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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. No, you didn't say cancer, and you didn't specify a year. Here's what you said:


    I guess you CONVENIENTLY forgot what Travis said after we drafted Willis?


    THAT is where it began, NOT after the Steelers game.


    I'm sorry, but w3e're only reacting to how he acted FROM April TO NOW...


    Since you apparently want me to break down what you said, I summise to you that the words "That is where it began" refers to the aforementioned "after we drafted Willis." We drafted Willis in April of 2003, which is when Travis made his infamous "slap in the face" remark. Mind you, any running back coming off the season TH had in 2002 would have said basically the same thing, and that includes Willis. Think about it. What would Willis say if we somehow reacquired our first-round pick for the 2005 draft and spent it on a running back?

    And while you didn't use the word cancer, you did use the word "it." In this thread, I presumed "it" referred to Travis being some sort of problem. Look at your words. That is where IT began. If IT, used in the way you used it, isn't referring to Travis being some sort of problem, then you tell me what you meant.


    Oh, and chew on this while you're at it...


    McGahee said he appreciated Henry's professionalism in handling "the pressure and controversy." But he essentially challenged Henry to return and fight for his job.


    "He's just got to come back and fight for it, fight for what's his, because I'd do the same," said McGahee.


    Quarterback Drew Bledsoe, who said the Bills likely would not have won as many games as they did without the spark McGahee provided, also stood up for Henry.


    "Travis Henry, all year, has been a team guy, put the team first, and really had to swallow his pride," he said. "Selfishly, I hope Travis is back. He's a credit to this organization. For him personally, we all know he's a guy who can run for 1,500 yards a year and he deserves to be a starter. He's a credit to this team, or any team he can play for in the future."


    A team guy...that coming from the starting quarterback.

    Henry's professionalism...that coming from the man who beat him for his job.

    I think I'll take their words over BF in Indiana or anyone who acts like they have some inside information about Travis being a problem, only it was kept out of the media.



    ID, I am NOT looking for a bitter arguement, OK? :)


    Now, what would you expect them to say? That the football team improved the second he was benched? That the Bills gave up less sacks after he was benched than they did in the 4 or 5 games in which Travis was the starter?


    I know that you are not saying that TH is better than WM. The thing is, it is just not close. perhaps this is where you and I differ.

    Almost any team in the NFL would give up a ton for WM, injuries or not imo. Wait and see what we get for Travis.

    I hope this post reads as non-confrontational as I am feeling.

  2. Maybe they would throw in phillip buchanan



    My friend, I am sorry. I mean it, because I was being a wiseass.

    What I should have said is that there in no way in hell the raiders would give a top 10 pick for an old, overpaid receiver and a marginal running back.

  3. Individual players don't make it to Super Bowls.  I agree that it's probably a little premature to compare Willis to Franco - plus they really don't exist on the same plane stylistically.


    Fletch is alot closer to Sam Mills than Singletary, though he'd probably look ALOT more dominant with Hampton, McMichael, Dent, etc lining up in front of him.  London doesn't get the props he deserves because he plays next to TKO.  We can call them stupid plays but most have looked alot more like poor calls to me.



    Poor calls by the refs or coaches?

    AD, he had that guy covered like a blanket yesterday. There was NO need to touch him. None. This was as costly as perhaps any play in the game.

  4. Bill...I'll always think higher of Travis than you will. You and I have closed the book on that.

    But two things about your post...

    Willis is better than TH and makes our team better. But to compare him to Franco Harris? A little premature, don't you think? When Willis is helping us get to four Super Bowls, or one, or starts garnering Hall of Fame credentials, we'll talk.


    London Fletcher compared to Mike Singletary??? Where is the outrage on this board over that statement? One of the best middle linebackers...EVER. Maybe THE best. That describes Mike Singletary.

    Very good player who is not quite a Pro Bowler, but good enough that most fans can forgive him for the handful of really stupid plays he makes each year. That describes London Fletcher.


    The rest of your post is right on the money.




    When speaking of WM, I am only talking about right now. WM goes inside better than did Franco, and he unlike Franco is a tailback. WM is a better blocker. He also runs behind a far worse offensive line than the old steelers had.

    Because of his major injuries, it will be tough for Willis to duplicate Franco's stats, but not due to talent. I hope he stays healthy because if he does, he WILL put up numbers like that imo.


    As for London, I did say a Singletaty "type." MS was stronger, but London gets all over the field. take away the dumb mistakes (odd, because he is not a dumb person), and I think that he would be a great linebacker. As good as Singletary? Probably not.


    Wrt Travis, it is a done deal. As I told Simon.....if I can be sure of one thing about the Bills, it is that Travis will under no conditions be on the team next year.

    I am thrilled by this, but I respect your differing opinion.

  5. You forgot one of the most important things. He didn't miss the EASY field goal either..... ;)



    How true. Was that the drive on which Denney had a stupid penalty?

    Also, it didn't look like Kelsay's flag had any impact on that return, but it cost them what, 40 yards? :doh:

  6. This man actually made Tucker a decent OG.

    Teague has already played LT, so it is not such a stretch to think that Coach McNally can make him a better one. We need muscle in the middle of the OL, and we dont need to pay Jennings 6 or 7 million dollars imo.

    With our draft situation, the chances of getting a rookie who can step in at LT seem all but nil. I hope they at least give Teague a try. If it works, they can use the big bucks to bring in a free agent or 2.

    In all, I think that we will be looking good next year. ;) McNally has made a "believer" out of me. :doh:

  7. Nope. JP is a complete unknown. Bledsoe is a known failure against good competition, a status JP has yet to achieve.



    9-3 with 4 road wins was OK, no?

    Also, should the jests bench Pennington? Even Drew could beat the rams.

  8. Tell you what Bill, we'll never find out if JP is competent  if he doesn't get a chance to play.


    Hell, at this point Matthews has shown me more in his brief stints in pre-season and mop-up duty that Bledsoe has during a regular game.


    I'm telling you now, if we had almost ANY other QB in the Steeler game we are preparing for the playoffs right now.



    Are you blaming this loss on Drew? I dont.

    He did not commit pass inteference on a receiver who he had covered.

    He did not prepare a dumb defensive game plan.

    He did not injure Villarial.

    He did not fumble a punt.

    He did not neglect to use Evans until it was too late. That was poor coaching.

    He did not put Josh Reed on the field to kill us once again.


    Again, I am sure that JP will get his chance Gav. I am just not ready to enshrine him into Canton, and refuse to discuss him as a known commodity until he gets on the field and shows something.

  9. don't say no way . he is not getting paid  big dollars to sit on his ass



    Listen, here is ALL of what I am trying to say.....Dislike Drew as you will. Hate him. Wish him death. This is NOT what I am talking about!


    I am talking about JP. He MIGHT very well be good, but we do not know yet. He might also may not be a competent NFL player. It IS possible. Now do you see?


    I am NOT trying to be a wiseass, so please forgive my tone if it seems so. I cannot understand planning a season around a kid who has never played. The steelers didn't even do this, nor did SD + the giants, and their guys were picked WAY before JP.

    Why should the Buffalo Bills?

  10. Great post CD. Posters can be as angry as they wish, but there is no way that MM is going to hand this team to a rookie, unless JP goes to camp and plays like Favre.

    First, he has to prove that he is even able to play at all in the NFL, or at least one would think. ;)

  11. The point is, Losman doesn't have to play very well to equal the accomplishments of Dredfull.



    That is not the point Mike. JP has not yet proven that he is as good as RJ on a bad day. You seem willing to simply hand over the reins to an unknown commodity.

    I am trying, but I cannot come up with a scenario in which this makes sense. ;)

  12. Do you mean to tell me that just because we went from averaging 9 YPC when Villarial left the game to about 1.8 YPC that an Offensive Lineman could have that kind of impact on a game of football? Why, he's not a running back or receiver or for Heaven's sake a Quarterback- how could he POSSIBLY make such a difference in the potency of our rushing offense?



    AKC, that was your call too on CV, As SDS once said, when one disagrees with you about football, said person is more often than not wrong.

    Btw, I was with you step for step on CV! :P

  13. 1) The only thing stopping London Fletcher from being a Mike Singletary type mlb is his penchant for making bonehead plays. Sadly, he is at the age where coaching might not help. Too bad, the guy can truly play football.


    2) Hey Buffalobob, and other MW supporters...I stopped bashing him and will not start anew, but when CV went down, he looked quite pedestrian for a #4 selection. AD nailed this one...it is a trite cliche, but CV is truly the "heart and soul" of this OL. MW should improve, but for now, CV is the man.


    3) MM is a deserving head coach. Some day, he may be as good as Cowher, but not today. He was taken to school. I have no problem with this. Throw spears at me as you will, but I like Cowher. He is not a piece of sh-- like Porkedfaced Satan. He is a good family man and a gentleman.


    4) Hey, Travis lovers, have you had enough yet? As I read these reports about this person, I wish that TD would just put this dumbass in a giant cannon, aim it at the Sea of Stupidity, and let it blast. Watch, we will not even get a 7th round pick!


    5) Coach Krumerie is my favorite person in the NFL. He is just that cool. Imo, he will kick Kelsay's ass and make him a top quality player in 05.


    6) Worried about losing Gray to a head coaching job FFS? He is NOT ready to be a head coach. After having watched him from the first row, I will admit to being totally impressed with his demeanor. I also think that he will get better.

    That said, he should be a competent coordinator NEXT season. He had FAR too much talent to let this happen yesterday.


    7) Trey Teague should play LT next season. Jennings IS good, but not 6 million per season good. TT is agile enough to play LT, but he is too weak to play OC in this league imo.


    8) Pucillo might be the worst NFL player. You called it R.Rich!!!


    9) R,Rich, Badolbilz, jokeman, etc., do me a favor.....find us another blocker or 2. You are the draft gurus!


    10) Mark VI......the qb situation will play itself out. We still dont know if Losman can play in this league. Chances are that Drew will at some point get hurt, and JP will get his chance. We shall see, but at this point, JP is a non-entity as a football player.


    11) I think that MaGahee is already better than Franco Harris, but his injury history mandates that the Bills draft another running back.


    12) I flew my Bills colors today. I am just as proud as ever to be a fan of this great franchise. We are in this together, aqnd I for one will never give up.


    13) Cablelady is gorgeous. :P


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. There are few things in sports that I find more entertaining that listening to jests fans after a loss on WFAN. Joe Beningo has taken this to a new level. I heard that he was a regular caller that got hired because they found him entertaining, but I dont know this to be true.

    He is already willing to push Pennington off of a cliff. If they lose vs the rams, this guy (a smart football man by the way) is going to lose his mind!

  15. I just wanted to take the time to wish everyone here a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

    These are great, but trying times for Bills fans. The good news is that I have a feeling that we will make the playoffs.

    My daughter was home for a trimester, but I have to bring her back to college. :pirate: I might be watching this football game in a sports bar in New hampshire, thanks to a link provided to me on tsw.

    In any event, I might not be on the board, but I WILL be with you all in spirit for a Bills win. This weekend, imo, will place us where we belong.....in the playoffs.

    Either way, may God bless you all, and thanks for the great dialogue. TBD Rocks, and Bills fans never give up!

  16. I'm wondering if the must-have great LT heyday is in the rearview mirror to some extent.


    When Bruce Smith was in his prime, especially teams in the AFC East simply had to have a great LT in order to do anything offensively.  But the Bills owned the AFC East and they had an average LT in John Fina.  And Jim Kelly wasn't exactly Michael Vick in the pocket either.


    Anyway, the need for truly dominant OTs seems to be lessened from what it once was (say 10-15 years ago) with the all-time greats like Bruce Smith, Charles Haley, Reggie White, etc. no longer wreaking havoc on opponents.



    You point is well taken, but the Bills will need a better than average LT as long as Drew is the qb imo. If JP is his replacement, he will require a top LT while he attempts to learn the pro game.


    As for Fina, he was less than average toward the end and probably influenced the retirement of Kelly along with the other bad players up front on the Bills.


    I believe that JJ does want to go to Atl., but it is debatable as to whether the falcs can devote the kind of cash he will ask after the Vick deal. They ARE going to need defense.

    It will be interesting to say the least.

  17. Of course it's possible that BJH may have other knowledge that doesn't make the press.  TH maybe playing it low publicly and the Bills wouldn't want to air it so it maybe staying just between TH, his mom, his agent and Bills management.  Who knows maybe BJH is friends with a scout for an NFL team, and got the info there. 


    I am sure knowing BJH that the info probably comes from a fairly reliable source.



    Yes.....You, me, AD and SDS. ;)

    Just kidding!!!!! :blink:

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. That is what I have been trying to say...


    I think most here are hoping the steelers lie down for them and then they can just sit back and scoreboard watch...



    I will never take one thing away from the season the steelers had. I thought that they were soft at cb, and did not fear Ben.

    This game is different for obvious reasons, and the Bills (and their fans) are on fire. I am guessing, but I think you dread even the possibility of facing us in the playoffs. Were I you, I would rather face the weak broncos, or the hapless jests.

    Am I right?

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