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Everything posted by BenchBledsoe

  1. Oh, no you don't. Nice try at a preemptive post. This is beyond ridiculous now and even a retard like you must see that.
  2. Yeah, laugh about it. That's all you can do is try to down play it.
  3. ANOTHER CB??? You gotta be kidding me!! Let's see you guys even attempt to now defend this too. Just try.
  4. For starters, I wouldn't have drafted another RB after taking two in the first 4 rds last year. I also wouldn't have taken another CB in the fourth when we have a glut there already. Also, I wouldn't have ignored our O-line and DT either. Also, we are James Hardy injury away from being in the exact same boat as last year.
  5. "The Bills cheerleaders suck"??? Why would I ever complain about that
  6. Mike, I hear you. Don't worry about me though. Those four little nerds with their little pencil packs, bow ties and coke-bottle thick glasses don't bother me. They're just used to getting everyone to fall in line, which isn't happening today and they don't know what else to do.
  7. Dear Doctor, If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple. See?
  8. Mr. Funny Guy ehh? That's really neat. But, how do you know what a vagina looks like without ever actually seeing one?
  9. You hit everyone don't you? Make a comment about the Bills for once and keep the insults to yourself. Can you?
  10. No, we're referring to you and the other guys who jump on people with personal insults when we (God forbid) say we didn't like something.
  11. Absolutely what I've been trying to get through to them. They simply don't want to hear it. I believe they are in denial or something. They need to face facts that we haven't been successful in a long time. I think they are stuck (in their minds) in the Superbowl years.
  12. Yep, we should call them "The Three Amigos".
  13. "Find another frickin team"? See my post, #13, of Mopreme's "Draft turned to bust" . I correctly predicted some jerk off would say that. Looks like you're drivel by rote needs a fresh angle. My point is this: You cannot compare the fans knowledge to an NFL scouting dept. right? So, I have to compare ours to other NFL teams. And they have fallen short this century.
  14. Yes, the Bills and their personnel professionals get their info directly (first hand). But, comparing them to me and not other NFL teams is where you have faulty logic. It's apples and oranges. I'd hope that they know more than the fans since that is their jobs. But, as compared to other NFL teams, they have fallen short for a long time (1999). Get it? I've tried to put it in terms you might comprehend.
  15. So true. And to these clowns who are bashing this: Who's been more successful our front office or the Pats? Which team has been doing better lately? I know, I know, there'll be some jerk off saying "Then go be a Pats fan". It's comedy.
  16. As much as he should try to justify the "jerking" comment immediately preceeding.
  17. Who on this board doesn't get information from the internet? What a dumb comment. My guess is that you guys are ridiculous. When a team hasn't made the playoffs since 1999, I think it's fair for the fans to question things.
  18. I didn't throw that out until he wrote the first personal attack. See how things get twisted by "The Clique" ?
  19. Wrong again. I wrote that nobody has a crystal ball, so we don't know how these players will turn out. I do have an issue with the positions that they have selected (and more importantly ignored). You guys like to argue for the sake of arguing.
  20. You and your buddies are like a little clique around here, aren't ya? Sorry, but I'm not sitting back and regurgitating your opinions for harmony's sake if I don't agree with them.
  21. I never see posts of yours discussing the Bills. All you do is B word about peolple who don't agree with your ridiculous opinions.
  22. You again? You really are a persistent little bugger, aren't ya?
  23. "hear"??? It's "here" in that case brainiac. You need to go do your special ed homework too.
  24. Are you Ramius with a 2nd log in? If not, then you two clowns ought to go get a room.
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