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Posts posted by dickleyjones

  1. 7 hours ago, SoTier said:


    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:    :lol:   


    Thank you for proving that my statement was absolutely correct. 



    Oh, but there are lots of people who smuggle illegal Chinese immigrants across the Canadian border, especially across the Niagara and Detroit Rivers.   I guess those arrests don't make the news in So Cal so they don't count, right?   


    More importantly, spotting illegal Canadians isn't the problem.  Assuming that Canadians who are here are either tourists or here legally while assuming that Latinos are here illegally is the problem.  



    It seems you are also making assumptions. Canadians have a multitude of ethnic backgrounds including Chinese and Latino.

  2. 21 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I honestly do not understand how you can state the USA is clearly different than most of the rest of the world. I think the differences make us superior but even you don't think we are superior the difference between how our country is built vs Europe is built is easily noticable if you leave the inner cities.

    Sure there are differences, mostly superficial. Far more similarities. For example, we think we are superior too. I'm sure most western countries do.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    I can’t explain why they do it. They have multinational rosters, a Canadian franchise and make money all over the world. Same for all the other sports. They’re  entertainment not patriotic of government sponsored events. 

    Plenty of gov money in sports. And a vested interest in distracting the public. It's roman empire 101: give them gladiators so they don't notice what we do.

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Big Gun said:

    Still ignoring that evidence huh. Maybe if you came out of mommies basement once and a while you might actually be forced to communicate on a respectful level with others. 


    You don't because you're scared and you know you others would hold you accountable to your face, loser! Again you are a sad excuse of a human!   

    Irony is cool

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  5. 1 minute ago, Gene1973 said:

    Actually no, it's normal for a human male with testoserone. The problems come in when trying to supress the anger.

    Really. The urge to do so? Sure.


    Grown ups can control such urges. Control yourself. Find other outlets so you don't have a suppression problem.

  6. 14 hours ago, IndyMark said:


    I wonder why you only made a comment on the poster here, but decided to question TBBills about deep reflection and a very, seemingly, genuine and noble cause to listen and perhaps question one's view point?  If you spent any time on this board the last 4 years you would know that those who blindly supported, without any hesitation, trump were brutally pious and condescending at...every.....single....opportunity.  Your presence would have been useful then.


    I am fairly confident two wrongs do not make a right, but you really should have spent time on this board or you should now go back and read the posts and post titles from the last 3 years, once you do a lot of your questions will be answered.  "What about-isms", loving when "libtards" heads will explode, stuff like that got old and many people just kept quiet, took notes, and waited for Karma.  Now that the tables turned, suddenly we should all be Ghandi?  The blue collar axiom of "payback is a B word" should have been heeded by the trumponians who only cherished "snowflakes" being crushed by real god-fearin' 'Muricans trying to make america great again....whatever that means.


    I appreciate your tone, but instead of questioning posters who are expressing an equal and opposite reaction to nearly 4 years of ridiculous behavior on this board spend time on the history here; you know, those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.  Or, the next time someone on the right or a trumponian makes a broad generalization, ask them to reflect and accept that they may be wrong also.  If not, it comes across as insincere.


    And to pre-empt, admittedly I have dropped in recently to take engage with a bully who was taking pot shots......you kick a lying dog enough you ought to expect a reaction.....getting a taste of their own medicine so to speak....very deserving.  This stated, I have been wrong before and actually apologized to those that I may have wronged. It is a really liberating feeling.  I am 100% sure if the majority of people on this board met each other in real life, without this forum's context, we would likely enjoy each others company and learn that we have more in common than not.  


    Now, when will the cycle stop?  Or who should be the bigger "person"?  Considering the true trumponians (those who think he can do not wrong, ironcially) engaged like this for 4 years, at least give the other side one year.....then worry about being the bigger person.  If the cycle remains then, of course there is an issue....but for now......if you were big enough to dole it out, you must be big enough to take it. This is life.

    Fair questions. I have questioned people on "both sides" over the years. I have advocated for togetherness and understanding. Those hating on all things trump, and those who seem to worship him. Both are foolish in my opinion. You are correct that maybe right now is not the time to seek such things but then again when is the right time? A year from now as you suggest? We shall see.


    And yeah i'm under no illusion that we are all going to get along suddenly. But what i have become concerned with is the rather terrible forms of communication practised in our society and where that is leading us. Text messaging, forums, twitter, etc are all lacking and it creates problems. I mean, don't get me wrong, they are great in their own way. But as a vehicle for true dialogue they are awful. There is little nuance, a propensity to assume (incorrectly) and dehumanize, zero body language and what seems like a willful ignorance.


    If each of us could have a one on one conversation with someone of opposing views with the goal of understanding, not winning or convincing or being right, i think it would be a major step towards peace and moving forward together.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    No. That was not aimed at you directly and personally, but rather the representative of the Republican party asking to be listened to.


    I've tried listening to them since you couldnt escape their in-your-face methods for the last 4 years even if I wanted to. I havent heard any semblance of reasonable policies, ideas, or governorship. No real ideals or ethos, other than TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! CRY ABOUT IT! and fear-mongering and ignorance about their fellow Americans.


    No ideas on how to fix any of the problems our country faces. Just who to blame it all on.


    I really have no want or need to listen to any more of it. If they come up with anything of substance and reason, I'd look forward to it.


    But the Dems taking back the Presidency isnt a sign the People want the Dems to listen to Republicans. It's a sign the People want Republicans, who have been in complete control the last 4 years, to start listening to the Dems.

    i wonder if there is really are no ideal or ethos, or just, no ideal or ethos on the surface (ie the politicians)? it seems to me most individual people have ideals.


    i understand it is hard to listen. especially when the voices are loud and numerous. in fact, i would not expect anyone to be able to listen in that context. the communication is too one-way for that.


    one-on-one dialogue is the way to go. if everyone paired off an got to really learn about the other person and understand what they are thinking and why they are thinking that way it would be a revelation. difficult to be sure, but it starts with two people.


    i've mentioned it around here before but again i recommend the Daryl Davis documentary "Accidental Courtesy". in short Daryl is a black man who has dialogue with kkk members. the results are quite amazing imo.

  8. 2 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    Yea that sounds like you want us to listen to each other... stop hiding your bull#### agenda.

    what agenda is that? what is wrong about asking you to accept that you can be and are wrong about things?


    i am wrong about things. i make baseless assumptions sometimes and have to correct myself. i can be insensitive sometimes. i'm sure there are many other examples.


    are you saying that you are not wrong about anything?

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