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Posts posted by dickleyjones

  1. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    ‘Fictosexual’ man married hologram bride, but now struggles to bond with her



    A “fictosexual” man who wed a fictional, computer-synthesized pop singer four years ago said he’s now unable to communicate with his wife, but is still in love with her.


    Akihiko Kondo, 38, was dating Hatsune Miku — depicted in pop culture as a 16-year-old with turquoise hair — for a decade before they had an unofficial wedding ceremony in 2018. Kondo — one of many who identifies as “fictosexual,” or someone who is sexually attracted to fictional characters — spent 2 million yen, or about $17,300, on the nuptials, but his family did not attend.


    Now married for four years, Kondo, 38, said his relationship has hit a roadblock: He can no longer speak with Miku due to a technological hurdle, according to Japanese newspaper Mainichi.


    While Kondo acknowledges his relationship might be odd — he understands Miku isn’t a real person — it doesn’t change his feelings for her. Since falling in love with her in 2008, Kondo was finally able to interact with Miku for the first time in 2017 thanks to a Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that allowed device owners to interact with characters via holograms and even unofficially marry them.






    38 years old.  The oldest of the millennials 


    Is their any doubt this generation has been an absolute disaster.



    And it's only going to get more insane. 


    And normalizes by Team Blue because they just can't help themselves.    

    so...because you don't agree with someone's fetish/lifestyle this means an entire generation is a disaster, and you can conclude it's going to get "more insane". interesting logic.


    can't we just like...let people do what they want and not judge? as long as he is not hurting another person, who cares what this dude does for pleasure. ffs.

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  2. i don't think you could ever erase "family" type projects from the curriculum. if it's not a "my family" project, it's a "what i did last summer" or what have you. most kids know their families better than anything else. they are a great basis for learning. these issues are going to come up in some way, and yes, as long as it is approached with kindness, empathy, understanding, it should be ok.



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  3. yep, looks like we are on the same page.


    i was thinking of another very common situation in grade school - kids doing projects and presentations about their families. we all did it. so, when Jimmy gets up in front of the class and shows some pictures (not sexually explicit pictures, obviously) of his two dads, sister, and dog as he presents and talks about his family, i would hope that is considered ok in the context of this law.


  4. 30 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I'll politely disagree.  Teachers are not there to answer every question posed to them by students. Teachers are professionals and they know EXACTLY how to do this.  They are actually trained how to deflect. They do not have all the answers to life's mysteries.  They are not priests....they are teachers. There job is to deliver a state approved curriculum. Period! 

    teachers are more than just that.


    kids get hurt, teased, bullied, whatever, i'm sure a kind word from the teacher helps at that time. i know it helped me when my parents were getting divorced when i was little. it's not like my teacher had any incredible insight that solved my problems. but even just kind words from someone you trust in a time like that is appreciated and is the right thing to do.

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  5. so, unless i missed something else,  this seems to be the relevant bit: "3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."


    so on the one hand it's pretty vague, but "classroom instruction" implies that there won't be specific curriculum or class times dedicated to sexual orientation or gender identity. it does seem discriminatory to be so specific, but at the same time there are many things that are not taught as a class.


    if, however, it means that a teacher is to *never* reference gender or sexual orientation, i have to disagree with that. kids need to be able to ask questions and teachers need to provide answers. sure, you are not going to want teachers to explain details of sexual intercourse and the like. but explaining to a child that yes, some kids have two moms and the two moms love each other just like a mom and dad love each other, should be allowed imo.



  6. Canadian parent of a lesbian child here. i am curious about what's going on in florida. but as usual it's difficult to get proper info.


    is this about not allowing sexuality to be taught as a class for young kids? or is it more strict than that? for example, if a kid asks teacher "how can Timmy have two moms?" is a teacher allowed to give any answer at all?


    as someone with relevant experience, i'd like to jump in on the conversation but it's become pretty cloudy as to what this is actually about.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

    Are you denying that the Canadian federal government is leaving in place these "tools" that would freeze financial assets of their fellow citizens iff "they" determined that they were a risk? I watched as Freeland (what a name) delivered the announcement. Your country is now no longer a free democracy. 

    i'm not denying, although you and i don't know the details yet, so it is hard to confirm what it really means.  the gov already has the ability to freeze accounts, without need for emergency act in some cases, and with the act in others. i think the "tools" they are talking about have to do with crypto and crowd funding, as we don't really have anything in place besides the emerg act for either, but we shall see.


    i'm not sure we were ever a "free" democracy as you put it. neither is the usa as far as i can tell. i'm not sure any country is. depends on who you ask.



  8. 2 hours ago, wnyguy said:

    However the Canadian government has stated that certain "tools" that were used during the Emergency Measures would be permanently put in place. The ability to freeze corporate and or personal financial accounts on anyone "they" determine to be a threat, i.e. peaceful protesters. That is no Democracy that is Tyranny. 

    "peaceful" lol. 


    "tyranny"  lol.



    it's almost as if you have no idea what you are talking about...could it be?



    2 hours ago, B-Man said:



    So he was going to lose them.................


    Canadian Senator: Trudeau Revoked Emergencies Act as Senate Leaned Towards Disapproval






    but if the senate can stop it...what happened to our tyranny?

  9. 14 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    What part of Toronto? I have friends who live in North York and they have not mentioned it when we discussed how screwed Canada is 

    near queen's park. seemed reasonable to me. people were getting through they were just making sure we don't do ottawa again.


    and don't worry about Canada, we discuss how screwed the usa is too.

  10. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Denied bail for counselling mischief? If you think that is reasonable you and I will never agree 

    There are many reasons to deny bail, and she failed in three ways: the bail judge determined she is a flight risk, her surety was unreliable, and she is highly likely to reoffend. 


    And counselling mischief is plenty serious when it leads to what happened in Ottawa.


    Mischief alone can lead to 10 years in prison in canada (although that would be extreme). counselling many people to do crime is likely more problematic than that.


    We dont have to agree, I cant say I have enough info into what she actually did to make a determination.

  11. 1 hour ago, dpberr said:

    An Ottawa judge denied bail for Lich.  She's charged with mischief.  


    Let that soak in.  


    She was the brains behind the fundraising, and it appears Trudeau is pretty pissed about that.  



    She was not only charged with mischief, but please do keep the ignorance rolling.

  12. 6 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Stop simping.  The Canadian government is a joke.  They embarrassed themselves on the world stage and deserve all the criticism they are receiving. 


    7 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    That would be you.



    Back to the thread.



    Canadian news:



    ah yes very hysterical lol


    i see you brought out the most reputable canadian source: Ezra Levant. proof you really have no idea...

    • Like (+1) 1
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  13. Just now, SCBills said:


    That's most protests, so I don't necessarily agree.  


    Regardless, fine, arrest people if they deem necessary.  You don't call them false derogatory names, freeze bank accounts, declare emergency powers and send the police chief out there to hunt down anyone involved and intimidate shop owners who helped the protest. 


    This was so wildly disproportionate to what was actually occurring and the Ottawa Police Chief is a straight up movie villain. 

    oh god...who is "hysterical" now? lol

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  14. 3 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    I saw a peaceful protest stomped down by a hysterical government that declared emergency powers, froze bank accounts and seized personal property.   I now see an overzealous police chief stating they will hunt down anyone who was involved in the protest, with video of police declaring “red zones” and threatening to arrest citizens for daring to walk down the street to grab a cup of coffee.   I also see police threatening shop owners who dared serve/help the truckers.  

    What am I missing?

    you are missing the other side of the equation. the citizens of ottawa apparently don't appreciate being held hostage in their own city, being unable to sleep in their own homes or do business, that the protest is not peaceful as you claim (although for sure many of the people are peaceful).  ask the people who work and live in that area.


    also..."hysterical? stomped?" i think you forgot "slammed!"

    3 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    I also support what BLM originally stands for.  I think it’s safe to say that a vast majority of protesters (peaceful or not) have no idea what the term Black Lives Matter actually means. It’s very simple and both sides don’t even know it. 

    agreed and this protest is the same. it, like BLM protests, was accosted by some bad actors.


    hopefully, if people want to protest, the protests will continue. most canadians support that. just not in the same destructive fashion.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    How else should we get our news? And please enlighten us on what is happening there? 

    at least ask the people who live in ottawa. and ask the people who are a part of the protests.


    the news and twitter culture are after $$ and/or popularity. if you believe them, you believe that nazi and confederate flags are rampant (not at all, this entire protest has some real pricks to be sure but it is mostly regular people), and you also believe a person was trampled to death by a horse (also not at all).


    i support the protest. even though i really don't support their cause. many people feel the same. but when you trample other people's rights to death with a horse we are going to have a problem.


    as for freezing bank accounts - in canada it is one of our favourite things to do to proclaim we are not like americans (despite the fact that we are obviously far more similar than we are different). and so when we see american millions pouring into a few bank accounts to help a canadian political movement hold our capitol hostage, we take offense and even overreach to stop it. and it will be supported by a majority of canadians.


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