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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. Pretty much what Jack said. I still play, but hardly like before. I just check my guys once a day or so and watch my teams lose because I can't spend 20+ hours a day trying to find the exploit play for this season.
  2. You're crazy... In all seriousness though, a full year in the system for Fitz and company, Easley coming back to help the WR corps, potential help being drafted to stop the run along with others coming into their second year in the league. I say there is a good chance this team takes a step forward to 8 and 8.
  3. matthews is still on the board. probably will be til the 5th Anyone who thinks DB was not a need on this team isn't paying enough attention.
  4. Why is it so hard for co-workers to keep their hands off other peoples' food?
  5. Wasn't the legal drinking age like 14 back then?
  6. What if Kennedy decided to ride with the top up that day?
  7. Finally, after months of paperwork issues, red tape, and general delays, I get to swear in for my new position in DC next Thursday. Think we're going for the NoVA area, my wife is a teacher and they seem to have to the most opportunities for her there. Hoping Arlington schools calls her for one of the jobs she applied for. Thanks for all the info again guys.
  8. I believe its the interns they send out during the games to shovel the snow. At least that is the running joke between myself and my brother when we are at the games.
  9. Sounds like you have something hijacking your browser. Shut down, restart holding f8 for safe mode, and run a full scan.
  10. Wrong Arkansas QB. That was Matt Jones
  11. I'll drink to that. Now if they could just do something about that marijuana law I keed I keed.
  12. SF/Bay area? yeah plenty of quacks out there
  13. I think it would be harder to find a city that isn't filled with nutjobs
  14. Not every pick in the baseball draft is out of high school. Some are also trained for free at major colleges. Off the top of my head, two D1 college standouts Robin Ventura and Frank Thomas were 1st round picks in the baseball draft out of Ok State and Auburn and were in the Majors within a year of being drafted. If the NFL had a minor league system and did not have the 3 year out of high school eligibility rule you would see both drafts be quite similar. I'm not saying college football isn't a good talent evaluator, but let's think of it this way. If the NFL had a minor league system instead of mainly the NCAA you could draft and develop players that fit your organization rather than retraining a player from a spread or veer offense to a pro style offense. Could you imagine having a QB developing at the minor league level running a specific offensive style for 3-4 years then taking what he learned with him onto the field at 22 running the same offense at the NFL level? I think you would see a lot fewer busts and more franchise QBs, but that is just my theory. In any event, we are comparing apples to grapenuts here since the sports and the professional organizations are completely different.
  15. If you are thinking that College Football is a good farm system for the NFL, you are quite mistaken. The game has different rules, a different style of play, no organizational culture from the parent club to the minors, etc.
  16. Finish this sentence, "The land of the free and the home of the..."
  17. My statement missed the mark a bit. The point being is, how is legal pot going to be cheaper than illegal pot when we start taxing and monitoring production and what not? While a solid idea in theory, the logistics of legalizing pot is more of a pipedream than anything.
  18. Tell that to the tobacco companies
  19. +1 The one thing about legalizing pot and taxing the crap out of it is convincing the pot smokers to buy the expensive weed versus the cheap stuff they get from their dealers. Why pay 20 to the gov when you can pay 10 to the guy on the corner. So unless the US starts pumping out a few hundred tons of Pineapple Express...
  20. Legalize meth and that'll take care of that problem too
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