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Everything posted by Poeticlaw

  1. I am not saying that the QB is the problem with the team. I am trying to be realistic here. First Marv has been stated as "the Futeure is NOW!!!" as well as his desire of Veterans for the positon. Many of us beleive that JP is the guy and the rest of us think holcomb is the guy. The team feels the same way. A veteran QB is going to be brought in whether any of us agree with it or not. To rebut but the money- First off JP signed a 24 mil incentive laden contract if hes not playing hes not making incentives thus his slary is around 1.54 mil, Second Holcomb is only making $875,000 for the upcoming season. So there is plenty of room to bring in a possible starting qb since they make around 3-5mil anyway and the 2 we have already are making 2nd and 3 rd string pay with out hurting the rest of the roster. I said realistically-- they are going to bring ain a vet to compete for the starting role. First that doesnt mean he will be on the opening day roster but it does mean that its not a gimme for Holcomb or JP and whomever wins the competetion should have the backing of the team and tahts what the organiztion is also looking for and right now JP has no backing from the veterans and even if he did beat out holcomb they would be crying for him after a couple of games.
  2. Just based on potential UFA no trades, drafts, or potential cuts. Heres is a short list compiled of just that potential UFA's QB"S We all know JP will not be starting next year unless hes claerly the winner of more than just Holcomb. So we know they have to bring in another veteran to compete. Damian Huard- hasn't had much starting but i liked what i saw when he started for Miami and My freind loved him in NE he wanted Huard to be the back up instead of Brady. (imagine that) Doug Flutie-too old but can he still play????? Drew Brees-Will cost us a pick if we sign him and his shoulder is a question mark so it better be a conditional pick. Jeff Blake- I have always liked him but hes to soft in the mind. Jon Kitna- Might be the best one available and he wants not only to start now but for the next few years which might not be the case in cincinatti if Plamer can come back from injury-he plays with fire and a proven leader. Definatley could compete for the starting QB Job. Charlie Batch- I loved him in Detroit but he hasnt started since his injuries dont know how much it impairs him but it would be nice if he shows hes capable fo starting. Josh Mcnown- Kids young (26) so hes not expeirenced but has some starting experience under his belt and tutilage form Kurt warner might be worth the flier to see what he has. So if I had to chose 1 from the above QB's and only the above Qbs to bring in to compete with JP and Holcomb my First choice would be Kitna if he fell through because of cincinattis situation then my back up plan would be Damion Huard.
  3. As I have stated earlier in other postings. Marve has said the future is now!!! He is going to do everything he can to win now and not only go to the superbowl but win the superbowl. Only 3 rookie Qbs i can recall in the last 2 decades have done either of the two. First is Dan Marino he went but didnt win and never saw a another one agian, Tom Brady a 3 superbowl winner and a 6th round pick who in his firts year was a 3rd stringer before being moved up to back up in his second year. The verdict is still oit on Big BEn but he has brought them to the dance in their second year. Only Dan marino looked like a QB that could do it the other two well they are just found gems. Thus with that being said a rookie QB takes 3-4 years typically to be ready mentally for a playoffgame as well as the Big Game. So in Marv the future is now will not be drafting a QB and personally I dont think he cares to draft any in this draft. He has two going to europe and will be looking for a veteran to challenge Holcomb for the starter and who ever loses out on the a starting QB will be alternating with JP between back up and 3rd string.
  4. Well i think most might be missing the point about marv being here for the next 4 years. Its about winning now and rookies Qbs dont win now. The have something already with losman and he will be carrying a clipboard for the next year or two. They will not draft a QB in the first three rounds this year especially with so many other areas of need. Many experts feel that holcomb can run the ship, maybe this is true maybes its not. However, marv is going to bring in another VETERAN Qb to compete for the starting Job and will likely suggest to jauron to alternate 2/3 qbs each week. so for half the season JP will be a 3rd stringer. Not to mention the fact that the Bills have holcomb and jp for so cheap why get rid of either of them.
  5. I dont believe that marv didnt get any of the Jobs he was lobbying for because hes not qualified to do the position. i honestly believe is that Everyone feels that hes to old to handle the vigours attention needed for the Job. Im not impressed with anything he has done thus far. I am willing to actually see Jauron in action this season before i pass judgement on him. But marv hasnt made any other big choices yet. feb/march are big months for a Gm as they clear cap space, try and recruit free agents and prepare for the draft in April. so the next 90 days are very crucial to the old timer to see if his lack of rest wil hurt his judgement.
  6. Home: (W) Dolphins - Bills will revenge match for the infamous 20 point 4th qtr meltdown (W) Jets - cap, coaching & player problems, jets will be the worst team in the league in 2006. bills should get the W here (L) Patriots - Pats have Bills #, I won't believe they can beat them until I see it. (W) Jaguars - physical team but playoffs proved that alone is not enough; good test for Bills because they will need to beat a team like this to get over .500 mark (W) Packers - win, Favre or no Favre (W) Titans - win, but not a pushover either (L) Vikings - Pat Williams wins first game against former team who never should have let him get away. Also, looks like Johnson may be their QB and we saw they were far better with than Culpepper (L) Chargers - Bills still have no answer for Gates, no matter if it's Brees or Rivers Away: (L) Dolphins - Bills are destined to split the home-n-home series with this team (W) Jets - see above analysis, even Bills can win this road game (L) Patriots - see above analysis (L) Bears - tough defensive team on the road? Bills will be lucky to get 10 points and Jauron's big rematch won't be pretty (W) Colts - call me crazy but I smell an upset already here. Colts spirit is broken and they will spiral into chaos in 06' (W) Lions - Jauron is smart enough to know how to beat his weak and last team (L) Texans - Bills fall victim to an improved Reggie Bush and better offensive line (W) Ravens - Lewis's (jamal and ray) slowing down, team has nothing else to offer comments overall this is one of the weaker schedules the bills have had in a while. the improved 9 & 7 record (i.e. same as 2004) is owed more to the weak schedule than an improved Bills team. unfortunately, 9 & 7 doesn't make post-season now that they have 4 divisions per conference. Although there's progress two milestones remain: 1. beating the patriots 2. getting to the playoffs I agree with some of the assement but I think a few are off. L-Colts-Manning has picked us apart in the secondary since he left our division and it doesnt appear anyone in the organiztion has defended against him besides the player-not to mention its a road game. W-Lions- the lions are inturmoil they have no starting qb or do they they verdict is still out the have talented receivers who like to drop the balls I see our defense winning this one for us especially because we have the Juron factor here. L-Baltimore- Baltimore is very good on both sides of the ball and is looking to shore up the Qb position this offseason and we will see them in the playoffs next year. L- Jax- it will be a close game but jax takes it by a feild goal again with seconds left in regualtion. so thats 9-3+1=7 wins and 7+3-1=9 losses so i see a 7-9 team which would still be an improvement over our 5-11 season but still no playoffs for another year.
  7. Im sorry but im a very passionate Bills fan who holds out hope each and every year. I honestly beleived that the team Mularkey inherited was superbowl ready and so did most of the sports world. However, Bledsoe Blew it thean TD dropped the Ball and Ralph well he blew it up. This team is going nowhere fast. I have to sit here and go through another GW era of "teachers". How about Ralph stating do what it takes to win no matter the cost. Bring in Marv-get the fan based excited. Hire Jaruon and let the fan base down. Now were are getting all these "teachers' for coordinators -what about experience? Does anyone realize this is Bellichiks divisio and you need somone experienced enough to beat him or the playoffs are never coming through a wild card spot in the east not with the west lloking so good and weaker north/south divison. We are becoming a joke and looking as bad as cinncinatti once did and Detroit is now. Unles something miraculously happens once free agency begins I must say that the best this team will do is 7-9 and that in itself is going to be asking alot. Thanks Ralph for bringing youth and experience to the team and your best effort forward in trying to build a champion here in Buffalo-the fans really appreciate it.
  8. Their talking about the Young QBs who had their teams in the playoffs this year not that its an insult to JP but the bills were not in the playoffs this year so why talk about him?
  9. Without claiming to know too much about Jauron, because well i only know his record in Chicago and rember telling my buddy when its was philly vs Chicago that i didnt think chicago beat anyone that year and was lucky and Philly was going to beat them and they did, i know nothing else. However, I have listened to Marv speak many of times about what the Bills need over the last 2 years. First is Veterans and with that being said. Is a rookie going to start at center this upcoming year?? I also remeber a quote i wil paraphrase. Thurman was going to break a single game rushing record and was benched because a rookie was going to break the record. Leads me to the assumtion-i know pretty dangerous word. QB-Jp will not be starting this year he will be carrying a clip board. Another Veterean will be brought in to challenge Holcomb for the starting Job -both might be kept and one might be released. Dont know whos available for the new system RB- We need a viable backup running back that wont miss abeat when mcgahee isnt in their and take some pressure of the passing game. LT-we all know this is a huge area of need and hopefully will be resolved with a proven veteran C-will marv go with the rookie or resign teaugue or go after another proven Veteran. 2-DT's- if Sam Adams is bye-bye Hopefully Ngata fills one role and Maybee Grady jackson will fill the other role in the same capicity of Sam Adams 1- DE- Kelsay is taking way too long to mould into a pass rusher we need someone here. WR-Ok Moulds lovers i apologize ahead of time-but hes not worth more than 3 mill a year and will be cut to free money for other areas of need- He is the Bills BEST WR but I dont think that will be the case on other teams-We need a good 6-2 to 6'4 reciever who will go after the ball. SS-need a back up starter to Milloy who wil eventually be Milloys successor. FS- same as SS CB-I know nate is overrated but unless we can get charles woodson i would resign him ML-need to mold a successor for Fletcher who I believe will be a free agent at the end of the next season 2-Olb I think we need two here one to replace Posey incase SPikes doesnt come back and another for depth incase again something hapens to Spikes. K- Ryan Longwell is a free agent I think this is a must sign-need a reliable kicker who is used to Buffalo like weather and he certainly fits the BILLS Just throwing out what i think would like to see suggestions or areas i might have overlooked.
  10. Im not angry with anyone-I preferred Sherman I thoght he was the best hire for the poistion and the situation given his experience with Farve and as a gm would be both beneficial to Marv and JP. Howver, speculating once again maybe Raplh was willing to pay for Sherman but in Jeopardy of losing his trusted freind Marv in the Process. Again on Specualation all the newspapers stated immeadately after MM quit and before any names were mentioned for HC candiates that Marv would mostlikey hire Jauron because of their freindship/acqauintance whatever. They were specualting in the end it was true Dick jauron was the hire. Again im not sure if we are going in the right direction or not I can only hope as we all can that this losing skid will end soon. The only other thing I am sure to specualte on is JP WILL NOT be starting next year again I am only speculating but what I can infer by the comments and their noncommittal to anything is leading me to the speculation. Do I want to win as much as the next YES do I think we are a few pieces away from doing this NO. So I think that JP should get all his bumps and bruises next year as a starter and see where this kid is going especially in a new system. Outside of all that I respect you opinion and applaud you for holding it throuh all the signs that point the other way. Hopefully Dick will be good rember Wade came with a losing record and brought us to 2 playoffs but with a much more talented team. Maybe flutie will come back???
  11. http://www.askthecommish.com/salarycap/faq.asp This should enlighten you on the FACT that the salary cap IS a revenue sharing Program equally distributed to all the teams!!!! As for the rest, do i present what i wrote as facts not neccessarily I am not an investigative reporter However this is an opionated forumn in whch we all have our opions and back it up with what ever facts we have which is journalism, sorry but that is the fact. No proof of MM being forced out yes truly speculation but, you have to so that the whole thing looks rather conspicuos. MM was put into a failing postion. Marv said that he and rapl and MM were all going to sit down evaluate and hire MM staff togehter. THAT is a fact based on Press conferences. Raplh stated he is not repsonsible for who MM hires or fires for his staff that his MM decision.RALPH flat out lied that IS a Fact see the press conference. DO i know waht Jauron is making for a fact no I am specualation. However, we should learn that in time and if it is whats stated what does that prove to you??? The fact is that coaches have a budget setup by the president of the orginaztion and that makes it Ralph call on how much can be spent on the caoching staff. Howevr, you have the right tp your opinion that you dont have any facts to base it on either.
  12. I know alot of us wondered what if sherman would take a lesser role of OC for our team since he was the best one available. many thought he would take a diminished role and now theres speculation he will be the Assitant head coach and OL coach for the Houston Texans!!!! Former Green Bay coach Mike Sherman might be the assistant head coach/offensive line. Sherman coached the offensive line at Texas A&M (1992-93) when Kubiak was A&M's running backs coach. Kyle Shanahan (receivers) and Brian Pariani (tight ends) will be part of Kubiak's first staff.
  13. I would not trade away JP that would be a bigger mistake than any QB we have traded for. IF the question is to win now and have the veterans support you go out and get another veteran. Holcomb and JP would rotate each week between second and third string qb and JP gets more practice time and could be ready as a starting QB without missing a beat on offense in two years or less.
  14. Ok there seems to be some confusion-First the Salary Cap is the NFL revenue sharing program everyteam has this to spend on their Players for the their team. It doesnt effect the organiztions bottom line. That is the reason why teams arent afraid to cut layers provide the hit isnt too high but of their rebuilding they might want to take it in one big hit and build up from there. However, The cost of the administration and the coaching staff does come off the organizations bottom line. The top 5 head coaches are averaging aroung 4 mil a year and are from essentially winning organizations. The rest of the leauge is around 1 mil.( so who really controls the team the 10 mil qb or the 1 mil head coach?) and the assistants are paid even less. In reference to Ralph the people who report on them or write on them take his past history of who he has hired for the amount he has hired and who he wont let go because of contractual obligations to pay. Beyond all that above everything i have read has be tranparent to me Ralph is cheap. They forced MM to quit so not to pay him his 3 mill. Sherman/Hasselet would not be hired because of the min demand of 3.2 mil a year they would command and most things I read besides the Marv factor stated that Joauro would come at 1.5 mil a year 1.7mil savings over the rest. The have also mentioned and the names i dont rember at the moment certain coordinators that we wouldnt be able to get because of the $$ they would command versus the money that would be paid. I hate to say this, unless god forbid Ralph moves on to the afterlife we are stuck in meodricy of todays football that has clearly passed the old timers by.
  15. He would come back for the same reason that Marv did a final chance to get that ring that the 4 losing superbowls have left them feeling thirsty for.
  16. That was an excellent anology and i really like the way you put it out there. Some are also forgetting that this team of 2005 was built to make the playoffs. Players were brought into Buffalo to aid us in our attemp to make a run at the playoffs its not JPs fault that TD made a bad decison in NAMING JP the starter for the upcoming year and then Releasing Bledsoe becuase he didnt want to be a back up to a Kid who didnt beat him out of anything not to mention its the same scenario of RJ and Flutie veteran experince vs a rookie who gives you the best chance to win-the Veteran everytime hands down according to the veterans. However, to sit there and write of a kid who shows the exterme talent he does because hes only played in 9 games trying to fill the shoes of a HALL OF FAME QB that was just released is ignorant. History has shown that all qbs take 2-3 years to progress unless all the peices are already in place-IE PITT, NE, NYG We thought our peices were in place- but our Defense just blew way too much last season we had a rb who was inconsitant at best with no back up threat and no pass cathcing TE to speak of and a Line that couldnt protect the best qb in the sport. I read some one wants steve mcnair- did anyone look at his record his first 3 years or his completion percentage- why dont we give this kid an opprotunity to put in a 16 game season is beyond me. But i will say that if the goal is win now, lets get an experienced QB not holcomb, sign him for 2-3 years and let JP develop as a backup gaining trust of his players knowing that if he steps in (like KC) they could still win the game. BUt let thi kid earn the respect of his teammates first. He will not be starting next year I belive that sincerly.
  17. Eli is him his frst full season - I posted a few days ago the comparisons of Eli and JP in the first starts and JP statistically beat Eli hands down. However, again in my post i stated that the giants have good recievers Plaxico, Toomer, Shockey and the all purpose back Tiki barber. Before JP is Judeged he needs a team around him and 16 games as the starter and we will see what he has. JP possesses all the skills and is going to be an exciting QB to watch the offense did not fit JP's skill set and JP did show improvement from his first 4 games to his last 4 games. However, MM was afraid of losing the team that wanted a VET in the QB spot and of TD and MM afraid of losing their jobs. Holcomb was the better QB- ok JP 2 wins Holcomb 3 games so Holcomb is a one game better winner than holcomb and has a better passing effeicncy/Wb rating woopy do holcom doesnt posess the arm I see in JP nor the Scrambling ability the only difference i see between Holcom and Jp is 6 years in the leauge that holcomb has.
  18. IN reading and wondering, thinking and pondering, remenicing adn rembering this team needs more work than a gm hc oc and new dc will bring. Think about it. Bledsoe as much as we wanted him gone and voiced our opinion of him not being able to keep his head in a big game was no more than a sub 3,000 yard passer with now 300 yd games in Buffalo thro him in Dallas still cant keep his head in the big game but an above 3,000 yard passer with a few 300 yd games the diffference??? Passing options-Receivers 3 of them with good hands and the ability to go after the ball nomatter how bad its thrown. A passcathcing TE and a RB option. We have one recieve on our team IMO and that is Lee Evans he has the speed and he goes for the ball no matter where its thrown hes not a whining wuss like Eric moulds(sorry its out of my fingers reach im not going to hurt myself to catch a ball give me holcomb at least hes more accurate) thus IMO we need atlest 2 WRS that will go after the ball I see David Pattens up for Free agency and he goes after the ball. ALso how many catches did our wr/rb.fb have this year 32 total boy are we weak in this area i can we even expect JP to improve if only Lee Evans can catch his balls with no TE option availbale and I though MCgahee was suppose to have better ahnds than Travis didnt look like it, Look at the Giants- Eli manning ( not a very good QB in my opinion I might have drafted him in the 7 rd) he took his team to the playoffs in his second season-WHY- Jeremy SHockey, Plaxibo Burress, AMone Toomer, and the all purpose back Tiki Barber. See what I mean players who go after the ball. Our OL needs work and continuity as well as depth(injuries happen) We need to DL guys and 3 players in the secondary and oh yeah depth. As much as I wanted SHerman to be the hire we still would be no better than 6-10 next year as he implmented his scheme and brouht the right players in. Unless we make some Quick Fixes this offseason the all the areas of need we are still only going to be 6-10 or 7-9 at best next season. I hate to say because it pains me some might agree most might disagree but we had our superbow team ready to go in Mularkeys first year with us we had the right things in place We had a vet QB a one two punch at RB and the most opprotunistic defense in the leaugue are time has past we our older we have aging veterans-Moulds.Adams. Vincent. Milloy. Fletcher, just to name the popular vets. Just had to put that out there and welcome all pros and cons to what I ahve stated.
  19. Besides everything you just stated sometime when a guy gets a second go at it hes had time to ponder things he did wrong in his first stint and know waht hes getting into in the second...again i reserve judegement till the last game of regualar season has been played!!!!!!!!
  20. I dint renew my Sunday ticket last season I knew after we let Drew go it was all downhill with a rookie qb. I dont forsee myself as of today picking it up for next year unless i see something I like in the preseason games. Then again I dont know which was more painful watching a Drew bledsoe game or and RJ or JP game.... Bledsoe was my most painful as he always gave away the lead and could never get it back. Speaking of which The use to broadcast how we havent had a 300 yd passer til holcomb for x amount aof games. How many games seasons or decades has it been since we had a qb that broiught us back from behind?????????????????????????????
  21. I agree 16 regular season games will be enough to hang him by the noose for anything less than and 8-8 record!!!!!! While were at hang Marv for hiring him and Ralph for listening to Marvs "trust me I took this team to 4 straight superbowls" speech.
  22. After watching the press conference and Listening to Marv toaday and past and Listening to Jauron and the reason why MM left I have come to the conclusion that yes indeed to my dismay Jauron is the best canditate for this organization. Why??? 1. Jauron buys into the philosophy of what Marv wants in his football organization. A Head Coach that will allow a concensus on the players and his assistants. Is this a bad thing. Only if it fails. However, Marv has been noted as hiring the best assistants and since there is a concensus with Marv having the final say we can expect Marv to bring in the best possible canditates for Jauron the first step in helping him succeed in BUffalo. 2. Jauron buys into Marvs philosophy of the best players play and every position is opening to competetion and the best player will play regardless of there draft position or veteran status ( buy the way marv you really stuck tp that philosphy in Superbowl 27 when an injured Kelly took over for the hottest QB going in to the suberbowl and rightful starter Frank Reich.) So when Jauron was asked about the JP and qb situation Jauron reiterated verbatum Marv's philosphy indicating to me so sad too bad JP your out. Does it mean Holcomb will satrt no but they might be looking to bring in another VET Qb. Ive listened to Marv for the last two years he doenst like rookie QB and he doesnt have the patience for them to be ready thats why he retired after the todd collins/ bobby hobert/hebert qb fiasco. 3. Marv wnats to coach again hes never given it up the desire to caoch again. Thus after listening to Jauron and rembering most of what levy has expresssed Marv is going to be part of the game planning suggesting to Jauron what he thinks he should do against his opponets. This can be both a pro and a con. But for the theory of it all it is a pro because a hall of fame HC gets to coach Jauron who he feels is in his own form in his youth. Thus with those reason I feel that Jauron is the BEST hire for this organization, again Im not for this decison but it does make since and i still reserve my judgement until the end of the season in al fairness to the respect I have for Marv, the fact that Jauron did have 1 13-3 season, abd the Bears he coached is a worse team than ours. At least this team he will have a legitmate RB.
  23. For all the misinformed Losmans First Year was in a cast he couldnt practice until week 11 or 12 there wasnt much time in his first year for him to get the system under his belt except in his mind not his foot work. Which is the reason WHY everyone didnt understand Bledsoe being cut when the kid was only abole to practice in preseason and 2-3 games his first season. This should have been the year for JP to be Behind bledsoe all season going thru practices all season before deciding if he was the right guy. Not to mention that with a guy like Bledsoe no matter what us fans think the players think he is their best chance to win and Bledsoe should have been kept until JP flat out beat him and the palyers saw this or Bledsoe retired. However, if bledsoe was a cap cut then QBS should have been brought in and competiton for the starting position should have happened. Even JP knew he wish he earned it instead of it being handed to him, because he knows how players are. I dont think JP is a bust. But we just might have handle another QB situation pathetically again. I do think they are going to trade him away unfotunately we are going to be watching this kid like atalanta was watching farve after trading him to GB. This kid has talent and needs a full 16 game season to determine his value. He needs a line, tes that can catch and a runing game to take the pressure off. But since Sherman wasnt hired JP is gone and amother year of mediocracy will befall us unless we get a proven QB which is unlikely from what i see and Holcomb is not the answer either. Holcomb and JP split the saeson right down the middle and Holcomb the veteran was a slight margin better the JP rookie.
  24. Thats right what is next? First things first- New OC and a New DC and strenght and condition coach and fill in the rest of the assistants. Look at the college talent and the potential free agent potential list get feelers on Nate/Moulds/Mcgahee and JP on the trade market. I would franchise Nate and see if we could work out a trade. I would cut adams loose hes lazy and not worth the money Ngata will be his replacement and sign another DL in free agency. I would try and trade moulds since trading him and cutting him have the same cap implications atleast in a trade we could get something.- But recievers are really needed on our team. Unfortunately i dont see what other see in moulds except he is the BEST on our team ONLY. I was watching the playoffs as well as other teams over this season and we dont have true recievers I mean guys who go after the ball we have the guys that say oops its a finger tip away i cannot catch it it wasnt thrown right. Im tired of our receivers being wusses and Moulds isnot worth the money. Offensive line is a serious need and needs to be addressed immedately. I dont feel that the organization is going to allow JP to start this upcoming season and might test the waters to see who might be willing to trade for him. I like JPs talent but if the rumors are true about his demeanor to other palyers on the team no one will play for him he might be on his way out maybe to oakland for their veteran.Just a scenerio. The other thing they might try is to see if the can sign Shaun alexander or edergin James then the might trade Mcgahee or have a true 1-2 punch. I also wouldnt be suprised to see Lofton as an offensive assitant. We have lots of needs in this offseason- so as much as i hate the Jauron pick I have to wait till the end of the next season for a fianl Judgment on him. We need coaches-3OL-3DL-3WR-2TE-1RB-2LB-1SS-1FS-2CB-1QB Thats alot to adress in the offseason and hopefully we will se the genious in Levy as he tries to build us a winning team. At least we should have comfort knowing the Levy is coaching us again... I mean Jauron.
  25. I was thinking about this and a few rumors read about Sherman vs Jauron. The idea is that Ralph was going to be willing to pay Sherman what he wanted but the sticking point was JP???? Why would JP be the sticking point? The only reason I can read in the Grey area is that SHerman liked JP and could do somthing with him and probably wants him to start. Where the Organization might feel different about JP and is not in the starting plans for the foreseeeable future. The other factors might b tha Jauron was willing to let Marv be the deciding factor on his assitants where Sherman would want full control over who does work for him.
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