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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I’m gonna say he signs with Miami. You don’t sit out a year because you’re trying to win a Super Bowl. Money, beaches and chicks are where it’s at.
  2. Yahoo sports app shows all local and national games and is flawless and free.
  3. That was very emotional to watch his teammates say goodbye. Not a Cowboys fan but definitely felt for him.
  4. C’mon ! You know how crazy Bills fans get with night games. The NFL is just trying to keep people from hurting themselves jumping off their roofs into flaming tables. Probably Allstate, State Farm and other insurance companies are behind this.
  5. P.S. You're the hottest MILF in town! Respectfully, Wotaguy
  6. Lost in all this is the impact on the broadcast networks; they have to move a lot of people and equipment to broadcast these games, which are moving around like balls under cups. How long before we see a game broadcast from Spero Dedes’ cell phone?
  7. So, wondering if people will be outraged means there is outrage? Umm no. Not sure why you bolded that part of my story. It involved no outrage. It was the father of a lesbian noting that a word that was once pejorative is now embraced as an accepted way of identifying oneself. How you see outrage in that says more about you than me.
  8. I’m not sure playing a PSA and showing support is “lecturing”, but I appreciate the story about your family. Very nice. Outraged? Invisible grievance? You must hang out at PPP Thought you wanted to talk football?
  9. I had a conversation with a very good friend yesterday whose daughter came out years ago. We were talking about society’s acceptance of LGBTQ and how “*****” used to be a pejorative and is now an identification. I had to look it up to see what it means 🤣. So, in my friend’s eyes, something like this by the NFL May be a money grab but is also lending more acceptance of all people. edit: the “Q” in LGBTQ is what got blanked above.
  10. When is Old White Guy Month? The players could wear white compression socks as a show of unity. I’m waiting to hear how my MIL is gonna react. She signed off the NFL this year because of kneeling. 🤣
  11. Psychosomatic illness and symptoms? Good thing this is an anonymous board or else TD would be coming your way to kick your ass 🤣
  12. I don’t see how this “isn’t relevant to any gay players in the league”. Isn’t that for those players to decide? I have no idea what it’s like to be a gay man playing in the NFL, but growing up on football in the late 60s, I heard gay players existed but they had to hide it from their peers. Society was a little farther ahead, but not much. I would think gay NFL players would appreciate this, even if it’s a token effort as a start. I think the NFL is exposing itself to risk by promoting this because there are fans who “quit” the NFL over the kneeling issue. I would not be surprised if there are fans who will “quit” the NFL over this as well.
  13. Where is there anything about politics? Patriotism is not politics. There are plenty of threads talking Xs and Os. Knock yourself out.
  14. Isn’t this a step in the right direction though? They have to start somewhere. At least it brought to my awareness that there was a LGBTQ History Month. I had no idea this has been a thing since 1994.
  15. Just wondering if it will trigger as much outrage as kneeling did. Probably not, because it’s not as easy as claiming patriotism.
  16. NFL has come a long way. Have its fans come as far? https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2020/10/09/nfl-launching-initiatives-throughout-lgbtq-history-month/42739171/
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