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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. I am not a PA lawyer, so can't comment on laws there. But as far as I recall in NY there are limits on the extent of the "deal" a defendant may receive. Without getting too technical, a plea can only "drop" a charge so far. So if a defendant faces a higher class of felony, he or she might not be able to plead to a lesser charge that would normally allow avoidance of prison.
  2. To illustrate the physical evidence points imagine if a witness says "I saw person A kick the victim." Then imagine there is blood on the shoes of person A, and that bloopd matches the blood of the victim who was kicked. That's a big problem for person A.
  3. On an iPhone in an airport. Apparently I need a new microphone. Or my enunciation sucks. Probably the latter.
  4. It doesn't seem like an NCIS case, but one of the prior posters made an excellent point. If I was there, and my clothes are clean, I want those clothes preserved. It may help support my point that I was not involved in kicking or punching or even near one of the victims when The blows were delivered. Again, at this point all of the discussion a speculative. But, if I'm clean in a situation like this, it doesn't hurt to be able to say so later.
  5. I basically agree with all of this, except I'm not sure how important physical evidence will be here. I suppose a print could help prove a bottle strike, or at least the identity of the person who will do the bottle. Maybe if the injuries are particularly significant, or if there was a lot of blood, footprints might matter. Spatter could be important to improve so much participation in the assault. Another good reason to get a lawyer and start the investigation.
  6. How do you know the victims testimony is worthless? At this point, nobody knows that. Yet another good reason for shady to get counsel and start his own investigation. It should be happening already. Also, , Doc, I don't mean to pick on you in responding to your post. I think you are one of the most intelligent posters here, and I always enjoy reading your opinion. It's not just you, but in this instance I think A lot of the discussion is wildly speculative. We don't know who the witnesses are, and therefore we have no idea as to their credibility or lack there of. Also, we have no idea how many videos are floating around. Frankly, there are very few people who actually know what happened, and I suspect that even the people who were there and perhaps even the people who were involved don't have a full picture of what actually occurred.
  7. Eyewitness testimony. Maybe the video if someone can decipher it. Maybe another video. Maybe somebody in the group rolls. Not saying shady did or didn't do anything, but the point remains that (at least in NY) the incomplete sketch of the facts leaves open the possibility that he could be charged as an accomplice. I believe in NY the test would be whether he shared a community of purpose with the assailant. google NY penal law 20.00 for quick background on the theory in NY.
  8. Not sure about that. The video sucks. And it seemingly doesn't capture entire incident. Let's hear what eyewitnesses say. But point remains that you asked (essentially) how he gets charged if didn't land a blow, and accomplice liability is answer. Fact that not ID'ed as cops at time they were getting tuned up is of no moment. We have a couple of banged up cops and shady in the middle of it. Right wrong or uninvolved he needs someone who can work with DA office.
  9. Accomplice liability. Not sure about PA (have no reason to expect different from NY), but the greater the injuries and the greater the number of assailants the greater the penalty. This mess could have resulted in a gang assault charge in NY; not sure if there is a PA equivalent. Also, picking on cops (no matter whether cops deserved it) is always a bad plan. McCoy needs an attorney with a good relationship with the DA's office. Could be tough to negotiate a case like this otherwise.
  10. Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the Rex situation this way. Because of the personnel changes required to effectively run his defense, we either dump him now or deal with him for at least two more years. Personally, I'm on the "dump him now" side of things. Not because of the results, bad as they may be. I see a defense that is unprepared, a frustrated, fractured locker room, an offense that can play with a lead but that cannot move quickly enough to play catch up and that grossly underutilizes its best player (Watkins), and a horribly undisciplined team. In fairness on the Watkins point, losing harvin hurt more than a lot of people realized at the time. Hogan is a drop machine, and woods is not a threat.
  11. I'm not a reactive person, but it may be that Rex has to go. We have some problems to address on the offensive side of the ball - potentially the entire line save for center and WR2 down the depth chart. We can't fix both sides of the ball in the same offseason, and keeping Rex means finding lots of new starters and a bunch of new depth on D. It's a lot easier to change the coach than it is to dump our competent 4-3 personnel to find players to fit this mess of a scheme. So maybe biting the bullet and moving on from Rex is the better play. If he's here next year we better plan on seeing him the year afterthat, too, because I just don't see how we successfully go can go from 4-3 (2014) to incomprehensible mess (2015) to 3-4 (2016) back to 4-3 (assuming a new coach and a 4-3 in 2017). Defensive system changes take awhile, and with the talent we have we might be better off dumping the system as opposed to dumping the players. As an aside, can anyone identify our base d? Hybrid doesn't count as a description. To these eyes it's a mess.
  12. I'm 36, and I remember every single one of the game highlights we've seen so far - to the point where I know who will catch the pass, miss the tackle, or make the hit. Since 1986 I've watched every minute of every game, and attended nearly every home game with my dad. I'm grounded in life, with a good job, nice house, great family, and I have my priorities straight. It still breaks my freaking heart every time I see that kick sail away. I just hope we can win a super bowl and share it with my dad. Just one. With him.
  13. Thanks Bill! Glad you're back. My thoughts: The secondary was outstanding, and I thought the defense as a whole played pretty well. I'll say it: in this scheme, we won't miss Mario if he's cut in the offseason. But we don't win this game without McCoy and Watkins. McCoy was electric - just amazing - and Watkins made the play of the game on the third and short in the fourth quarter. Maybe put Taylor in that category, too. I'm reluctant to say this, but the kid is reminding me more and more of Russ Wilson. Stat line isn't special, but he has a presence about him and he just wins. Taylor is only going to get better as he gets more experience, and it wouldn't surprise me to see him grow markedly as a passer next year.
  14. Agreed. Robey is a good nickel CB, but he couldn't handle decker tonight.
  15. The conitions weren't great, but I thought he had an off night. The snaps once first two puts were scary. Also seems like the fg team is a little out of rhythm. It showed on the miss.
  16. Aa a lifelong west Seneca/ orchard park resident, I would suggest taking southwestern to union road in west Seneca, and the taking Union straight up to the airport. It avoids the thruway and is usually a very quick way out of the stadium.
  17. And here's a few fearless predictions. Fred was cut in part to make room for thigpen, who makes the team. And we'll keep five safeties for the time being given the possibility Graham has to return to corner in a pinch.
  18. Bingo. Can't cut cassel until Simms clears waivers.
  19. This is exactly what I thought. This kid is probably a hero to Rex.
  20. I thought JD Williams. But I trust whaley's judgment. So we shall see.
  21. I think Fred is a little high and maybe also want have enough burst for the role. Agreed on Dixon though. Fair point about the yardage in the kc game. But if we were better up front, we probably don't make the foolish play call that led to Jeff Tuel throwing a 99-yard touchdown pass to kc. I had my bills meltdown moment when chan allowed brad smith to throw near the end of the game in az, and my dad had his at the Tuel interception. Ugh.
  22. Agreed. Although the offer to Bulaga (assuming it was made) might be evidence of a plan to slide Glenn inside. I'd like BPA tonight, but if the BPA analysis is close we should take a guard. In my view poor guard play has cost this team immensely over the past two years - at least two games in 2013 off the top of my head (cinci and kc), and it killed the screen and some aspects of the run game last year. Also, as an aside, we need a short yardage back in the worst way. Summers was the best of a bad lot recently, and I am only slightly exaggerating when I say that brad smith is the best short yardage back we've had in awhile. This won't be popular, but I get managements desire to cut Fred to save money and to find a back with short yardage ability (something at which fred isn't all that great).
  23. So ... For all those who still want to debate the sammy trade. Would you trade sammy for Justin Gilbert, cameron Erving and a fourth round pick? I wouldn't. And I appreciate that someon might prefer ODB and a guy like Erving. Fair point. But one Sammy still try,ps what the Browns now have.
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