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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. I agree that this is the best thing for the team but can you imagine them telling him that he is back at RT when he returns and has to earn his LT spot back? Then Brandon can say "you are being paid the right amount for a starting right tackle". It is possible. The thing that really sucks about this is now, when Peters returns, he will be behind because of all the missed practice and Walker will be behind because he has been learning the left tackle position. This will screw up the teams cohesiveness.
  2. Australian bird. The Wiggles have a song about it. That's the benefit of having young kids...culture.
  3. Unless your wife can actually lick her own privates, the dog may even have an extra advantage...
  4. Much more informative than your pre-announce of the salary cap hootinany. Not quite as entertaining though. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=66671&hl=
  5. Outstanding pics. I love the way you shot multiple pics of many of the players and action. I agree with everyone about Kawika, he looks like a beast.
  6. Wow, that is really disappointing. I could see if they changed the policy going forward, but to make it retroactive is unfair. Bad move from a PR perspective.
  7. I will be going to Jacksonville and then heading to Buffalo in November for the Jets game. I can't wait!
  8. I did a cruise there about 5 years ago and it was amazing. I was on the Paul Gaugin. Moorea was beautiful, I also enjoyed Bora Bora as well. (go to Bloody Mary's.) The whole area was paradise as far as I was concered. I definitely plan on going back some time in the next few years. There are thses cool hotels that are basically huts right on the water, they seemed like a great place to stay. We did a bunch of fun things like swimming with sharks and rays (that was before the Steve Irwin thing), jet skiing around bora bora, etc. Best vacation I ever went on, you will love Moorea.
  9. Offense: Lynch. He will help open up the passing game. Of course if Hardy can score several red zone TD's than it might be him. Defense: Stroud. There will be plenty of contributors like Poz, Mitchell, Schobel, but they will succeed because Stroud is taking the heat off of them. We went from best to worst seemingly overnight when we lost Pat Williams, this time we will go from average to best.
  10. In n particular order: Marshawn Lynch - top 15 Lee Evans - top 20 Jason Peters - top 15 Moorman - top 3 I'm struggling with the 5th off of the top of my head. I'll go out on a limb and say Stroud - top 20
  11. I'll be back later to let you know when I will post my response. It'll be a real hootinanny.
  12. I hope this is true. He's my new hero: Anonymous said... Cooley met his future wife when she joined he and another 'Skins cheerleader...for a threesome. He dropped the original cheerleader for her, after the fact. Chris Cooley is the badass of all badasses.
  13. I heard the Falcon's GM say the reason they did the deal with Ryan when they did was because after that day you could no longer do 6 year deals, only up to 5. (until the new agreement is put in place) Not sure if that is true or not.
  14. I'm gonna bump this old thread because I am curious why people say that we are cheap and don't pay players once they become good. This seems to be the rhetoric that some in the national media like Mort, use but I don't think it is true. Does anyone here defend that point of view?
  15. I agree. We can easily fit him under the cap. We need him fully gruntled.
  16. Some QB's have charsima others have poise but only G Hamdan can give you the Chroise. by the way, please stop posting, you are at the perfect number.
  17. I don't agree with this statement. The only time I have believed that to be true in recent history was Pat Williams. Other than that, the decidion not to sign players has been based more on having other options available at the same position, not trying to save money. Besides Williams, what players do you think were released or not re-signed to save money that were bad decisions? Spikes, Clemens, Henry, Fletcher? There were other resons besides money to move away from these guys.
  18. He got a job as a painter with his friend Laurel and then the hilarity ensued. Lots of ladder being swung around, paint cans flying through the air, it's too bad you missed it.
  19. I second Meehans. Good food beer scenery etc...
  20. Atlanta. Actually my estimates might be low.
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