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Everything posted by SouthTownBills51

  1. Hey..just wondering if anybody on here is in that section, or knows what im in store for sitting in that section..thanks!
  2. Just assuming I guess...michigan being closer to buffalo then texas and oklahoma..wasn't really trying to put much into it. just a thought
  3. I guess I just don't come on often enough to catch every thread every hour...my mistake
  4. Definetly a strong department for us the past few seasons. I know that bobby april has a lot to do with that, and our returners are pretty much set..but the kick and punt coverage teams. Now as much as it didn't pain me to see coy wire get cut, he was a solid special teamer. Also i'd love to see the bills re-sign stamer and haggan. In all honesty how much would it cost to sign them back? Like I said , im sure bobby april has a lot to do with there success. and finding replacements probably wouldn't be difficult ( the draft and current roster players ) but the loses of sam aiken, coy wire, and stamer and haggan theres 4 solid special team performers..are we to assume our ST's will be as good as they have been even with the loses of 4 key contributors? maybe bobby april is that good?
  5. Im hoping we draft limas sweed myself...but knowing the bills history and them not usually taking the guy projected. what are the odds they're eyeing devin thomas because of his experience in cold weather games? not to say that playing in cold weather games takes the place of the most decorated reciever out there..but how much of that do you think the bills brass is taking into consideration?
  6. That works for me...i'd take hardy before manningham though. his freakish size is intriuging
  7. Sign that 1 day contract and retire a bill eric...u made your mark here.
  8. Either Kelly or Sweed would work with me...at this point , im not too picky as long as he's big, can catch, and isn't afraid of snow..
  9. With the ridiculous contracts for Berrian and Walker..the alleged stare down with Bryant Johnson..and just the lack of decent big recievers in free agency, do the bills draft 2 recievers that make an impact this season? or do we draft 1? draft a tightend...and maybe somebody gets cut june 1st...thoughts?
  10. oh I hear ya, week in and week out..you can't help but to hold out hope for somebody other then the damn punter to stand out...but it just doesn't happen
  11. I just think its kinda funny, every game there's one player that stands out.. moorman
  12. Agreed, its the stupid mental mistakes that seem to kill us..I wanna say that its easily correctable, but is it?? I mean the coaches can only do soo much..
  13. Just for laughs....how do we think JP does statistically this season...( if he stays the starter and doesn't get hurt ) 3150 Yards 19 Tds 14 Ints..... Metocre at best, but definetly an upgrade Let's have it!
  14. if he comes cheap, I like the move...kerry's been decent a best..but a good veteran presence for 2 young quarterbacks...
  15. Martin Nance was supposed to be the undrafted free agent steal offensively, and andre davis was supposed to challange a roster spot....both look to be on the outside lookin in??..Was hopin nance would emerge in the preason, with the kids size , I was curious to see what he could do...Andre Davis appeared to be nothing more then traning camp depth, and a preseason look and see...what are the odds, that one of these guys does make the team? With the detroit game thursday...curious to see if one of them stands out
  16. I wanna say this guy has been on the bills practice squad for a couple years now...I think he deserves a shot as well, at least as our 5 Evans Price Reed Parrish Wilson? wow this is tough...where's Nance? Davis? Aiken?
  17. Feels good to be back again, was without a computer for about 6 months...but everything is back now and im ready to post! might as well start with my 9 cuts and some opinions on losman and spikes... Who I see gone by tuesday... James Bethea Nicholas Setta Eric Bassey Chris Denney Jon Goldsberry Fred Jackson Ryan Neil Rob Lee Jason Hall Can't say other then a couple decent kicks from setta, and a couple decent catches from Denney..have we seen anything that would constitute them making it past this cut...I mean you have to play more then a couple downs to get a decent evaluation, and if theres a couple people ahead of you that are better, your just not going to get on the field... Was good to see TKO back on the field last night, he brought energy, leadership, and a spark for the 13 plays he was on the field...although it appears he's been completley healed from the injury, im not quite ready to say he's 100%, reguardless i'll takeo anyway we can get him... Losman - I think the sooner we realize, that JP is better then he's been, the better off we'll be..Its going to be a bittersweet season for him, and im ready to deal with it..as long as the coaching staff doesn't decide to jump ship with him when he makes a mistake...and I don't think Jauron and his staff are the type of coaches to do that...Nall should be our #2 , he's done enough to show me he can't lead a team into the endzone when needed...Holcomb def a dissapointment, but we had to keep it in my back of our minds, that we weren't going to see much more from him, then what we've seen already...with that said, why not trade him for a draft pick, and let's see what this kingsbury can do for us as our #3? anybody check his college stats? they're impressive... again its good to be back..go bills!
  18. Gibsons last stay was in Chicago..if im not mistaken we were lookin at this guy a few years back during Greg Williams Tenure here..curious to see his stats...he goes 6'6 370 ( per yahoo sports ) Kiwaukee Thomas been in the league about 6 years, last team the dolphins...the other two I don't have a clue..Im assuming these are training camp depth guys..
  19. Aaron Gibson - OL James Bethea - DB Matt Morgan - OL Kiwaukee Thomas - DB take it for what its worth haha
  20. Say moulds is traded for a 4th rounder...we'd have a first, second, 2 thirds, 2 4ths, a 5th, 6th, and two 7ths...and this is before all this losman on the trading block talk....and IF he's traded theres another midround pick... if younger is his supposed direction, he's definetly gonna do that in the draft... thoughts??
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