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Posts posted by dickleyjones

  1. 55 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    You guys cant be serious with this, right? When has it ever once occurred the other way? When have you or any Republican ever accepted they were wrong? Or even accepted that someone else may have a different life perspective?


    When you are denying gay rights?

    When you are tearing children away from their families for simply wanting a better life?

    When you are yelling "ALL Lives Matter" and "He was no angel" in response to folks protesting en masse because police are murdering people?


    But now the Presidency has flipped and all of a sudden you want to be "listened to".


    We heard enough the last 4 years while they were "owning libs". I know exactly where they are coming from.



    i accept i am wrong, quite often. i also absolutely accept that most others have a different life perspective. that's the reason I try my best to listen. it is a part of how i get along with others. try it, it is rather freeing.


    i do not deny gay rights. i do not tear children away from anyone. i do not yell "all lives matter". and i am surely not a republican, nor am i a democrat.


    i'm a canadian. i look sadly upon my friends to the south. Republicans and Democrats. sad because your country is a great one, so much to offer, yet you are bogging yourselves down in self-righteousness.


    all i am suggesting is you listen to each other. does that really deserve the rebuke you lashed out with? is that not something you should consider? or is it now 4 years of hell because "they" did it last time? you do see how that is a never ending cycle, yes? it just screams of childishness.


    obligatory: sorry.

    58 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    I do try to listen to the other side. The problem is most of it is genuinely deranged fear mongering nonsense. Nothing but slippery slope arguments ($15 minimum wage will lead to communism in 6 months!!") or insane conspiracy theories ("Kamala Harris is going to round up and execute all Catholics!").

    then you are not really listening. listening requires you to actually engage. asks questions to clarify. dialogue.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, HamSandwhich said:

    Yes ignore all republicans when we will have a republican majority in the senate (runoffs are shoe in for republicans in GA) and then do executive orders which will be challenged in court. We’ll see how the Dems like it when every one of their moves are halted by some judge somewhere and challenged until it reaches the Supreme Court and dies. Have fun! 

    yep, poor politics on both sides. it is really too bad.

  3. Just now, TBBills said:

    Nothing can be done the Trumpies refuse to so just need to ignore them. Better to ignore the crazy than indulge.

    why not try really listening? not agree. just listen. see where others are coming from. accept that their life and perspective is different from yours. accept that you can be, and are, wrong. accept that your blanket statements are not helpful.


    there is so much more, start there. and if you can't seem to figure it out, find a role model who does have it figured out.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, westside2 said:

    I say, without hesitation, the left wing had a monumental meltdown that still lasts today. Can you dispute that? I don't care about your feelz, I want proof. 

    Did the Democrats act in a immature way the past four years? Any honest lefties here?

    absolutely they did. totally agree.

    and now it seems it is the R's turn.


    see, you have more in common than you want to believe! togetherness!!!

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 3 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    As for the pandemic, whatever.  That ship has sailed, it paid dividends for your people at the voting booth, but as if on cue--holy crap, a vaccine!  Thank God for Donald J Trump. 

    the pandemic definitely wasn't Trump's fault. neither was the rather poor response, most of the world was not ready. and the Ds hammered it as if it was his fault which is par for the course when you are in charge. i think it was wrong to do so, morally, but strategically you really can't blame them.


    however, the vaccine is not Trump's either. or God's for that matter. we have awesome science humans for such things.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Just now, westside2 said:

    No crystal ball, just 8 years of obama to learn from. 

    Ah right. Everything is exactly the same.


    Here comes that subprime mortgage crisis again, maybe a resurgence of Somali pirates?


    On the good side we will have analogue tv broadcasts back for a bit.


    But one thing i am confused about - who wins the nobel peace prize this time? Obama or Biden?


    Happy 2008!

  7. 26 minutes ago, aristocrat said:

    pointing out Biden’s bad policy is the opposite of racism.  Is this how you have a conversation with someone? When they point out facts you just call them racist?    

    most people are racist. both candidates are pretty lousy, douche vs turd like always. both have deluded followers.


    in the end, people vote for many reasons, some the way you describe and many not that way. so what? politics is not a game "the people" can win. for that you need a true revolution, and even then...

  8. 19 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    False. Provide hard, well-sourced evidence or stop spreading anti-American misinformation.

    well, we already know about voter suppression, gerrymandering, "lobbying", and all the other things parties implement to game the system. if it is not cheating, at best it is an extreme abuse of power...semantics.


    as for actual cases of fraud in past, there are a plethora of examples:








    or read a book, (hardcover if that's what you need):


    Deliver the Vote: A History of Election Fraud, an American Political Tradition by Tracy Campbell


    or a journal article:




    it goes on and on...


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