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Everything posted by phypon

  1. I would love for someone to make a highlight reel of all of jp's fumbles and bumbles, maybe with an emphasis on crucial moments of the game, like today. You know, show the time and score and then the highlight. Does this exist already? And before anyone gets all touchy about this, come on, it would be funny. We may as well poke a little fun at ourselves...oh yeah, and the team. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself...
  2. 100% agree. I know it's a dead horse but I think loses like this will help us more than a win. Otherwise, we are stuck in mediocrity. I think it's harder to fix mediocrity than an extreme. With mediocrity, you are afraid to make more dramatic changes. Bottom line, we need a new coach. We just do.
  3. Not to ruffle any feathers, but I'm predicting JP throws a pick this drive. Just a hunch.
  4. I can not believe DJ just called a timeout on first down with 30 seconds on the play clock for the first play of the game!!! Here we go again....
  5. does anyone think that losman saves DJ's job because of the performance? I don't have an opinion, just popped into my head. Does anyone think this could apply?
  6. the sad thing is, nothing is going to change next season. it will be the same thing, rinse and repeat at this rate.
  7. it's only one loss. what does the playoff scenario look like now? yes...I'm NOT serious...
  8. at least we will lose to the cream of the crop. the dolphins are going to be the AFC East champs. Or maybe that is next weeks game because it's the jests that will be the champs...or maybe it will be the last game of the season because NE* are the champs..... /sarcasm
  9. we need to flip the field. we need to execute better...
  10. apparently we are playing miami at miami twice this year (according to the crowd)
  11. I am from RI. I have been a Bills fan since I first learned about the NFL. It sucks right now. I'm totally disappointed, however, I have been sobered by the losses incurred. I just don't let it get to me so much anymore. The season is over. That's it. That's how it goes. To be honest, I will probably not get the sunday ticket next year and only catch the games when they are televised or I feel like finding a feed. But, I'm still a fan of this team. I hope that things get better soon, but I don't think they will in the next year or two. Oh well, that's how it goes.
  12. if bills won today things would be different. looks like miami has a good chance at wild card this year. I think they get it and jets win division.
  13. how do you beat a team that has 10 points with 9 points???
  14. whew! what a season. hey, at least it's over and we don't have to sweat anymore....right?....
  15. wait. so how do we make the playoffs? what is the scenario? /sarcasm
  16. Hey, I'm for giving April a chance. I also wouldn't mind seeing cowher in there next year.
  17. Wow! Great call by the coaches! They actually called a timeout, noticing that there were 12 men on the field! I think they are finally starting to get it! /sarcasm
  18. where have I seen a game ending drive like this before?
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