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Everything posted by SouthTownBills51

  1. I think houston is going to have to rely on there passing game more though, jacksonvilles defense might have its way with dominick davis..
  2. Amare Stoudamire's name should be in there when the nba's mvp voting begins..no question about it
  3. Houston is one of the most underrated teams in the league..if I were jacksonville I wouldn't wanna pull a New England with miami and take them lightly. Im hoping andre johnson has a big game and houston pulls off the upset. would be nice to see
  4. If infact we do end up trading henry at the end of the season..why is it soo hard to believe that we won't get a first for him? I hate the idea that just because a person is injured his value drops..When he's healthy Henry is easily a top 10 running back in this league..2700 hundred yards, and almost 30 touchdowns in 2 seasons is enough reason for me to think he'll be back to prime time form once he's healthy..He'll obviously be healthy, and will have something to prove come next season, so the team that gets him if he's traded will be getting a beast of a running back with a chip on his shoulder..all the more reason to settle for nothing less then a first for him..We also took a gamble with a running back not too long ago, does willis mcgahee ring any bells? and he's turning out to be just fine..Which leads me to believe that some team come this offseason will take the same gamble on Henry ( if he's traded ) because let's face it, when he's at 100% henry is a heck of a running back..he's worth a first round pick
  5. other then pat williams..is our defense pretty much intact for next season? Sam Adams? Lawyer Milloy? Jeffy Posey? Clements? anybody know the contract years on these guys? im just curious
  6. I agree..shaud and joe should be able to carry the load against the niners..might be a good thing, niners might think with willis out they'll be playing pass all game?
  7. I never thought I'd say, I hope miami win's this game, it would be a helluva boost but they're playing the patriots sooo enough said..
  8. I know its pretty thin to think this..but is it possible that green bay is no longer immortal, when it comes to the " frozen tundra " in december? I mean atlanta a couple years back in the playoffs took it to them..and now yesterday with jacksonville? is it me or is the weather an ovverated factor in determining who has the advantage?
  9. defensively yes, but other then portis, their offense doesn't scare me enough to worry about them if they were to make the playoffs.
  10. I'd just like to say hello to everybody here at 2 bills drive...ive been coming to this site for a couple years now..and i'd just like to say that this is by far one of the best fan sites around.. This site has good people, and a ton of decent insight and information..I hope I can contribute just as good as everybody on here.. Soo then to start off my first topic of my tenure here.. If mcgahee and the coaching staff decide to sit him out for the game at Sanfrancisco next week..how much will it jeapordize a chance to get 1000 this season? I mean don't get me wrong I believe willis has had a successful season..but wouldn't it be great if he can crack 1000? and it obviously won't be easy against pittsburgh..
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