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Everything posted by drunkenirishmann

  1. Those were my thoughts exactly when I initially read about the signing
  2. I don't think they really had a choice on this one.....it was him or that crack addict Quincy. If not, they would have had to throw away the season w/an inexperienced QB.
  3. I feel your pain on this one. My finace purchased my 1st jersey ever for my birthday a few months back. I suggested either WM or TKO. She chose TKO. Needless to say, I was wearing it @ the time
  4. I still don't understand MMs logic on this one. Sure, if WM needs a break here and there that is completely exceptable.....but to take out our best offensive threat routinely on the most critical down of a series is baffling.
  5. Amazing.....1st play from the LOS and TO scores a 64yd TD......and the ball was in the air for about 40yds.
  6. Not a problem......just start practicing some of those contortion moves.
  7. My girlfriend and I are going to be in in LA for a week to visit a relative who's a big bills fan. We're planning on going to the game while we're there. It will be my 1st time seeing the Bills away from RWS (besides the pre-season game against the packers in Toronto a number of years back)
  8. ....just another reason why I'm considering SIRIUS radio
  9. "Camp Observations, A 20/20 Observation" - HenryFumbles That's your idea of a 20/20 observation?
  10. Most definitely.......I get out of work tomorrow @ 3pm.....and since camp is only 10min down the road I'll probably swing by for a while. I also plan on going Monday morning.
  11. Hopefully he's referring to 3rd quarter statistics only
  12. Great report! Looking forward to your next one.
  13. I knew once I wrote that someone would jump all over me. Let me elaborate, I'm obviously not saying to severing overpay any player on the roster. But in this case for instance, lets say in the process of re-negotiating his contract he knows he can get a premium of 3M a year from another team. Would if I mind of he was offered 3.5M here to keep him here for the remainder of his career? Absolutely not. His leadership, work ethic, play ability, (etc.) makes his value to the Bills organization far more valuable than another team.
  14. I'm torn on whether to sign up for SIRIUS or XM radio. I would be using it primarily for sports radio (NFL).....any suggestions on which has the better package?
  15. Moulds is probably one of the only few players I wouldn't mind if TD overpaid as long as he retired as a Bill.
  16. Unless this season goes terribly south (due to the QB position) I don't see Moulds going anywhere.
  17. I thought I read somewhere that he was his nephew
  18. I like the thought but the problem is, if that happens then the Jets will still have 1 more win than we do
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