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Posts posted by dickleyjones

  1. 2 hours ago, westside2 said:

    The end justifies the means. That's why they set up the bogus Russian collusion. They have no morals. What I don't understand is why do the lefties on here support such a crooked, racist, sexist candidate?


    this is politics. winning is all that matters and no party gives a damn how they get there. Rs are just as bad as Ds. same goes for me in canada, couple more parties hanging around but they all would do anything to win.


    winners get to do things, losers get to do nothing, when that is what is on the line strategy says win first be moral later

  2. 1 hour ago, westside2 said:

    I respectfully disagree. If you give them the idea that behaving that way will give them what they want, you know they will not end at throwing tantrums. It would get progressively worse. Best to stop that in the beginning before it's too late.

    certainly this point applies to both Ds and Rs.


    reward their behaviour, expect more of the same.

  3. the issue here is not trump's current health or what people say about it. he should get the best treatment possible and will hopefully come out of it ok.


    the actual issue are the obvious mistakes and ignorance when it comes to keeping the white house clean and safe. they have all of the resources needed to make it the safest environment possible. if only someone had had the will.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    I'm not going through pubmed and digging them all up. They are there.  Unless the meta analysis you cite only looks at randomized controlled trials then they are not gold standard. 

    Rct are a terrible gold standard. They are routinely misinterpreted and misused. Damn shame really because Rct are useful, just not as useful as those invested in ebm would have you believe. 

  5. 2 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Wait a second.  When Allen is playing lights out, people think he is a better player than when he was a 58% passer?  No way!


    allen and the offense was the weak point of the team last year.  This year, he’s the strength.  I don’t know why some of you are so sensitive about this. He is playing great, way better than he has ever shown on Any level of football.  Salute him but some of you act like it was some nation wide conspiracy to trash him.



    i must disagree, well, mostly.


    my beef with the pundits and stats lovers concerning allen has been that they use statistics improperly and are in complete denial about that fact. there were so many confounding variables where allen is concerned. yes, he improved more than many qbs have. but he had so much reason that he might improve, namely, he never played anywhere near an nfl level when many others had. wyoming isn't much prep for the nfl whereas other schools are. so in a sense, allen has been a few years behind comparable qbs and instead of learning in college he had to learn on the job in the NFL. now things are slowing down for him and he can play. it is not all that shocking when you look at it in context.


    i don't think it was a conspiracy regarding allen. i just think the pundits used their supposed math/analysis skills to interpret data and they did it wrong (and they continue to do it wrong). the analytics crowd need some hard lessons in statistical analysis and allen has provided that in droves. in their defense, there is a tonne of poor statistics going around in this world in more important sectors than sports.

  6. 21 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    All I'll say at this point is it's another selection based on gender vs the best candidate.  I have an issue with that.  The minute Trump said his pick was going to be a woman I felt the exact same way that I felt when Biden based is VP pick on gender AND color.  

    I don't understand this thinking. It seems you are assuming there is only one option, an absolute "best" to be found. Is that really possible? Is the "best" woman (in this case) measurably worse than the "best" man?  maybe i'm an ignorant canadian but i think there are probably many people who would do a great job, men and women alike.

  7. It's 350 pages so it must be good!


    It is ok, most people really do not have a grasp on sampling and statistical modelling yet conclusions are drawn and systems are implemented based on such shoddy science. We see it almost every day now. PFF is a prime example.

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  8. 2 hours ago, DCOrange said:

    There won't be conclusive video evidence that the kick was good but it was. I guarantee if anyone cared enough, a physicist could tell you that based on the trajectory of the kick, the speed of the kick, and where it hit the net, it must have been inside the uprights when it crossed over the crossbar. It looks obvious to me but I'm no physicist so I can't give you the actual numbers behind it.


    It's kinda like one of those plays in basketball where a player swipes his hand left but the ball is deflected out of bounds to the right and the ref says it was off that player. The physics of the play tell you that it's impossible but you can't just tell the ref that what they just called is physically impossible lol. I say this from experience...one of my basketball coaches growing up was an actual physicist and he used to make this argument to refs all the time and he received a technical foul every time.

    you guarantee what physics may show, but don't know physics. quite the guarantee!

  9. Just now, SydneyBillsFan said:

    I find the lack of a proper understanding of the "BLM" movement absolutely staggering.


    BLM is a Marxist organisation that preaches evil Marxist doctrine - fullstop. Their own official website attests to this with no ambiguity whatsoever.


    If you believe in individual responsibility and individual choice then you are by default idealogically opposed to BLM.


    None of this means you that you approve of mistreatment of minorities - or anybody for that matter.


    Like the players - whose rights I completely respect - I will also be exercising my rights this football season by hitting the mute button whenever BLM is raised. That will be my form of protest.


    Meanwhile I will continue to pray for those less fortunate than myself.


    Yes, all three of the people involved with that website are evil marxists. and did you know that antifa.com is joe biden's favourite website?


    Hehe "official"



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  10. 3 hours ago, zonabb said:

    Does fandom have to extend to what the owners' kids do? Who cares, honestly. She is a mediocre tennis player basically playing professional tennis as a hobby because her parents can support her financially. Anyone her age, with the inability to climb to any substantial position in the rankings, would have retired into a real job by now. In other words, who cares. I don't. And I don't care about the other garbage they do, shops they open, businesses they buy. The hero worship is astounding.


    Have to? no. some people care, honestly. even if you claim you don't. although you seem to considering you made the effort to post this.

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