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Everything posted by Seasontixfromcleve

  1. Arent they available online as well??
  2. With your messed up logic shouldnt you be saying that the fans shoud filling the arena's in support of the owners who stood their ground against the "greedy" players that volunteered 24% of their salaries. The salary cap was not for competitions sake, it was for the owners who could not control their spending. That's the issue the players had with it. Some teams have been run well and will be fine, other's have not and will struggle. The sabres - Should be good, Have almost a full team of young talent, solid goaltending and are under the cap. The rangers - Have nobody under contract, and 2 of the guys they p have are over 6 million a year. good luck signing a whole new team, Looks like the Hartfor Wolfpack and Charlotte Checkers are moving on up. (I am a ranger fan, by the way)
  3. nothing like building a system that meets the sabres needs. Every team wants Crosby, They will all get an equal shot.
  4. I'm with taterhill........You apparently don't sit in the bleachers. My favorite part of the game is dancing on the bleachers hi-fiving and huggin other bills fans after touch downs. I live in NC now and anytime the song comes on in a bar im screaming LET"S GO BUFFALO and dancing around, there always at least 1 other bills fan that recognizes me for my drunken enthusiasm
  5. You guys are crazy, the fact that you spend so much time b*tching about JR tells me you will be in the seats when they atrt back up. Basically JR is saying if you dont like us dont come watch us, maybe not the smartest move since it goes without saying in mind. It's the same as your Tom Cruise or Oprah examples you brought up if you dont like them dont watch their show or see the movie. I for one did not have my opion of hockey or the players changed. My two cents is that this was all a mess that the owners got themselves into by hiring people that run their organizations poorly. As much as I hate the Devil's and like the Rangers they are two perfect examples of how to and not run your organization. So I say thanks for speaking up JR, I understand what you're saying (again, "if you don't like it, shut up") GO BILLS!!
  6. I was up every weekend from Cleveland last year and went to Cinci (from Rochester not Cleveland). This year I will be coming up for at least 4 games from NC as well as heading to the Jets away game I think.
  7. I'm hoping to make it to buffalo for 5 or 6 games and may be dragged to panthers games by friends on other weeks, but I am guessing I end up at tavern on the tracks since I only live 3 minutes down south boulevard from there.
  8. KJ was cut because he told the browns he couldnt be on the same team as WG anymore....they had to pick and chose Green. Thats just one more reason Butch Davis is out the door.
  9. His wife stabbed him because of the whole incident with Kevin Johnson that resulted in KJ being released. For those that don't know...KJ came home from practice one day while Green was suspended and found Green's car in the driveway, when he went in the house he found WF in bed with his fiance and chased him out of the house still undressed. This is when Green got pulled over half dressed and drunk in the middle of the afternoon. Once WG's wife found this out she stabbed him. Do we really need this crap in Buffalo??
  10. We just got as much Beast light that we could buy and anyone and everyone who wanted a beer was welcome to them......it makes for a much better time when people dont become A-holes of people drinking beers or charging to get into parties.
  11. Molson. Hefeweisen with a little bit of Coke is pretty good stuff.
  12. And the people in Syracuse are calling you a heretic now!!!!! How dare you not love their beloved Heid's
  13. I think it is the place in State College PA, that is featured on Hardee's commercials now called Denny's beer Barrel or something close to that..They make a 15 pount burger I think it is.
  14. I think you meant Tom Wahl's but regardless its a great place.......essentially the same thing as Bill Gray's. I agree Schaller's is damn good as well.
  15. They lost in a shootout, with only one czech player scoring during the shootout. Team USA was outshot badly but 2 goals on 53 shots is a hell of a ball game for Dipietro. Some of those so called snipers should have stepped up and I'm sure the "next generation" yound Defensemen learned a thing or 2 from Jagr and friends. If you dont think there is hockey, try checking out either the AHL or ECHL playoffs going on right now and I'm sure you'll find both lots of fans and even more excitement. Playoff hockey is the one thing in sports I love more then the Bills.
  16. I reallly dont think Willis cares or should care how his humor comes across on the internet. He does it on the field and has fun off then he will be happy and so will all the fans.
  17. Well, it is true! I live in Charlotte, NC and the IMAX here is also choosing not to show this film.
  18. yeah there's plenty of shopping carts in the garage at the riverside convention center.
  19. GET BACK MOTHER F*&%ER....YOU DONT KNOW ME LIKE THAT!!!! Ludacris....good stuff
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