are two questions that I would like to put forth:


    1) Can you, in a serious manner, make the assertion that Travis Henry even approaches Corey Dillon in terms of who is a better running back? In other words, are you GLAD that we have Henry in lieu of Dillon?


    2) Do you think that NO GMs will notice that the Buffalo Bills football team started winning as soon as Henry was graciously removed from the starting lineup?


    I ask these questions in context of making the statement that imo... yes, merely my opinion, that there is no way on earth that Henry will bring us a 2nd round pick. Again, I love the Bills, and hope to be proven wrong. Meanwhile, I would rather have Sean Bryson on the Bills than Henry. How about you?

  4. So?  The Bills will theoretically get a specific pick in the 2nd round for Henry as well.  I'm not even talking about 2006, unless it's to tack on a conditional pick, a la the Dols and RW.

    Using Dillon as a comparison, taking a look at their last 4 years with their original teams (i.e. 2000-2003 for Dillon and 2001-2004 for Henry which is his entire career), Dillon has 753 more yards, but 1 fewer TD.  He was also 30-1/2 versus Henry who will be 26.5.  And as for fumbles, Henry had just 3 last year showing he improved in that area.

    Droughns plays for Denver, who always has a good running attack.  As for Goings, he's the exception, not the rule.  He was their 5th or 6th RB at the start of the season so even THEY didn't know what they had.  People will know what they're getting in Henry.


    Not even close.  At worst the Bills will get a straight-up high 3rd for Henry, but I'm betting a straight-up 2nd that conditionally becomes a 1st.  There is no pressure to trade him like there was with Faulk and unlike with Dillon, the market for him will be good.  And no way he gets released when he's making just $1.25M next year.  That's insane.  At worst the Bills keep him for the year if they don't get a pick they like and let him become an UFA after the season.



    Your post is well thought and I thank you for taking the time to share it. Forgive me if mine is more to the point.


    Are you, in any conceivable way, trying to compare the abilities of travis henry to those of Corey Dillon? I hope not, because one sucks, and the other is great.

  5. It's an unfortunate truth that Travis on the bench has made the Bills better on the field. Willis is at least a willing, and sometimes very effective, backfield blocker who is always moving to find the unblocked rusher. Travis on the other hand has trouble stopping guys he knows he'll be responsible to block from before the start of the play.


    You hate to pick on a guy who ran hard for us through minor nicks and major dings but the simple change in running styles between he and Willis has made all of our OLine talent look better. Travis gets the ball runs into whatever is in front of him, Willis gets ball/reads field/makes decisions. Both ran hard, but only one runs with excellent instincts and dare I say smarts.


    None of this though should diminish the fact that Chris Villarial is the real deal in run blocking, a tenacious player who never clocks out before the whistle. I'd go so far as to credit his aquisition as a more important personnel move than the selection of Lee Evans in giving us an offense that shares the credit with our other units in improving to become a good football team today. Of course in the long run Evans will be horse that sells the jerseys- and no doubt rightfully so in the future, but for my money, this season, Villarial has been the big impact guy.



    AKC, thank you for this post. I agree with every word, and you were being kind wrt Henry.


    CV is a very good RG. The Buffalo Bill have not had one for at least 10 years, and we are seeing just how important this position is.

    This signing, imo, ranks up there with those of Paup and Speilman. Admittedly, it is harder to witness the results with an untrained eye, but CV is just an asset to this football team, and I hope that he stays healthy. We TRULY need this guy.

  6. Posts such as this amaze me.

    Do you think that opposing GMs will NOT notice that the Buffalo Bills football team not only started winning football games, but became dominant only after Henry was benched? Are you kidding?


    Travis Henry is worht little more than a used condom. That said, if there is a GM out there who is provincial enough to offer the Bills anything, TD will take it and fast. I suspect a 5th, if we are lucky.

  7. [sarcasm]


    Well...I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but we needed four turnovers to beat a Pop Warner team on the road because Bledsoe sucks.  They had to settle for two field goals that should have been touchdowns because Bledsoe sucks...and two or three other touchdowns didn't even count because Bledsoe sucks.  And McGahee had one or two scores that weren't really scores because he's so injury-prone and clearly a wasted draft pick and Bledsoe sucks.  Really, it was a 14-7 win the Bills were lucky to come away with it despite Bledsoe. 





    OK Tom, I screwed up this post.

    I DID see the entire Bills game. I did NOT see the entire steeler game. From what I DID see of the steelers, we will kick their asses, and I dont even see a problem. ;)

    Do you?

  8. Bill, my gosh, at the beginning of the year every single thing you posted was negative. How can you not remember this? lol  Someone steal your nickname and pretending to be you??  ;)



    OK. Let's assume that you are correct (a fact that I do not dispute). The things that I was screaming about have stopped, can you feel it? :o

    Mike Williams is kicking ass. The Buffalo Bills football team has a good RG and Tucker is looking good at LG. The biggest factor? Travis Henry is not on the football field stinking it up.

    I have nothing left to complain about. :D<_<;)

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I don't make predictions ;)  But  I DO make adversaries......of which, you were one......but now you don't want to play anymore cause you are smoking the sunshine and blowing up all our asssses.......well let me tell YOU something, Mr. Bill........SOME of us were second-handing sunshine smoke LONG before some of you negative nancies were.....so don't be tryin to just pretend like we don't exist.......cause we know that you know that I know that THEY know, that we're still here.


    go Bills.......and TD rules



    I dont know what you are talking about but you seem happy, so I am happy for you.

    perhaps you can send me a PM when you are more able to tell me what you are getting at. That said.....GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. wow, you are something tonight.......I guess you don't remember how I used to hack on you for being so negative all the time......we had some pretty good exchanges a while back before we started the run we're on......so now that you are all Mr. Positive you just neglect your former antagonizers and pretend we don't exist? I see how you are.........



    I welcome dialogue. that is why I am here. I stand behind most of my stances and admit that some were wrong.

    I dont care about being "right." I care about the Buffalo Bills football team, and thank SDS for the friendships I have made on this board.

    Were all of your predictions correct? ;)

  11. Bill, don't take this the wrong way.......but have you stumbled upon the positive benefits of the water bong on gameday?  :devil:



    I am just a proud Bills fan, and a proud poster on TBD. Excuse me, I dont know how long you have been posting here, but SDS (and the mods) have, at their own expense, delivered us a forum upon which friendships were made and support was offered through some pretty rough times in posters' lives.


    Now, we are going to beat the dog**** out of the steelers. More good times ahead, so stick around. :flirt:

  12. AD, unlike others, I care a whole lot less about being "right" on this message board than I do about the Buffalo Bills winning football games.

    Coach McNally has changed this OL from a mess (in monumentic proportions) into an acceptable unit. Imo, this is near miraculous.

    I also want to give some credit to CV, He is an unheralded star of this football team. Ostroski may have been tight with ICE, but he sucked ass, as did every RG the Buffalo Bills football team has lined up at that position for the last 10 years.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I watched as much as I could of the steeler game.

    The Buffalo Bills are a better football team than the steelers, and I await the chance for the Bills to kick the ass of their rookie qb. He is dead ass !@#$ing meat.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. What would happen if after this DB REALLY does re-invent himself?... Teams will have to prepare a different approach than just pinning their ears back and coming down the middle.  Could be deadly if they have to stop and think a second?




    I don't know... But, Wyche working with DB appears to be paying off... Seems he is GOING FORWARD when things don't go well or least he is keeping the D off balance.







    EiI, I make the contention that 9-2 is almost as much as one could ask for from an NFL qb. Drew is who he is.....a 32 year old qb who DOES have both limitations, and possible hall of fame credentials.


    I dont know how the scenario will turn out, other than the fact that I will die as a fan of the Buffalo Bills football team, and that we ALL owe SDS and the mods a great deal of thanks.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. (I'm almost tempted to ask him about Mike Williams, but I don't want to ruin his mood lol)



    Ask as you will. I am the right person to ask, whereas I have keyed in on him as much as I could for every play since he has been a Buffalo Bill football player.


    Big Mike kicked !@#$ing ass today. I have always worried less about his run blocking than I do his ability to protect Drew, who we all know is not very agile.


    Well, today he was splendid. Just !@#$ing splendid against the pass rush. He was SO !@#$ing splendid, I am willing to write off the 2 1/2 years that he sucked.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Amen to that, brother



    Thank you. I could NOT be more serious. We are doing this with a rookie coach, a rookie RB, a relatively new DC, a qb that even our fans are pissed at.....this after an 0-4 start!!!


    Being a Bills fan means more to me than winning every single game. I am honored to be a fan of a New York team with working class values. We Bills fans party in lots made of gravel. We are people who will NEVER quit. On this board, we support our football team AND each other.


    When I am buried, I will be put into the earth as a fan of WNY, the state of NY, and the Buffalo Bills Footnall Team.

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