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Everything posted by nuklz2594

  1. sadly i will be watching this game. my bride has been a long time pats girl. i see many tequila shots and regret....lots of regret.
  2. man is retiring. i would love to drink beers with him. class act.
  3. the bride says let's have a lunch bet when pats play my bills. i have replied by saying where am i buying you lunch. i will say this....she has stuck with the pats through thick and thin. i need a drink!!
  4. my bride of 25 is a pats/red sox girl. F$$$ me if we lose to pats and edelman is the qb. she said to me ----whatcha got when edelman beats you as the qb? lawdy lawdy lawdy the bet is gonna kill me on the game.
  5. my bride of 25 years is patriots girl. i got nuthin
  6. we will see what the cardinals have dialed up. am hoping tyrod survives
  7. where does tyrod rank? 1.pats 2.jets. 3.tyrod 4.fish am torn on tyrod not being worst in afc east
  8. ndsu head coach kielman. why not at this point?
  9. i will grow an eyeball on my knee before this happens
  10. after watching ndsu beat iowa, i remember phil hansen. great player and better man. did his job and never complained. i believe he tends to be underrated. shout out to phil hansen.
  11. the sad thing is...everyone was screaming we have continuity. yep sucking every year aint working. yet i still wore my bills hat to my florida pub and took my ass whooping again. last time we made playoffs my boy was 12. he has now been in usaf for 10 tears and it is his bday oops hit wrong number he was 18.doh
  12. seeing how we fired roman...does rex have the chutzpah to fire his brother if ownership says so?
  13. with our situation the theme and show run through my head. keystone cops. stinking joke.
  14. sadly, i have been married to a new england patriot wife for 25 years. she insists that i watch the games to see me twist in the wind...that.s my story. only thing worse is when we play the pats. she does a lunch wager. i pretty much pencil on the calendar a lunch date on me. that said...hang in there
  15. was there ever an interview with marty schottenheimer?
  16. BUT....we have continuity!! i do not remember who screamed it. the ryan brothers make us sadly..all new and improved keystone cops. it is just sad how we continue to flounder. we are basically a junior varsity team. we need a coach that will make EVERY roster spot an open challenge a la jimmy johnson or parcells.
  17. yes i will get blown up...tim tebow signs with ny mets. wasn't the plan for the bills to draft him round two? my ny mets are killing me
  18. i applaud marcel admitting/getting help. that said...did he miss the drug test because he knew would fail? if he failed drug test by doing it, how long would the suspension be? also, don't they do a drug test at the rehab facility? if so, and he fails does the league add too his present suspension?
  19. i assume you do not remember our 2006 draft class
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